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Axilla anatomy

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Excellent job sir... Plz upload more videos
indeed we need videos as such

Should women grow out their armpit hair?

Armpit hair pride is rising among women. But why is not shaving your lady pits still a controversial choice? Sources: ...

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I don't shave my armpits or legs, and haven't in about 8 or 9 months! I love it because it makes me feel confident, since I'm able to be myself in my natural state and not feel oppressed by unrealistic female beauty standards. My significant other actually loves it too because the difference in how I view myself is so hugely positive, and opposite from the way I viewed myself when I was shaving. It was something I did daily, completely subconsciously, until one day, I came across a feminist article that changed my view on body hair. Women shouldn't feel pressured to remove hair that is naturally occurring on almost every human's body-- men, women, and anyone in between. Try it for just a couple of weeks! You might find that you like yourself more, just by being the way you were meant to be. :)
+M Kat That is the thing, if "feminism" makes something as trivial as this an issue, its really lost all relevance to anything actually important.Btw men's beards are completely "natural", but I don't really see a movement by feminist women to prefer that natural look.So its really just an arbitrary affectation with no actual meaning.As for "comments" from men, most men on this channel are male feminists, and there are some anti feminists. Expecting an honest opinion from a male feminist is like expecting your boyfriend to answer the cliched question of "does my butt look fat in this" with an honest answer. They are trained to say whatever it takes to remain in your good graces.Porn is a better indicator. Most porn is shaved at this point, but yes, there are niche genre's of "hairy porn", and those few men like it really wild and free. There are fettishes for all types, but unless you feel like catering to that niche, its probably not the way to go.
I should also note though that most of the negative comments I've received about not shaving, have come from other women, not men. I just wish that female bodies weren't a battleground for public scrutiny and discussion. Let a woman do whatever she wants with the way she looks!!!
I don't like pit hair on anyone, personally. I guess some is okay, I just don't like when it gets long and tangled in the middle. To me, pit hair just brings attention to an area of our bodies that readily sweats. It's where we put our deodorant. I feel like shaving off the hair draws less attention to that area, which is not an area I feel like you should want looked at. And yes like I alluded to in the beginning of my comment, even on guys. Of course I don't think I am going to change the act of guys not shaving their pits, but I can still have an opinion on it. Doesn't the sweat cling to the hair and make it even nastier? Even if not, it still makes me think that. I don't mind other hair on guys- just pits are gross to me, I don't like seeing the hair coming out from under the arm , even when it's not directly out to the world (arm down, rather than arm up, where you see it at its source).
+rachelle2227 My thoughts precisely. The thing is the hairier any area of our bodies is, the sweatier it gets. But nothing is as sweaty as armpits, so adding some more heat making it even worse is gross per definition. I understand that for really hairy guys shaving their entire body would be a ton of work, so the only thing I'd like them or anyone to do is to shave their armpits. I couldn't care less about legs or chest or anything else.However, I certainly wouldn't walk around telling people what to do with they body hair.
Lets have a moment of truth here. I only started shaving because when I was a teenager, someone told me I was gross for not shaving my legs. Then I became paranoid about, shock horror!, someone seeing a grew hair out of my body! I wish girls in the future didn't have to put up with that pressure because as you said it should be about choice. And that choice should not come with a flurry of disgusted looks or stupid comments like "if you want to die alone, then don't shave" or "no man will ever touch you if you have body hair".
+Turkey Spoony Actually, there are some things that you can just opt not to do. There may be "consequences", but they aren't allowed to be any more inconvenient for the "offenders" than they are for the observers for much the same reason that you stated yourself, societal pressures and conforming to standards and all that. We have expectations of manners and certain behavior as much as we do on appearance. With appearances, you don't have much choice in the matter of someone else's, take it or leave it. Expectations for standards of dress for employment are another story anyway, as it is not done to be sexually desirable, but rather to establish a comfortable, professional environment in a workplace, rather than to attract a mate. You might try doing some study on shaving (of armpit and pubic hair), it's not the ultimate healthier option you might think it is. It is a personal choice, and should be accepted as such. I question the emotional maturity of people who insist that others have to maintain a really strict set of grooming standards that goes beyond the most basic of needs.
+RavensSarora not at all.I think you've taken a selective application of an idealistic notion that you can just choose to buck certain societal norms without paying a price, assuming they are just arbitrary when they are actually due to a natural competitive pressure between people in a human society. As I said, one can "wish" that people didn't have to pluck their unibrows, but people do that for a reason, to become more attractive or presentable because as long as we are visual sexual creatures, appearances matter.+LC SharpI'm saying the pressure is understandable. Like the pressure to wear appropriate clothing during a job interview. One can just claim that it doesn't matter because it should be about "who i am" not what I look like, but idealistic notions do survive reality. If one shows up to a job interview with flip flops and a tshirt, I think they might feel a little shame esp if they failed to get the job. I"m saying that one can't just disregard the possible reasons for many of these rituals, they aren't as arbitrary as one might think. Something as simple as high heels works on the principle of emphasizing the sexual characteristics of a woman's body, and studies show that men are more "helpful" to such women, it isn't just an arbitrary thing that such shoes came into being and have stayed around while the men's versions have gone away.
+Turkey Spoony You're right about the social pressure, but RavensSarora wasn't saying everyone should stop shaving or grooming and "go natural because it's good." They were simply saying that the pressure to shave is an unnecessary one and it should be left up to the individual person to chose what's right for them. That's a choice that should come without guilt or shame but for most women, that's not the case.
+Turkey Spoony You've 100 percent missed the point of my comment. 
+RavensSarora Societal pressure is a part of life. Its behind the clothes you wear to how you style your hair to what expectations you are expected to meet at school or at work, people conform because there are standards.Certain things are unattractive. For instance, a unibrow is "natural" on some people, but I don't think even feminist men would go as far as to claim that its an attractive look.I find it strange when people arbitrarily work from the assumption that if its "natural" its good. Many things are natural, including crooked teeth and worse. But in this modern world we've invented things which solve such issues. And as "solutions" go, a razor is about as easy as it gets for solving the arm pit hair issue.Things just arn't arbitrary, when you want to be hired for a job, you dress up to be presentable, and in our daily life we also fit a certain standard to send a message to the world about who we are.
+RavensSarora I absolutely adore your comment. It was the same deal for me. I got hair in places that I knew was "gross" so I go rid of it because I was afraid of being an outcast. As I've gotten older, I've gone through periods of shaving or waxing religiously and letting it all grow out for various reasons. Now I'm at a point where I'll shave certain parts of my body at different times but it's because I want to, not because I'm afraid of the consequences if I don't. That's what I want for other girls. For them to make whatever choice works for them.Besides, all those stupid comments are wrong anyway. The right partner dosen't care all that much. My partner is a pretty typical guy and he's alright with whatever I decide to do with my body. His views are "hair is hair" and as long as I don't expect him to shave his legs or pits for me he doesn't expect it of me either.
kinda annoying that it's mostly white girls in those armpit hair selfies. lets not forget to embrace all types of hair too-whether it's dark, coarse, whatever. it shouldn't only be thin blonde hair that represents feminism
+maiming betty No.
+HeyitsTazia is this sarcasm? If not... LOL
+prediculous That's what feminism is! a bunch a white women on tumblr. they only care about their own agenda.
Not my body? Not my business. That is actually a remarkably flexible sentiment.
+wizdumbbk So your opinion is more important than another person's autonomy? OK, good to know. Have a nice day. Peace.
+tetsubo57 Again...UNREALISTIC. We will never live in a world where people will stop having an opinion or expressing that opinion. External hair such as armpit hair or the hair on ones head is fair game for an opinion because we make it our business to show it off. Do you know when something is no ones business? when it is done in private. When something is done for the world to see a person would be a fool if they did not considered that people will 1) look at it, and  2) have a reaction toward it. This reaction my be physical or verbal but you will never be able to stop people from having it. Some of the reactions will not be like and other we will be loved but anything done in public is open to that reaction. I take it you would want to live in a world where people just ignore things and walk away as if they do not see it but that will never happen with everyone...If your approach is to encourage the world to never have anything to say about anyone's physical appearance, good or bad,I say it is unrealistic. If your approach is to ONLY say something that is a compliment I again say it is unrealistic... In the end If we show it off be ready for someone to have something to say about it. This not only includes someones appearance, but also their behavior.
+wizdumbbk What another person does with their body (shave, not shave, tattoo, not tattoo, etc.) really isn't any of your business. An external item (hair, ink) is a less problematic comment topic. Armpit hair? Yea, keep that opinion to yourself unless asked.
+tetsubo57 unrealistic! humans will always take in information from their environment and make judgments about it. We decided what is attractive to us and what is not. "Not my body not my business" means no one should ever have an opinion about anyone, good or bad. Should we live in a world where someone cannot tell someone else "hey cool tattoo" or "I like you hair today"? Both of those things are judging someones appearance. People seem to disagree with judging other peoples appearance ONLY what the judgment is something they don't want to hear.


Welcome! today I show you 4 ways to lighten underarms naturally! Did you notice the difference in my underarms the end, my left was a lot lighter than the right ...

User Comments

Why does she dye her hair grey? She looks like a grandma hehe
Because I'm old enough to do what I want
Can I use aloe Vera from a bottle?i buy it in a bottle to squeeze out and keep it in the fridge.
I'm not sure if it will work quite as well, bottled products contain preservatives that mightn't make it as effective
Does the potato have to be cooked or something ?
+Carly Musleh ok thanks
No it must be raw
This was such a good video and put together so well! You are a YouTuber that deserves to do well you can see all the hard work you have put into this video xxx
Yes 100% I really want to get Final Cut Pro to make my videos better, as soon as i saw your Autumn collection i literally was just like i need this now! Lol But your videos are not only well put together but very classy! You will go far will YouTube you will always get a thumbs up from me! xx
Thank you so much, that really means a lot. I have been putting loads into my videos so to see it's noticed makes it all worth while xx
Love the tips & especially love the editing of this video..great job Carly!
Thank you very much!! Xx
i have ingrown hair a lot :(
Before you use any of these do a month of proper exfoliating as you may need some physical exfoliation to release the hairs and prevent blocked pores. Also if you shave don't wear tight clothing or use deodorant afterwards. Hopefully you will see some improvement, I used a salicylic acid wash by Korres and that helped me. X
Amazing Carly...so helpful. xx
Thank you lovely x
I like your accent lol where are you from?
▶ Celebrity doctor reveals his #1 trick to lose weight fast => MyDietStory .Us (remove space) 4 WAYS TO LIGHTEN UNDERARMS NATURALLY - 4 BEAUTY HACKS | Carly Musleh
The North East UK

Dying My Armpit Hair

Thank you to everyone who participated in the voting! It was fun reading all of your colour ideas ^-^ I liked my natural armpit hair colour, but dying hair is fun and I ...

User Comments

Im scared. I don't really want to shave my arm and leg hair when I'm older. But I'm scared I'm gonna get judged for it
Don't worry about what anyone else thinks, do what you want :)
fuck all those people who disliked this video, this was fucking awesome plus you look fucking gorgeous
"Shut the fuck up and grow up, immature brat." lmao and you don't think your rude? please were the same age. if you didn't like my comment that, let alone. Wasn't even meant for you, ya coulda kept scrolling. Instead ur over there fucking over reacting about one sentence cause you poked ur nose in and HAD to say something. 
+Divinity Bryant​ lol shut the fuck up and grow up, immature brat. How is "Fuck everyone who disliked the video" an opinion. Its fucking rude. Your just a sensitive little girl who cant handle others disagreeing with you so you cuss them out. You cant handle a normal conversation let alone the internet. "Ooh they dont like what I like so fuck them all"! And where in my comment was I being judgemental? Typical dumbass bitch. Lmao
Damn you need a cow bell when you comment on other people's shit. you know what?! ur so right, we do have are own opinions that's why i typed MINE, hell and while i'm at it too... as soon as i mature and my balls come in you'll be the first i call. mmkay you judge mental prick? lmao, fuckin peace.
we all have our different opinions. you sound really immature. not everyone likes the same things like you do. there's a DISLIKE bar for a reason genius.
This is just.......eww
Yes. I dont find it cool or "unique" in the slightest.
That's gross
some people just need help and I'm sorry to say she's one of them
To all the guys and girls saying this is gross or whatever I say bullshit. This is really cool and I think it's cool to express yourself like this. Plus buzzfeed girls did this too.
Geez its THEIR opinion. you cant call someone's opinion bullshit because it isn't your own.
Because she has rights.
looks like the dude from the bully of f toy story all grown up
+DesignzRUs1 Oh no your so scary.... -_-
+Shade The Shadow Wolf​ oh your bullied? Thats explains you getting over sensitive with every comment you agree with. You ignore him? Lol then why reply and cuss out everyone you disagree with on here? Seems like obvious insecurity to me. Lol i see through the bullshit. Fucking immature.
+DesignzRUs1 Actually I have a bully on my bus that keeps randomly insulting me and what do I do? Ignore him because I don't care
+Shade The Shadow Wolf obviously -_- they were making a joke. they said "looks like a boy". you must get EASILY offended. i see countless comments of you cussing out anyone you disagree with. someone seriously needs to chill out......
That's a girl not a boy. Dumbass

Hairy Armpit Fad (Women Refusing To Shave)

Hairy armpits are gross on men and women... hairy anything is actually pretty awful assuming we're talking about anything outside your scalp. Eyebrows, ears ...

User Comments

Onision, u hot.
Other peeps might say u mean or something but ilysm!!
So what if the their armpit hair is long as their hair, they'll regret sooner or later. Hes, they may look like freaks but they would be happy about something so pointless. #LetThemBeFreaks.
P.s this is meant as a joke, please don't consider this as hateful material.
I'm not getting with a chick who's hairier than I am. Buy a damn razor, I do..
Oh it's okay then I completely understand :) If you say that you are too young for love than your last comment was very mature. Cus I am also too young xD. Atleast I think. Your comment was little confusing so I had to check lol. Have a good day :)
+Kill all zee titans Yes that is different. No I would not love someone less if they had hairy armpits, I may be less attracted to them. And yes, I am too young for love.
What if you really love someone and they didn't shave their armpits for about a week. Lets say the hair is around half of the cenrimeter long. Would you love them less if they refuse to shave that tiny bit of hair? Cause if your answer is yes, then you expect too much and you arent mentaly ready to truly love someone yet. You are probably too young for now. I'm not trying to be rude, just saying. 
+Kill all zee titans If it comes down to it I'd buy someone a razor. I can't stand armpit hair or chest hair.
Good luck with trying not to die alone.
I don't understand why people think its gross not shaving its just hair
I'm saying we have it on our heads ._.
I 100% agree with onision for the simple fact, IT'S BASIC FUCKING HYGIENE! Everyone should groom themselves properly. Not everything has to be a damn equality issue. Smfh
+jackieangelify1 actually hair helps fight bacteria. groom it but don't be a bald baby
I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! Thank you for fucking saying this!!!!!
I don't shave because razors are expensive, the skin under my arms gets cut and burned very easily, and because shaving is more of a beauty standard than it is a hygiene thing. I am still perfectly hygienic, I just have some hair under my arms.
+Cait Weiss Nothing wrong with that.
I shave under my arms because bugs me, but my legs are hairy as heck! XD Fun fact about me, males and females with body hair is a big turn off for me.
I'm not making fun of Levi I love him... the picture is funny and popular so.. You just make no sense at all with shaving . Dont expect much from others if you aint ready to do the same ;)
+Kill all zee titans Make fun of another character from SnK
Then if it turns you off shave your hairy ass legs.

Dark Underarms & Ingrown Hair Solutions, Epilation, and Deodorant

In this video, I tell you how I managed to get rid of the darkness in my arpits and how I prevent ingrown hairs. I also talk about my epilator which is my primary ...

User Comments

thanks for the nice tips
+Justine Stanley you are welcome!
very good vide. You explained everything beautifully, thanks for sharing. P.s to the comments below..... I don't think it matters whether she shows her underarms on camera or not.
+onlyme179 thank you!! and lol it's fine... it's always easier to talk when you are not doing something yourself :)
Y wouldn't you show us your underarms that's the whole purpose of the clip to encourage us because we have to see it to believe it,all that talking about what to do show&tell
+Joso Anani it's not to believe you or nawl it's that it seems like you were talking us to death,u could've showed us your armpits it's cool hun...but those products does work thank you for your time and effort
+Tamika Jennings lol no one has to believe me.I did research, did it myself and it worked. I just decided to share. I'm just not comfortable with it. This is the internet .... millions of methods out there on dealing with these issues. I encourage people to find what works for them.
Will you write a recipe for this? Step by step. 
+Sandra Smalls i dont have any recipies? i just buy the products i show in the video and use them
I'm definitely going to try this. I Have been thinking about this for a while now would like to raise my arms without feeling embarrassed.
+Sandra Smalls yep.... all these things will contribute to overall underarm length
Thank you I really enjoyed your tips! Especially the epilation technique & lemon! I've seen Tend Skin in many beauty supply stores here in NY & will be purchasing soon
+quaday011 yep! if anything it will stop the ingrown hairs if you use it every day! :)
Does the epilator work for the bikini area as well?
+mariah b It works anywhere with hair! i can't speak to the pain level though lol... i think they make smaller ones for that area and every now and then i see them on sale on hautelook from the brand epilady
Just wanted to know what dye did you use on your hair? That's the color I want! Appreciate it thanks!
+Brittney Williams I cant remember! it was so long ago but i have a video about it... called i colored my natural hair and i think i listed all the stuff
You do a video on underarms but don't show your underarms... Ok
+Angel Giver lol yeah...i wasnt comfortable with that...buuuut i guess on youtube people dont have to take any of my advice

Cupcake's Beauty Vlog - Armpit Dyeing

Dyeing your pit hair is a quick and easy way to have fun with fashion. --- Subscribe: //bit.ly/GlozellSubscribe Subscribe to GloZell's Google+ ...

User Comments

So stupid
Your talking about yourself right
I love how you don't care about what people think, you just do you and have fun, and when you do these things we all love it. Just keep being you GloZ - I mean Cupcake ^^"
What kind of woman are you?!
Better than you
U are so crazy and how do u have a boyfriend I bet he's ugly like u 
She doesn't act this way in real life, she's quite normal and she only acts this way to get views. And her partner is SK Simon if you wanna look him up on YouTube, he isn't ugly.
what buti do u have ? none? because we all know u act stupid on purpose its kinda annoing i hate u! u are so ugly i feel bad for whoever loves u!
That grammarMy eyesHow old are you 7? The fact that you can't tell this is a joke is pretty sad. She's a comedian, if you can't tell you either have a problem or your a pathetic little child. She gets paid for this, and people find it amusing because it is funny. You feel sorry for whoever loves her? I doubt you would say it to her face or her family members. You wouldn't even say it infront of your own mother.
If she's trying to flirt..... That's totally not the thing she should do.. And her voice (no offense) was very retarted...sorry no hate but yea
She's just trying to be funny
Well you really do look good in green. Green is my favorite color too Glozell :) Yeah go GREEN!!!!
"It's like I held the Incredible Hulk right there under my armpit"
+BeautifulAfricanQueen it's my favourite colour too!
Running low on the idea's are we..? Hahahaha
No matter she runs out of ideas... every video she posts is hilarious. 
Glozell,why do you like a green colour?
She likes it because her name is glozell GREEN and her favourite color is green that's y

How to Lighten Dark Underarms! Get Rid of Dark Arm Pits!

Hey friends! Here are ways to lighten our underarms! ✿ Please like and subscribe! :D //goo.gl/CI8Og Question of the day: What other helpful videos would ...

User Comments

Can I use baking powder instead of baking soda?
No. Baking powder is completely different from baking soda.
where talking about armpits here my question is why are you so cute ^_^
She has a husband
lemons do help, i use that years years now, it also help the smell some ppl get, u wil NEVER get a bad smell from sweat if u using lemon, and it also lighten ur under arm pits, WHAT GIVES U DARK UNDER ARMPIT IS DEO WITH ALCOHOL, ANY ALCOHOL DEO I WOULD RECOMNT NOT TO USE.
i was born with it
+sweet angel I've used this product skincaregarden.blogspot.ca to lighten my skin, it only took me like a week to see great results :) it also helped me to get rid of my dark underarms :3
do i have to buy an actual real lemon or can i just buy lemon juice in a bottle.
Natural lemons, because they are fresher.
in our religion (Islam) prophet mohammed peace be upon him has learned us to Pluck The armpit and shave pubic area.
+Jose OlegsHahha you don't even make sense look what you wrote dum ass. First, the writer said we learned not we have to, it is not a must thing it is just better. Second, no I didn't consider it an attack but the way you said.. it was stupid. Go learn in life of how to make questions not to how ask by making sarcasm! You were like you say we learned from prophet to shave, Well that's weird my Muslims friends don't shave.. WTF! Is this how you ask!
+IAMJEM27 did you just call me an idiot for saying that? I wasn't even attacking your religion. and I was just curious to why shaving your armpits are required in Islam! also, I was just saying that most Muslims I know dont have shaved armpits. if you consider that attacking then you have issues! you are the fucking idiot for calling me an idiot! jeez
+Jose OlegsIt is like you say Alcoholic is prohibited in Christianity but most my Christian friends drink! You are an idiot. She said in our religion not about ppl who follow this religion!
+amani hassan thats strange, because most of Muslims I know dont have shaved/plucked/waxed armpits
الفديو ويين وانتي وين..
+Haneen Omair it's not really waxing because it's done by thread like we do pluck our eyebrows
+Lady Tubbington no it means waxing
pluck..? Does that mean like using deodorant for the smell? (english is not my first language) Then you must find this video good because it offers really great tips :)
Yess and my names amani too

04b.Anterior and posterior Thorax and Axilla.

Physical Examination. University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Video 04b/19.

User Comments

el examen cardiovascular es con torax descubierto, el axilar lo mismo porque la lesion puede estar en la mama. como video para docencia no es adecuado. no ausculta los 4 focos en sus reales sitios. y la percusion no es la adecuada. El paciente no debe limitar el examen al medico. Es una falta de respeto.
I had to come watch this for medical school, and all the comments are weird stuff in Japanese. 日本人はとても不気味ですね?
People are really stupid about this bra stuff, breast is nothing more than a part of the body you puritan!!
She didn't percuss correctly. Percussion requires a tambourine or such.
this doctor cn exam me any time
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