In this episode Theweedguy rolls up a Crazy Awesome WORLD CLASS joint and medikates large. For more videos go to KUSH.CA , and don't for get to ENJOY ...
u know there's a book on how to roll joints! like no joke i was in the mall
today. went to spencers and there it was! it looked like a compersition
notebook, it was green n it said how to roll manual...i think lmao but yea
it had all different ways to roll. n i'm thinkin thats where this guy found
some of the piks or watever :0
@ElDopadromo thats just the way we smoke; you can make the filter the way
you want sometimes so you get the smoke extra fast in youre lounghs (those
breathing things) ~sorry for bad english but dont call it gay; we all have
our own ways.. Greets from Asmterdam
@wallymeldrum use some thick paper and use that as your filter. I had the
same problem as im not old enough to go n buy some papers or tips. As for
papers, im pretty sure someone at your school can hook you up.
They are excellent graphics, but full images and explenations are
originally here weedfarmer(dot)com/joint_rolling/index.htm (stupid youtube,
not allowing me to link)
+Jack Black Did I say he died? Did you read his comment? No, being 14 wont kill him, but it will stunt his brain growth(Already proven by PRO-CANNABIS studies.) And being 14 means he has little to no tolerance. Do yourself a favor, think before you speak/type.
I've never understood why over here, in Europe, it is so popular to smoke
with tobacco... I feel like I'm the only person in the UK who smokes pure
joints :P can I ask why you roll with tobacco?
hey, the tune wich i was playing is mixed by patricg guiliome or p88 aka
Sarin assault....if you fix me your hotmailaccount youll get the whole
thing, if you like!! lots os luv from hengelo