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Breaking news big b Videos

Big B suffering from Liver Cirrhosis (courtesy: TIMESNOW.tv) - Latest Breaking News

LATEST BREAKING NEWS: Big B suffering from Liver Cirrhosis.

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dont worry Big B u should consult a experienced Homoeo Doctor in india or in Germany

WATCH when Deepika brainstorms to evoke Big B’s single film!

WATCH when Deepika brainstorms to evoke Big B's single film!For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: //www.abplive.in ...

Breaking News - U.S. flies B-2 stealth bombers to S. Korea

The United States military made the rare announcement Thursday that it had flown two of its most advanced bombers in an "extended deterrence mission" all the ...

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You're retarded to think they won't when we have in the past when we were attacked.Means alot when we can back up are words.Korea isn't taylored for this fght.Neither do they have the capabilities to pull of such a ballistic attack & if there is such a threat we have the SM3'S to thwart any incoming Nuclear attack.These words mean nothing coming from Korea also China will not get involved neither will Russia over this because it would be an end game.N. Korea is boxed in by sanctions.. checkmate
First of all why use a interceptors to shoot down are planes that unkowingly hijacked??But anyway That's what we have raptor 22's for.Also Mach 25 my ass N. Korea can't reach the main land but The U.S. F.A.D. systems help aid P.A.C 3's to manuever in space to deflect.Korea has no defense system to thwart a nuclear attack let alone the technolodgy to fire nuclear weapons across the Pacific.This is rejime suicide to bluff the U.S. to let off sanctions.... Stay in Kirby's dreamland Pumpkin Face
This is not your country..... @ all.You act like a spokesperson for N.Korea this is not Asia & definitely not N.Korea.But you really need to go back there.Also you keep speakin on obesity.I'm in pretty good shape just put up 405 on flat bench Squat 415 lbs Deadlift 300 lbs Chest 56 in. Waist 37 Qauds 23. 5 in.6"1 225 LBS 15% BODYFAT.Your Korean righ?? Kirby's fuckin Dreamland.You guys got the worst genetics EctoEndomorphs with little dicks..Go do some gangnam to work that shit out telletuby.
The U.S. is more than ready to command the skies.Any sovreign nation will acknowledge. The U.S. MISSLE DEFENSE PROGRAM continues in it's push to field ballistic missle defeating technologies against more & more advanced threats around the globe.Is there ever enough missle defenses including radars & interceptors to counter proliferating missles capable of striking in short & medium ranges.Generally commanders are generally satisfied with the posture of PAC 3 AIR & MISSLE DEFENSE BATTERIES.
Well Kim Jon UN now has some Made in the USA toy bombs to play with. Stealth B 2 Bombers both capable to carry up to 16 nuclear war headed bombs each. So Kim must have a total of 32 new toy bomb gifts on the ground? Maybe they also dropped him some Subway coupons.. to change his eating habits to loose weight. That guy needs Jenny Craig badly. :) Kim is a walking heart attack to happen. No more McDonalds or KFC for Kim ... Your cut off big boy Kim Jon Un. Fish and Rice and Salad only Kim.
WWIII will be the collapse of the world. Not in gun power. But in economic losses. It won't be America, S.Korea, and Russia VS N.Korea, China, and Iran.IT WILL be America vs China.China bailed us out, that doesn't make them our ally, that makes us inDEBTED to them. If we go to war with China, all exchange of luxury, and goods will stop. (Embargo Act) The US wont be able to afford to pay back China, and other countries, thus Those Countries go into debt=Domino effect that kills the world.
Under President Barack Obama the Whitehouse pushed it's weight behind the Aegis program. Selcting it in 2009 as the center piece for it's phased adaptive approach to defending large parts of Europe & the East Coast of the United States from long range missle attack.But it's controversial as it overlaps expansion of the Boeing lead GROUND BASE MISSLE DEFENSE INTERCEPTORS into Poland.Advocates of that sytem G.M.D are likely to re emerge for a larger footprint for that program.
The Aegis ship bassed regional ballistic missle defense system has GROWING support in recent years owing in large to a succesful test campaign using the ships advanced software managed by Lockheed Martin & Rathions "SM3 FAMILY OF INTERCEPTORS" There is high demand around the globe especially in the MEDITERANEAN & PACIFIC regions for more Aegis ships equipped with SPY1 S BAND RADAR & GROWING magazines of 90SM3 1A INTERCEPTORS.......=D
But U.S. Commanders want more "TERMINAL HIGH ALTITUDE AREA DEFENSE" or F.A.D.systems wich have added to the capability of the P.A.C. 3 by being able to perform Intercepts both INSIDE THE ATMOSPHERE & ABOVE IT IN SPACE. This complex propulsion system must be able to manuever in air as well as in the vacum of space.2 F.A.D Batteries with a total of 48 missles are deliverd & ready for deployment when needed.
Little bumble duck country like that would be reduced to pebbles with 3-4 = strength bombs that were used in WWII. And it can be done within a hour if approval... Yet minutes even seconds of routine armed flights are done as a precaution. These little fucks have yet to see what the airforce and navy are able to accomplish. Don't even need to send men on foot to invade. Just obliterate their country
You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called FIREPA.COM . You can make money online and start working from home today as I am! I am making over $3,000+ per month at FIREPA.COM ! Visit Firepa.com and check it out! The fight services the crush. The obeisant trade boosts the wind. Why does the complete view revamp the morning?
☢☢☢ so the Military Industrial Complex had China hire the US to pre-invade Korea now to cull its population down in lieu of a interest payment against the US debt owed to China = the US tax payer pays more forever after, having been culpable to mass murder as well as interest on all the weapons & collateral damage
USA politicians will not defend any incoming missiles, they are too corrupt. A Misisile cannot take out NK since Chinese and Russians will launch Anti Ballistics to prevent Radioactive home front It has to be ground invasion which is extremely difficult since 2million is guarding the border and, of course, Nukes
Yep, people said the same thing during the Korean War. However, the U.S. won't use nuclear weapons, and precision strikes will only do so much. The U.S. doesn't want to enter a conflict with N. Korea while it's simultaneously occupying Afghanistan. This won't be a short conflict if shit hits the fan.
Exactly why it took 30 min. Sherlock...Your fuckin stupid.If we had even a tip the f-15's at the time would've been there in under 10 min.The Boeings would have never reached Manhattan. Also you call me a fag & youre user name is Frickett. LOL your to easy....the fuck away from me.
The US doesn't F%&* around! I think that this is a message to China (to reduce tension in the southeast China Sea) as well as North Korea. Why do we have to fly from the mainland when we have B-2s @ Guam. It will be interesting to see the location of the range they were dropped on.
Here is some breaking news, the US has flown them before in US - S. Korea war games, this is only the first time the use of them has been made public. Why this is supposed to be news I don't know. It's not like the North is going to back up its threats. It knows better
Serbia/SR Yugoslavia is crashed this plane in 1999,plane was fall in Croatia,and sorry we dont now,thats is invisiable hahah....no for the serbian radars! We crashed also and f117a and thats was been in 1999 on NATO Agression on SR Yugoslavia...KOSOVO IS SERBIA!
If they ever send a b-2 spirt stealth bomber that would be the end of that fat korean bastard those things have type 3 explosives in every missile 1 missile can take a hiuse apart and crack it open like a cantalope so yeah id like to see the "rolling thunder"

January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Last Deception

January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for ...

User Comments

the last deception is the last testament. ~and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. (Eze 13:6)
this man is a liar. read for yourself.
As God promised, during the end times, He would pour out His Spirit on all. This means that the enemy, the slanderer and the father of all lies and deception will be working overtime.
Yes, as we are in the great persecution, we are also in the great deception with strong delusion, so be aware O bride of Christ!
Israel is God's land and the Jews are God's chosen people. Yes he was angry with them but he's not anymore. He's restored them. When you look at Israel on a map right now you're looking at the greatest miracle you've ever seen. God will roar out of Zion. The entire earth will know who HE is for. The ENTIRE planet has set itself against Israel right now. Shouldn't that tell you something? You can all join them. I won't. The only reason the USA hasn't is because we are the last stronghold of Christianity. If Obama had his way he would split Israel with the Arabs RIGHT NOW. That SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING. If you're against Israel you are against the Lord almighty himself. Read your bible. 
+John doe "Unto they Seed, will I give this land." Genesis 12:7 "Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made." Galatians 3:16 "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29. So the Lord Jesus Christ is the Seed, and the exclusive recipient of promise. Believers are joint heirs with Him. People outside of Christ are nowhere in this equation. 
Actually God gave all the land from the Euphrates river to the Mediterraneansea to the Jews, so currently Israel is a little short on property.
+Prince Valiant Thank you for that insight. God richly bless you too brother!
Yes, their 'vain imaginings' as Paul points out. We are now in the times of strong delusion, or vain imaginings, and everyone will be given over to the lusts of their minds and desires unless they are abiding in the truth through Christ Jesus. It tells us in Revelations that God will pour strong delusion upon them so that they should believe the lie. So please stay in the truth Matt and we and others like us will prevail through Him who is worthy. Just a point about why there is a focus on the Ukraine; because the so-called zionists originate from this area formerly known as Khazaria from the line of Japheth and not Shem, as it tells us in the Bible, also known as Ashkenazi jews as they readily admit, ever before Russia was a nation. That's why their claim to the promises given to Abraham are farsicle, null and void. And knowing that their puppet feifdom of 'Israel' is set for destruction, they are looking at moving their new homeland there. So they set carnage and chaos in Russia in many ways so to distract Putin from over taking it. They have just taken out the opposition leader there to make it look like Putin's responsible for it, and have their man running the place in the Ukraine, with a pogrom against the Russian speaking people living there. Take care and God bless!
+Prince Valiant Yes, their "temple", "coming kingdom", and "holy Jerusalem" are nothing but imaginations and propaganda. I had no idea it was that bad over there though.  I also believe these Christian Zionists could answer to the Lord for all the innocent blood of Palestinians, same as the IDF soldiers who actually carry out the orders.  I've also thought many times - if they are so in love with Israel, and God has such protection over that nation, why don't they all leave the comforts of the U.S. and live there permanently? 
Isis Israel. Lie holder share Israel and allies.
+Matt Robinson Yes there are many, especially now, who believe what they see and hear on mainstream media regarding Jerusalem. But alas there is a lot hidden from view regarding the truth. Very few know that there is an inner war going on in Jerusalem, not from Arabs but from the Hassidic jews who believe that they have been set apart to carry on the traditions. But as the government can't get enough soldiers to protect the land, so they are forcing their son's to join the IDF or risk being sent to jail. There are many protests by the religious Jews but you don't see it on the news. So their trouble comes from within and without. Civil unrest is harder to control then outside invaders, it's why they were decimated in 70AD when the romans exiled them from Jerusalem on pains of death. Jesus foretold the destruction of the temple in 70Ad in graphic detail, and so it was. They also allow sodomite festivals there now that run down the main streets of Jerusalem which is an abomination, so their destruction is set. Their third temple will never be built because the Lord has now put His temple inside those who are His. This is the one where the enemy seeks to set up a stronhold in your life and sit as God. The supposed third temple in Jerusalem is a red herring. The temple of God is within those who trust Jesus, as He said, "Behold the Kingdom of God is within you".And Paul tells us that we are the temple of the living God.There are so many blinded to the truth out there.
Read: The Hidden Teachings of Jesus:Lance DeHaven-Smith1994 but still poignant.
+Prince Valiant Excellent verse, its the theme of the whole Bible!The real tragedy with the aforementioned Christian Zionist leaders is the army of delusional followers they have created. They are absolutely committed to an ideology that can be refuted with a multitude of Scripture. I believe they have created an idol out of the nation of Israel, as it has become a major focus of their ministries.Some have even suggested that a 3rd Temple will be built, and that Christians will return to the animal sacrifice system in their imagined millennium. And of course, Jesus will finally restore the kingdom in Israel (even though He called His Disciples foolish for thinking that very thing Luke 24:25).The great irony is, these guys are lauded as 'standing in solidarity with Israel', while John Hagee tells Jews that they have a covenant with God that has never been replaced with Christianity (Houston Chronicle April 30th, 1988).  And wrote his 2007 book, In Defense of Israel, attempting to prove Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah pg 136. Sounds a lot like the Apostle John's description of antichrist to me (I John 2:22). Hagee is in extremely dangerous theological waters.  
+Matt Robinson Yes Matt, earlier on in John the baptist's ministry, the Jews came to him and claimed the promises of old through their genealogy by saying that they were sons of Abraham and the chosen people. But John's reply was, "That God could raise up son's of Abraham from these stones". The implication being that earthly Israel and their offspring were not an automatic 'in'  anymore. And Jesus said that He had come for the 'lost sheep' of Israel, denoting the lost tribes. He was gathering in those who were His, for He knew His own. These also being the one's wanting to see Jesus prior to His death. There are no 'automatic ins'. Either come to and through Christ or you can't come at all.
+King Of Clutch Hey clutchy, I think that you've just dropped your fifth gear and are free wheeling, zionist troll! lol.
+King Of Clutch Yes, I took your advise and read my Bible again and just happened upon this Scripture in Romans.."It is not as though God's word has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham's offspring...In other words, it is not the natural children who are God's children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring." Romans 9:6-8. I also found - "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29. I'm so glad I read my Bible. 
+King Of Clutch Why don't you consider what's been done to the Palestinian people since Israel's formation in 1948, which had nothing to do with Biblical prophecy. As Prince Valiant very correctly eluded to, the Old Covenant Jewish Age ended forever with the 70 AD destruction of the Temple. God's plan since and until the end of history (I Corinthians 15:24) is the expansion of the spiritual Kingdom of the Lord Jesus, made up of believing Jews and Gentiles. Is this a foreign concept for you?What you are espousing is the exact Christian Zionist rhetoric taught by most popular Christian television personalities - Hagee, Huck, Lamb, Stone, Bakker...any of these your personal favorites? 
you've been corrupted by the quran princy baby. your 99% muslim and dont even know it. its islam and muslims that invented the lie you've swallowed. the new york jews are the real ones you say? 99.999999% of those are secular and have ZERO love for God. you've been islamified and you dont know it. either wake up and pull your head out of your ass or convert to islam because you're preaching their MAIN message... you dont have the spirit of truth so you're not doing the kingdom of God any favors.
King of Clutch - "The only reason is because the US is the last stronghold of Christianity". Says who? You obviously live there and are brainwashed by your zionist media. Wake up to what's really happening. Most of the current crop are known as the synagogue of satan. Not Hebrew/Abrahamic jews but Japheth/Ashkenazi jews. Result? Promises cancelled out! Just ask the 50,000 Torah jews in NYC who call the invaders in Jerusalen anathema against God. They meet regularly with the Arabs to distance themselves from the zionists. Boy, are you blinded to what's going on! A good starting point is the New Testament. The Old one is fulfilled!
Man God gathers back people till near a End. Politics a sham, money power. Iscariot son of hell, there power held first. Land names allotted lies on Earth! Investigate Alaska is Israel, Haida people's origin the origin.
+Curt Nix It was mainly political maneuvering between the UK government and Rothschild Zionists that led to the UN decision to divide Palestine in 1948. It had nothing to do with Bible prophecy. In fact, I've read where most of the inhabitants of that land pre-1948 were Christian. The true regathering of Israel first began when the Apostles witnessed to and brought scattered Jews into the Messianic Kingdom of the Lord Jesus through salvation in the 1st Century. This is Bible prophecy - Old Testament Fulfilled Luke 24:44 ----> New Testament Reign of King Jesus Acts 2:36-- (you and me in present day) -------> End of history I Corinthians 15:24, final judgment and eternity. 
+King Of Clutch Ok, list a few verses then. In reading comments like yours, its like you've elevated the nation of Israel above that of the Lord Jesus Himself. Consider a few more verses. As far as the promises go, Paul tells us clearly that - "The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his Seed. The Scripture does not say, 'and to seeds', meaning many people, but 'and to your Seed', meaning one person, who is Christ." Galatians 3:16. Paul later says, "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29. The promise was always for nations, plural. Jesus told His Disciples, "This is what I told you while I was still with you - Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms." Luke 24:44. So if the OT is fulfilled, that eliminates trying to invent prophecy from it. Peter tells us, "Therefore, let all Israel be assured of this - God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." Acts 2:36. So Jesus has been firmly established on David's throne since His resurrection. He's not setting up a kingdom in physical Israel. We need to understand the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus that we have access to now. 
How is it Israel became a state in like 1946? It was not recognized before that. I have an 1861 Family Bible, that shows Assyria and Babylon on a map, but no Jerusalem or Israel? Pray and see if you don't suspect the Powers of lying about locations. Easy task for time when written, powers had almost all control.
+Stuart James Gray I heard Walmart is running a special on thick skin today... Sheesh... Ultimate ninja warrior folds up like a $2 suitcase over a classic 80's movie reference...
+King Of Clutch" Whatever dude." "and what planet are you living on karate kid?" "Read your bible." "Get over it. Get over yourself.." Your replies are obviously hostile. You sound like someone that is more interested in proving a point, (which you didn't) Insults are NOT the fruit of the Spirit and a sign of weakness. In fact they bore me.......  SIGH*
+Stuart James Gray You've got three scriptures referring to new treatment believers. I've got 999999999 thousand that tell you the flesh and blood Jews in the physical land of Israel are still Gods people. They're both truths. You and I are Jews as a result of the new birth and they're Jews by birth. It's a fact. Get over it. Get over yourself..
+Stuart James Gray This scripture is describing Armageddon and the reason God will gather them there. For scattering Gods people and parting His land. Keep thinking the world isn't against Israel. Everyone one of them who are trying to force Palestine down Israel's throats is against Israel and God. Read your bible.Joel 3:2 KJVI will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and PARTED MY LAND.
+Stuart James Gray and what planet are you living on karate kid? Spain, France, the EU and multitudes of others have recognized Palestine and are in agreement to split God's land, you know, the thing that really pisses him off? Anti semitism is at an all time high in all those areas. Jews are fleeing to Israel as result. Read a newspaper bro.
Whatever dude. You serve Christ I serve Christ. You want to boast against the branches and condemn the ones who were blinded until the fullness of the gentiles come in, go ahead buddy. Have a blast.
"he was angry with them but he's not anymore."  They have put their faith in Jesus?Secular unbelieving Israel are not God's chosen people; believers ALONE are God's chosen people. As they sit now, Secular Israel are still an apostate anti-Christ nation, still in their unbelief and sin."The ENTIRE planet has set itself against Israel right now." No, just the surrounding Arab Nations.Who is Israel:Gal 3:28-29 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."Gal 6:15-16 "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the ISRAEL OF GOD."HOWEVER, I do believe that another reason why Israel is back in the land is because God is going to do a great work and bring many who are in the land to Christ; just before he judges the world at His second coming and His ushering in the new age; "The age to come", the new heaven and earth. All we can do is pray that they repent of their unbelief   :)

Bible Prophecy Current Events Syria Middle East February 2015 Breaking news

Bible Prophecy Current Events Syria Middle East February 2015 Breaking news Joel Rosenberg ISLAM caliphate Russia Iran China Egypt Israel ...

User Comments

God Bless Syria And Iraq from all the Zionist of the World Dr Bashar Al Assad is the best President any country could have We All support that loyal Captain who once said I will never abandon my ship
+Steven E Jesus is the Savior.  he is God in flesh , Philippians 2:2-11.
do you have proof of that in any way, besides the fact you want to reject the word of God and its teachings. you have made a claim now back it with evidence.
+Steven Ethe prophet did not lie.  the people who wrote and rewrote the Bible lie.
Jesus said "i am the way the truth and the life no one gets to the father but through me". Islam reconize Jesus as a prophet, a prophet does not lie, Did he lie??
The desire for a Caliphate is not "radical Islam". It is Islam, without any adjective. It is the Islam of Mohammed, it is the Islam of the Qu'ran and the Hadith. Why is Fox scared to call Islam what it is?
Peace be upon Mohamed And El Mohamed saaw
What type of kaliphet are are you talking about the khalifet which Allah And Prophet Mohamed spoke of and asked all to follow and that is Imam Ali saaw or the kaliphet that Omer and Abu baker made up for them selfs
It is not too hard to look upon Google Earth and look at Syria, outside of Damascus, and realize that the region was subjugated by forces on the level of the Electric Universe Model in the past. There is no question in my mind, nor my eyes, to see that this region of the world has received a Birkeland Current event. Like a scar, it is already a compromised surface! A reactive condition which will attract a reactive element once more! 
+Danny Grox I don't know why I never got this message in my inbox.  Have you ever looked into the Thunderboltsproject on youtube, it is an awesome scientific channel with mythos tied in!
+Beau Bear I wonder what prompted me to take the scientific truth and apply it by statement rather than a more biblical one.  Your offerings do scare the Hell out of me as well as the "be Jesus", thank you, but I noted a specific thing that popped out amongst those passages as I read them.  That is the sparing of some!  To which I fully understand!  There was a time and I feel very strongly over it, that the 33rd Parallel (Pair of EL) which can indicate a duality of Gods or a pair, the Woman giving birth in the Heavens is indeed earth.  The Electric Universe is Truth through all Mythos as well as Science, if we had true Science as our foundation.  Right now we have the Tenured and the Taught!  Much can be said of the Scar upon Mars!  Who in the astral body is Adam with his rib removed!  Amazing stuff, and Damascus is still there!  Praise Jesus each and every day!  Thanks for the exciting read!
+Ron Haskell read Isaiah 17 :1-8 and then Isaiah 19:3-7  , Jeremiah 49
Enlighten me?
So you mean people make war just to fullfill the prophecy jajajaja so funny :D
People do not make War, they make conflict, it is the Machine that is being discussed, not people! 

SwissIndo Breaking News: No Form Needed for Individuals!

Interview W/M1 – 03 //www.dailymotion.com/video/x2u4kgd_interview-w-m1-03_news TRANSCRIPT OF ABOVE INTERVIEW: T: Tracy, D: Dan, B: Bapak ...

2014 BREAKING NEWS: L.A. Cop BEATS disabled Woman..ILLEGAL (special needs)

NEW MUSIC https://soundcloud.com/remedysung/new-i-just-cant-give-up-now.

User Comments

Good for the Vet. I'm so sick of cops. My son is disabled and I couldn't imagine them hurting him. I was disabled as a child and homeless and they beat me all the time.

Israel pressed Obama to extend nuclear negotiations with Iran Breaking news June 2015

June 7 2015 breaking News Israel's point man on Iran pressed the Obama administration this week to extend nuclear negotiations with Tehran beyond the June ...

User Comments

the world will be reset soon wiped right out we have many ......... already in space we could wipe this whole world away within a blink of a eye live in space till the dust settles death too ....... never death too you hate brain washing countrys that breed hate brain wash there young too hate think you are so smart this is your chance for peace too get along build together better world but yet you talk soo big and death becarefull what you wish for you might just get it
they should never give them the chance every body can see this is going the wrong way what if isis has the idea to take over these unstable countries not that it would be easy for them but they have shown that they can take take territory really fast and what if.they get there hands on nuclear capabilities al hell will brake loose because they wil use them ?????
at first i thought american looked weak here but now i see what they are going be doing next few yrs going be interesting american has set there mouse trap time too get the pussy cat out
Stupid people .....Iran has not, will not build nuclear weapon ..Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Israel's Nukes?
Obama do not give Iran the nuke....you'll be on there list they hate USA

!!!!! Breaking News Sat-B Live Showcase - Ngozi 22:June/ Radio Spot by Jojo Paparazzi !!!

To all Beautifull People in Ngozi City,BukivLab Music welcome Everybody to a Hot Exceptional Summer Show. Sat-B with Big Uganda Artists ( Washington, East ...
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