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Ahmed Mohamed and PC Libs VS. Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins

GET A FREE AUDIO BOOK WITH //www.audibletrial.com/TheAmazingAtheist SUBSCRIBE - //goo.gl/zXMlJB The Douchebag Bible | PERSONALIZED ...

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Inducing panic. Glad he was arrested. Also, they almost immediately lawyered up. They knew if he looked Muslim-y and was "discriminated against" they could get paid. That's the American way.
+Ryan Harris ...... can't blame them though... I bet if you and your family had the idea for millions you would have tried it
A kid who is apparently muslim, after 9/11 anniversary, takes a clock that looks suspicious as fuck to school, gets accused then arrested. Media catches fire and praises the kid to be a genius and damning anybody else who had the rational thought of thinking it was a sketchy thing to do, this kid Ahmed gets to meet the fucking president because of the accusation and scholarships, with the backing of a father who is a political activist????????? YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT THIS SHIT WAS DONE ON PURPOSE. What the fuck dude. --Hey kid wanna meet the president? Kid: "Sure!" --Do something really fucking sketchy and deny any possibility that what you're doing is unsafe so that way it makes you look like you were misunderstood and shamed so the media can praise you for literally fucking nothing.
+Tyler Gutierrez You forgot the part where he began demanding 15 million dollars :v)
Your argument about them intentionally manipulating national media and how far-fetched that is is just as far-fetched. Isn't it more likely that they did this hoax to make a point locally and it just so happened to blow up nationally? However you draw it up it stinks of hoax...
+dbossmx That is exactly what I think. It was more a local stunt but it went completely GLOBAL.
People on the comments are just pathetic.
+Jared FogleDid you even read them? Or you're just another simpleton. Meh, idc.
Muslim interested in science. Gonna be stoned by his father.
+xEdge of Realityx​ and the prophet pbuh, last advice to the Muslims was to treat women well... Google it. In Arabian gulf before Islam, a woman was treated as property that when her husband dies she was to be a part of his inheritance just like money and properties, Islam ended this and gave the women a right to inherit. Before islam, many arabs used to kill their daughters to not be ashamed of them in the future, and islam stopped this and considered it a great sin. Islam gave the woman the right to keep her money for herself and nobody including her husband ir father take a penny from her, and before that, some people used to force their daughters to be prostitutes to take their money. Prophet Muhammad had pointed that a mother should be loved 3 times more than a father.... If islam wanted women to be treated like animals, why does Islam set these rules on a men dominated society
+xEdge of Realityx well, I'm not against most of gay people cause most of those I know aren't Muslims and I believe they should live their life the way they want, I am against muslim gay people who wanna change the clear concept of the religion to fit their lifestyle and yet I don't go with a knife killing them. As long as they respect the morals of masses, I have nothing to do with their private life, I'll not break into their houses or spy on their private life, so I don't really care and just because some muslims can't respect their wives doesn't mean that every muslim is treating his woman that way. As far as I know, no one in my family insults his wife. Some people harass women in streets or at home but doesn't mean we muslims support this. In the middle east, harassment comes from muslims and non muslims too as a result of sick culture inherited. I remember standing against this several times.... So actually your comment doesn't make sense to me
+NM Band if you wanna call your religion a religion of peace, don't kill gay people and treat women like animals ;) That's pretty simple, too.
+xEdge of Realityx if you wanna judge, you should have a background about what you're judging, that's so simple
+NM BYou don't like judgement? Too bad. It's human nature. Again, being judgemental is human natureDeal with it.
+xEdge of Realityx I'm totally against a man marrying a 9 year old today in the 21st century, but you said prophet Muhammad was a pedophile and I had to clarify.... why do people enjoy judging others?
The fact you view obviously bad things as normal shows me that Interpol needs to hurry up on their reform (or abolishment. I'm fine with either) of islam.
And for the bullshitting thing, it's just you who needs to read more, trust me I don't speak when I have no knowledge
+xEdge of Realityx what you view as bad things I view as normal things in that time... actually you were being so negative in your comment and my response was facts that you can search for, that's for the education thing. FOR the pedophilia thing, I told you my opinion that is logical when you keep history and culture in mind... i don't remember defending bad things.
+NM BYou minute you start defending bad things and propping up bullshit as truth, that's where I draw the line.
And I'm not against your right in criticizing any religion... In fact I'm watching this channel of a guy who criticized Islam plenty of times and I've never left a hate comment
+xEdge of Realityx I'm a young woman, an 18 year old girl who strongly speaks for women rights in my country, Egypt
+NM BYour salt is delicious. but in all seriousness, your country will be scrutinized and mocked until you realized that NO religion is free from criticism. and you stop treating women like fucking animals.
+xEdge of Realityx the definition of a pedophile is someone who have sex with kids who didn't reach puberty and Aisha reached puberty stage ... that's the first thing. I also wanna add that the climate and region affects growth (scientific information and personal experience) so just because western girls get their period when they reach the age of 13/14, doesn't mean it's the same for other parts of the world... In NYC girls could get married at 15 in most arab countries a girl should be above 18 to get married according to law. Historical evidence prove that these marriages had taken place in the past everywhere including Europe that had a king who married a girl when was little. 30 years ago a girl at the age of 14 could be married what about 1400 years ago?Yes, culture makes difference, region makes difference and time makes the greatest difference
+NM B your prophet? Oh, you mean the pedophile who married an 8 year old girl at the age of 56. 
muslims invented clocks, ,muslims were the first to establish main rules of algebra, a muslim woman established the first university on earth in Morocco, and our prophet encouraged one of his wives to learn how to read and write


GET A FREE AUDIO BOOK WITH //www.audibletrial.com/TheAmazingAtheist SUBSCRIBE - //goo.gl/zXMlJB The Douchebag Bible | PERSONALIZED ...

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lol take this video down. If anyone still thinks this whole thing wasn't a hoax, they are fucking brain dead.
+exil - CSGO I could only assume he realizes it now. 
+aaron This was made a while ago. I'd hope TJ has changed his mind about that scam artist.
you're a fucking retard and you got duped. take this video down you embarrassment to humanityyyyyyy
+Rozmic Yeah. It's pretty obvious that masochism is the number one driving force of all the most high-ranking/influential "Libruls" at the moment, hence why they think it's really important to flood the entire fucking west with tons of violent Moohamhead worshippers.
+David Jatt He gets off on embarrassment. That's why he accidentally leaked those awful videos of him shoving a banana up his arse while smeared with shit.
It's nice to see atheists represented by a fat, balding, long haired, crooked toothed, high pitched, white man boobed nerd who rarely ventures out of moms basement.
+Josh Bishop Exactly. I don't fucking get it. First he makes a video bashing the Quran and now he's defending Muslims? Hypocrisy at its finest. This is why I don't like liberals. Btw I am not a conservative either.
Who is this asshole gay? he so needs a big dick in his ass.
+Jad Norbert Her prefers bananas and his tranny boyfriend's 'big clit'.
He didn't make a fucking a clock. He fucking moved the insides of an already working clock and oriented them in a way into a breifcase style pencil case that looked conspicuous as fuck. It also had to be plugged in (because it was made from a god damn factory made alarm clock). So what? Was he going to fucking walk around with his 'portable' wired, briefcase clock and open the fucker up whenever some one asked him the time? No. This kid is a phony who tried to get a rise out of people by literally scaring them, riding the phony train all the way the White House. Fuck That.
+me700gnomes "moved the insides of an already working clock"Take a look at it, shithead. It's not that hard to solder some wires to a circuit board and toss them in a briefcase. He was smart enough to do that, so he was probably smart enough to think that no sane person would think it's a bomb.
I can't believe there are so many gullible people that just go along with whatever TJ says. "Oh yeah, a Muslims are so fucking oppressed, when they are going around and blowing themselves up everyday, durr..." You people should actually think for yourselves once in a while.
+ArvidiusMC I think most sensible Americans would agree that Ahmed was inciting a shitstorm.

Bristol Palin Thinks Ahmed Mohamed White House Visit Demonizes Cops

Bristol Palin has chimed in on Ahmed Mohamed getting arrested for building a clock and bringing it to school. Her focus centered on President Obama inviting ...

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Bristol plain is a BIG hypocrite. Her arguments are nonsensical crap, a 4 year old makes more sense than her. She has 2 different kids from 2 different fathers. What a paragon of republican family values and virtues.
I have nothing against single mothers at all. For whatever reason, the mother might be single due to being a widow, divorce. Etc etc. I am not one a judge. But when republicans target single mothers and sex outside marriage as sin, they need to think about their own actions
Sorry...why are we listening to *anything* Brisol Palin has to say?
+ChipArgyle I ask myself the same question every time I hear a report about the Palin family. There are two reasons that come to mind that make sense.Reason number one would be to get viewers. Certain individuals/families act outrageously seeking publicity and the media will focus on them while people are interested like the Kardashians and Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton news was reported constantly and now it is like she has disappeared from the Earth.Reason number two is demonstrated by this video. It is a convenient way to insult a group of people. If someone feels they are a conservative and The Young Turks disagree with this person, it allows them to insult all conservatives.
Again, there is ZERO scientific progress here and it was not even a science worthy project. If he at least bought a kit and assembled it, then it would be worthy of a grade 5 science project. In grade 6 I was able to figure out how to my Grandpa's Tube Type Radio ... I am no more a fricken genius than what this kid is being called, but I used problem solving skills to figure out that a tube was burned out, then I asked my Grandpa to get a new Tube and when I replaced it ... the radio worked ... and I was 11 years old!
+GuyTron65 These Young Turks are just Obama apologists bowing to their Messiah. Makes me want to barf
Another Crap TYT news that these crew is spreading and blaming it again on conservative. Why do people believe this socialist liberal crap?
I know right there just trying to make us look bad and blame all of there problems and pat the people who causes the problem on the back.
The Clock was a Muslim PR publicity stunt . 10 to 1. It will come out too mark my word.
+Edward Moran Cause we got no freedom of speech now? I know they spies on us, but I am not paranoid like you.
+Edward Moran Call it what you want. I don't wish bad on anybody, but I am a realistic person. The American government has done a lot of bad all over the world. You can't just invade countries and expect no backlash. We take their resources, and privatize them too. You don't see that as terrorism? We murder millions for no reason. It's cause and effect like you said. Or do you expect no consequences when you go into somebody else's home and murder somebody? Invading a country is the same thing just many times worse.
+Amazigh073 Now that I can agree with. Just don't use it to justify terrorism and we can be great friends. 
+Edward Moran The biggest terrorist walks free. His name is George W. Bush.
+gernm18 Justifying terrorism I see. I hope the proper authorities take note of your post and put you on a watch list.
+Edward Moran Cause and effect: You invade other countries, and meddle in their affairs you get terrorism. Don't invade countries, and you won't have it. I know if I was Iraqi and you invaded my country that would seem like terrorism to me.
+Amazigh073 It says people are suspicious of terrorism especially when a Muslim is involved. that's just reality. Not Bigotry . Cause and effect. 
+Edward Moran Well that says more about the bigotry reaction he is getting from some people. Or doesn't it?
+Amazigh073 Fuck off Muppet. A Muslim with a suitcase looking thing with a clock in it. He knew the reaction it would get. Racebaiting  PR stunt.  
So the teacher, cops and major were all into it? Damn.

Was Ahmed Mohamed Racially Profiled? | The View

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It wasn't even a clock, it was a countdown clock, that's a component of a bomb! Kids get suspended for plastic forks and pop tarts in shape of guns, and they where white. Liberals want zero tolerance then whine when it's carried out. .because" oh,poor Muslim" ! Hi dad was a terrorist, he was just pushing for shariah law in America, he made comments on how this would help push Muslim agenda too make America a Muslim country! !!! It looks suspicious, he was questioned, cops can question kids without PARENTS, they didn't detain him...enough lies! 
Zamzam ali. You lie because Koran says too lie to infidel, if you don't know the verses of Koran to kill all who don't believe Islam or speak.against Muhammad or to kill Jews...well then you aren't reading the Koran! Second, Hitler was in cahoots/ partnered with Islam and no, he was atheist, not Christian! I guess if you had actually studied history and NOT what your religion or teachers tell you then you would know, but you should know Islam still reads and publishes and followed Hitler's works! Any ex Christian is a ex Christian because they have been deceived and hurt so they are bitter. You lie about Islam believing Christian/ Jew is same as you or that you follow same teaching. ....Jesus was not a prophet, He is son of God, the only God, not allah. ..not same god! And it's thousands of ex Muslims honey. ...thousands! And yes, I have read the Koran!Keep up with your propaganda sweetie. Canada is no more multi cultural than America or even Thailand. ...in Thailand there are Buddhist, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Pakistan, Canadian, American, African, Italian, Russian, Spanish. ...everyone in one little area all socializing together because of immigrant and many embassies so close together! I lived in Japan, Thailand, China and been too Singapore also....I didn't say you are supposed to hate anyone....I said that's what Koran and Islam teach!
+Shemara Lakin lies. Try again dumb fuck
first of all why would i lie about my religion ... second of all your very ignorant and uneducated cause if you were educated then you would know our religion says that christianity and judiasim are previous books of allah and whoever doenst and third about your ex muslims i wouldnt care.. how many christians convert to islam per day do your research girl .... "kill all jews and hate them and slaughter them" are you sure your not mistaken by hitlers regime... who was a christian ...!! lol i do believe in jesus as a prophet a messenger of god just like muhmmed he was sent with book of torah and thats what we believe.... but you wouldnt know cause you didnt even read the koran... "canada isnt multicultural as where i grew up" if you knew anything then it would be canada is one of the most multicultural places in the world where the french,British,natives and or other cultures have the same rights as the prime minster of canada... so what i concluded from you is that history is not your strong suit... what is your teacher doing...and no muslims are not taught to hate ... but whatever church your from taught you to hate muslims ..... how hipocritical you are.. FYI i have christian friends that i love to death but and your gonna tell me am supposed to hate them ... and if you did grow up in a muticultural place you wouldnt have this hate in you....BYE FELCIA 
+zamzam ali first I know plenty about Islam, and I knew it before media so one of it, when I lived overseas at age ten, friends who where missionaries who's husband and sons where burned by those" peace loving" Muslims, the village burned them in their car! Second, I've read the Koran, third a pastor at a church I used too attend is ex Muslim from Islamic countries, he says how you indoctrinate and train kids too hate and become terrorist at young age of 8, female genital mutilation, child rape and child marriage too pedophiles like your Muhammad! Beaheadings, torture etc. ...he even did some small bombs and threatened Christians! He would hold meetings too tell us about Islam and expose it, many ex Muslims have done so, even the son of Hamas leader has spoken up! Canada isn't as multicultural as where I grew up, Muslims where and still do behead peaceful monks! I know the teaching of the sick man prophet of Satan who wrote Koran because I've read it, so you either are lying or haven't read the whole thing! Muslim a teaching is hate, killing and subjection of all not Muslim or of women! You aren't taught too believe in Christianity or Judaism, you are taught too kill all Jews and hate them and slaughter those who aren't Muslim ( infidels) and all who slander so called prophet! Jesus is love, He teaches only love all and forgiveness, He is God and Son Of God, follow any other but the only one true God and you aren't following God and won't see heaven.
+Shemara Lakin lol no disrespect intended but i have two questions why do you think your religion is the best?you actually dont know anything about islam ... you were taught by the media and what they say,.. i get it ... there are alot of things muslim nowadays do and claim to be under the influence of islam but i assure you those are not the teaching of our beloved prophet(pbh)what do you know about islam?i grew up over sees .. in canada one of the most multicultural countries in the world and the best i was brought up to respect and cherish our diversity as human kind and as a muslim taught to to believe in christianity and judisim for they are all from books revealed by allahand if a christain or a jew is practicing theyre religion faithfully and rightfully they will go to heaven thats what islam teaches us not what the media says....our religin it mentions peace ,tranquility and forgiveness in every other verse notand what you dont understand is we are following the same God but on different paths
Lol. ..you're the one who started typing silly, and I know plenty, grew up overseas where Muslims behead people, read the Koran and know many ex Muslims!
+Shemara Lakin stop talking about shit you don't know about also you clearly have no life you keep on typing paragraphs just shows your sad.
No Usman Azam I am not going too hell, I follow the one and only God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel! I know exactly what Islamic ideology says, I know what Koran says, I know what Islam is about, I know the facts about this incident as well as others, it's just facts....the father stated this would push Islamic idiolgy on his page, look up his history, and now the boy goes to get his terrorist training! You will probably deny it because Koran says too lie...but whatever! That's the difference between Islam and true God is Israel, He is about love, forgiveness and truth
+Shemara Lakin You think you know everything but clearly you don't your just looking at a political issue and just assuming shit well guess what honey your wrong. Your input doesn't even matter nobody even likes you your just a racist piece of shit so go hell.
He didn't bring a clock, it was count down device. His dad was part of terrorist party and ran for election there, he tried to push shariah law, which is hate based laws to kill and murder and rape children and women and all who disagree. They used it too push an agenda and last but not least, kids (while ones) are suspended all the time for lesser things like pointing a pencil and say" pew" , biting a pop tart to gun shape, bringing pink hello kitty bubble gun roo school. ...it's a rule and its called zero tolerance, get over it
Fuck you I'm Muslim and I will stand up for myself to people who are talking and typing utter shit.
True they should be sued

MIT Says Ahmed Mohamed Is The Ideal Student

Ahmed Mohamed was on Chris Hayes' show on MSNBC and was surprised with a representative from MIT. She encouraged Ahmed to pursue a career in ...

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+Brian Sandhu #IDONTSTANDWITHAHMED#IStandAgainstAhmed
Well I build a radio when I was a kid...also from a kit. I picked up Australia. If you want to do physics at MIT you are going to have to do more than build a clock. You are going to have to do math...lots of it, and physics of course, which you will probably want to go for a PhD in if you want a job. It's a lot of work and dedication.
+SepherStar he didnt even build a clock from a kit, it was all a scam
He removed the body from a store-bought clock and placed it into a pencil box and MIT believes this to be "genius". Now I understand why the USA is becoming the joke of the world.
+dbergerac  The faculty at MIT are smart.  But you're right.  This is embarrassing.   This might be impressive for a 6 year old, but not high school.
"Independent creative thinker" All because he built a clock that looked like a bomb and not a clock? Believing the religion of your parents blindly doesn't make you an independent thinker. sorry but it doesn't.
+segamegadrive34   Building a clock would be an achievement.   He just took a Radio Shack clock out of it's case.
I'm an MIT graduate. I won't be donating to the school anymore after hearing this.
+Saltyforeal  Ahmed is in for some embarrassment when these educators start parading him around as "their ideal student".   Because there are smart kids who are actually doing electronics at his age.   He knows how to take the case off of things.
+NIcholas Bilski I have two physicists and an engineer in the family. This is embarrassing. He only bought the clock and put it in a suitcase. He was told to put it in his locker and sent to the principles office. This was completely misrepresented. I'm sorry to say this, but MIT jumped the gun and is looking stupid right now.
+NIcholas Bilski  I was a post-doc there for 3 years.  But this is embarrassing.  A 6 year old could have done this.
Impress your friends, Barack Obama, Harvard, MIT, liberals, and our media. Build a clock that looks like a bomb and take it to your school. You can go to Google and type in How To Build a Digital Clock. You get lots of hits and they are very easy to build. It's easy, the instructions are on Youtube. Or you can just buy a briefcase and a digital alarm clock and take the clock apart and put it into the briefcase, just be careful unhooking the wires and hooking them back up. Taking a picture of the wires before you disconnect them will let you know where they go.
I guess the guys at MIT and Harvard don't use the Internet much.
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