Un lion sauve un bébé gnou | Lion Protects Wildebeest Calf from Killer Lion
Des touristes filment une scène rare et insolite dans la savane africaine, où un lion va semble t-il attaquer un bébé gnou qui se retrouve tout seul dans la nature.
Les Lions sont des créatures vraiment uniques. Oui, ce sont de terribles
prédateurs qui sont programmés pour chasser les plus grands et les plus
agressifs gibiers sur terre, c'est là leur rôle. Mais ce sont également les
seuls véritables félins qui ont une vie sociale, cette vie des lions en
communauté a été jugée la plus complexe qu'on peut retrouver dans la
nature! Parfois, leurs comportements imprévisibles étonnent.
Il est bien connu depuis les temps antiques que les lions mâles ou femelles
parfois épargnent la vie des petits animaux, et même des humains. En ce qui
concerne les animaux, on peut à juste titre expliquer cela par l'instinct
maternel. Mais chez les lions ça va plus loin. On a vu par exemple un
léopard femelle prendre soin d'un bébé babouin qui était de la taille d'un
bébé léopard. Les bébés antilopes ne sont pas du tout de la taille d'un
lionceau et portant on a vue et filmé en quelques occasions différentes
lionnes les protéger. On peut encore là prétendre que c'est l'instinct
maternel, mais comment expliquer que des mâles ont aussi fait la même
chose? Il n'est pas rare de voir des lions sauvages épargner la vie des
petits animaux. On a vu un groupe de lions incluant un gros mâle entourer
un renardeau blessé et le protéger pour un certain temps. On a vu une
lionne discipliner un lionceau qui avait blessé un jeune animal en jouant
avec lui.
Même en captivité, les rats ont toutes les chances de sortir vivants d'une
cage d'un lion solitaire. Par contre, ils n’ont aucune chance dans une cage
d'un tigre ou d'un léopard. Au cours de l'histoire, il y a plusieurs cas où
des lions sauvages ont recherché délibérément la compagnie d'un humain, ils
sont les seuls félins à avoir ce comportement. Ceci étant dit, les lions
affamés peuvent manger de petits animaux. Contrairement aux tigres, aux
léopards et aux hyènes par exemple, en temps normal les lions ne mangent
pas un autre prédateur ou un autre lion qu'ils ont tués ou trouvés sur leur
chemin, sauf en état de famine. Encore là, ils sont distincts des autres
prédateurs. Ils sont différents dans bien d'autres domaines également.
Beaucoup pensent connaître les lions, mais en réalité, peu les connaissent
réellement et c'est vraiment dommage.
+Ross Wind très intéressant , merci si tu as les videos n'hésite pas à partager :) ,merci encore pour ces information .
Hyena Eats Wildebeest Alive Brutal Killing Full Movie..Kenya Africa
This is the full movie version of parts 1 & 2.... I have been fascinated with Africa and the animals since I was a young kid. I never thought in my lifetime I would ...
Why when it would end up a meal for another animal. It's already done with. It was probably weak in the first place which is why the hyena got it. You kill the hyena then a lion may get it and the hyena. It's nature. Don't interfere by trying to save a half dead animal. What are you going to do, take it to a vet or zoo and have them help it if it even makes the trip. They would probably look at you like an idiot and put it out of it misery like a horse.
+BorrisDaBlade25 In general? If they're lucky, maybe. It's possible some animals can go through a short of shock response where it can help to dim down the pain reception. Also, I imagine there is some pain desensitization/habituation over time. I think an animal who's being eaten alive's best chance is probably to hopefully lose enough blood quickly enough so that there isn't enough oxygen supply to their brain/nervous system to keep up with sending the pain signals. But if your predator is puncturing your lungs/asphyxiating you/puncturing large blood vessels/snapping your brainstem/biting through your brain - you're prolly SoL
why can't the rangers who drive people round and video these kills have a
silenced weapon , gun or crossbow , to kill animals in this position , the
hyenas still get the kill but the wildebeast gets put out of it's misery
quickly ?
+bernie sharp this is nature man and remember we only think this is cruel cus we are past survival of the fittest, we wont evolve anymore. if we were still homosapiens and homoerectus we'd probably fight for the food too
go out and have a drink and enjoy life instead of trying to troll people , i'm off out now with my friends for a good day out , try and enjoy the rest of your sad life , happy christmas
+bernie sharp you can't argue because you have no basis. You're bitching not because you care about that animal but simply because u wanna feel good about yourself being all humane and that bullshit. Take a video of yourself saving any animals at all, here in America for once. How's that for not being a bitch.
+bernie sharp yes why dont we have patrols all over the world letting animals out of their misery? idiot, the area is so large these things ought to happen, nature does not know mercy, you just have to deal with it.
Grands safaris en Afrique au Buffle.
Nat Geo Wild - Gnou
Lancée en septembre 2008 en France, Nat Geo Wild, chaine du groupe Fox International Channels France, dévoile la beauté de la vie sauvage et révèle les ...
le monde animal
cette video et la plus bizzard au monde mais aussi la plus magnifique car elle a mit l'intrigue sur tout les sientifique cet une video d'un hippopotame qui a sauver ...
+Nawaf Matter Comme dirait Dieudonné, mais qu'est ce que cela peut lui foutre à l'hippopotame !
World's Deadliest - Croc Attack!
For crocodiles, sneaking up on a meal is a slippery business. But a mass migration of potential prey will give these ambush predators a chance to feast.
I wish they had more videos of PEOPLE being eaten by crocs, alive of course
It would be a great punishment for child rapists, I belive in brutal
punishment for brutal crimes
+oma rainbow :DHey comments like those don't bother me.The way I look at it is this: For Thousandsof years, all the way back to the dawn of civilization the laws that have govern manhave pretty much stayed the same (An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life)I personally believe that those principles work fine. I commented on another post about 2 black women who killed a baby girl. Both of them got life in prison. To me there is no rehabilitatingscum like this. They are better off with the death penalty. Life in prison is no lifeat all, and it costs like $50,000 a yearto keep 1 inmate alive in prison. Too much money we could be spending on better thingsI totally support the death penalty, and I don't give a rats ass what anybody else thinks !!!!!
+rbagel55 Don't worry man that fuckface who said people who think like us are fucked in the head is a total dipshit, one day when something bad happens as bad as what happened 2 your gurl 2 his loved one he will be singing a different tune plus we are all fucked in the head 1 way or other and i have zero sympathy for people who think they have right to take someone eases life anyone can call me sick for seeing murderers suffer can go ahead i could give a fuck
+Virtuously .SelfishYeah i guess you can call me an oddball.It doesn't bother me. Sure I watch goreishshit, ISIS beheadings, torture, people beingfed to animals, or being burned alive.Why? Not really entertaining, it reminds meof how fucked up the human race can be.But yes, I do believe in brutal punishmentfor brutal crimes. No sense in hating on me though, plenty of MUCH WORSE people out thereto dislike.
+Styles ClashYeah, but to me there is no excuse or reasonwhy any adult would do such a thing to a child. There is no rehabilitation. Extermination is the only solution
+mikelheron20 he had his gf beaten and killed. that's probably why he believes these people deserve death...and I agree with him. you have it backwards it's usually the person who stands up for these people that are like them.
Interestingly, the people who scream loudest for extreme penalties for paedophiles often turn out to be paedophiles themselves. I'm not saying you're a paedophile but I would advise people to keep their children away from you.
+oma rainbow :DWell I'd probably tie them up, and dump them in the swamps in Flordia, the Alligators can do a good job on them--haha. Well one thing I belive in is Karma. When a person does wrong, they usually get what is coming to them.It may not be right away, or the way we expect, but all deeds shall be repaid
+rbagel55 I am a girl myself and im sooooo sorry to hear that man i truely am just shows what a shithole humanity is i hope u find those sick fucks someday bring them over to asia ill feed them to 500 pound tigers and u can watch them get ripped apart filthy scums they should bring the death penalty back a life 4 a life
+oma rainbow :DThose who disagree never had a closeperson killed in this manner. Several years ago my ex-girlfriend was found beaten, stabbed, and raped near downtown FT. Worth TX. They never found the murderer
+rbagel55 that stuff is seriously what's killing this country. What's even more depressing is we live in a society that praises people for being criminals.
+Kiwi MunozToo many loopholes in our judicial system.Like "not guilty by reason of insanity"Whatkind of bullshit is that? Or if you are rich enough, you can basically buy your innocenselike in the case of OJ Simpson. Maybe he din't kill her-I'm sure he hired a hitman though
+Kiwi MunozWell I don't know about solving the global population problem. That is going to take something like a huge natural disaster, pandemic, or war to solve that problemI feel. It would save a lot of money though. Do you know that a US death row inmate has tospend like 20 years on death row before he/she is even elgible for execution. And itcosts $50,000 a year to keep 1 inmatealive in prison---do the math, That is a lot of fucking money! Other countries like Iranfor instance don't fuck around. They usually carry out death sentences within 6 monthsfrom the condemned persons trial to execution date. Of course they are a Muslim countryand they execute for a lot of other crimes we wouldn't, like drug smuggling, adultry.orhomosexuality. But we can use there time frame from trial to execution and save a lot of money,
+rbagel55 Totally agree. We'll just need better people in court to determine whether or not they are innocent. Yet, if this would be a persons punishment we'd have way less criminals and we'd solve the global population problem.
+Bawi SaraoYou know you think about it, and it makes good sence. Let's say you are a motheror father of a beutiful popular 18 year old daughter who was brutally raped and killled by some fucking lowlife piece of feces. You wouldmost likey wish this individual the most brutal punishment for his crimes, and wish something like this for his punishment.. I say we need to overhaul the way we puninsh criminals, such as these. A person who is placed on death row, will have to wait 20 years before they are even elgible, it's a joke. And it costs taxpayers $50,000 a year to keep a criminal;alive in the prison system for 1 year.Too much money wasted on an individual who's not worth a penny.. There is no rehabilitateing them, and they shouldn't have rights when they commit crimes like this