I literally can't stop smiling. Maybe it's bc this Fez hasn't been seen in
so long. It feels like remembering someone who died a long time ago. Great
clip. Thanks for this
Bacterial Infections: Why THIS Program Eliminates Them; Unique Healing® by Donna Pessin.mp4
Why this unique program of healing your bowel and body eliminates bacterial infections (staph, strep, e-coli, diarrhea, sinus infections, pneumonia, etc.) in a way ...
Watch the blue man's interview with Oprah. He admits to not only ingesting huge quantities every day, but also washing his body with it and bathing in it. Extensively... Not taking it the odd time loll :)
(1 of 2) I talk about Vegas, flying in my first plane, a brief cancer update as well. See part 2 for all of Braden's diet implementations.
Good luck with the potty training my dauter is 5 and finnely got her
dianosis for autism last week she's still not pottly train but still
working on it she is starting to understand what she spose to be doing with
the potty i subcribed glad i came across your channel
thanx for the vegas update. so...Phantasy bad, Zoomanity good. got it!
message me with what else was great out there. i know people go out there
to gamble..but I don't wanna. a big YAY on the cancer update. and thanx for
the update on Braden. *S7*
Yea we didn't gamble very much, there is so much other stuff to do. There
is abig M&M factory, all the casinos have displays, aquariums, ECT. The
stratosphere is amazing and the freemont experience is fun too.
I'd like to see Cirque du Soleil someday; the rest I could pass on, from
the sound of it. My brother in Jacksonville speaks highly of the Mayo
Clinic too. I'm glad it worked out well for you.
if you dudes require to get ripped quick without wasting a single another
minute in the gym, then you have to watch this video tutorial SIXPP.COM You
can't tell how heavy somebody else's load is just from looking. The Lord
doesn't give us more than we can carry
Really dont think 13% body fat is accurate in those first pics. Google what
13% body fat looks like, your not there. Not trying to be mean, just
informing you.
that last pic you might have been 12% body fat probably more
Kicking Asthma with Beachbody Work Outs
I have kicked my asthma with Beachbody's Insanity and Asylum. I feel so much better and don't get sick nearly as much as I used to. I am 100% off Advair (I was ...
My Skincare Routine for Postpartum Dry Skin!
I filmed this before Christmas (before getting walking pneumonia!) so I'm sorry that it's a little old!! My routine has changed a bit since my skin got super used to ...