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Breaking news current events Videos

November 2014 Breaking News Rise of ISIS ISIL current events bible prophecy

November 2014 Breaking News Rise of ISIS ISIL current events bible prophecy PART 1 //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant 2014 ...

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I as human believe that we are brothers and men do evil because they are evil and nothing to do with "God"and I am certain that God want us love and respect each other not kill...ourselves we need to explain what does God wants from us to make the world a peaceful place for our children...Mohammed pbuh would be ashamed to see how Did evil psychopaths corrupt the word of God.
lol you and your god have fun i'm going to magic fairy land with my flying spaghetti monster. Read a book this doesn't mean your god is coming it means the terrorist are just getting angry because of Americans trying to keep them out allies. Dumb Christians. Atheism is what you should believe in 
praise the most high with your heart and mind...........we are not ever bias ,,,............many die daily by the US terror creators and then its hidden by PROPAGANDA outlets on your TV and the net aka web which are both snares ,make a video about every type of terror please.
The desire of everyone who loves Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and all of humankind worldwide and loves peace and hates war will be satisfied. Revelation 21:3,4,5 Isaiah 2:4 www.jw.org :)) ♡
Fuck your religion and fuck your god... You all are going to die some day 1 way or another..... Be scared the rest of your life because of some pussy playing tuff guy in the sand......
This sick bitch is a fucking pussy, he can't even show his face because he's a pussy. This is not a man !!! When I see this coward all I see is
stupid cunts should have paid the ransom with money laiden with Ebola or some other such diseases, wipe the bastards out slowly and painfully!
The truth has no wing, no color, no political party, no favorites and is not enslaved by any religion. Seek ye the truth! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Did it really say this action displaced 2,000,000 people???? Exactly how many ISIS members are there???? hmmm 
I would happily behead those isil bastards with a big smile on my face for all to see!!
Radical muslims try to destroy civilised society in whatever way available
Drop a few nukes on the whole area and blow them of the face of the earth 
Sons of devil..thats why wearing black..lets fight of them.
The Problem is.....Human Right is Double Standard
amazing explanation!

2014 Breaking News Current Events The Final Hour Last days News

2014 Breaking News Current Events The Final Hour Last days News This video makes some good biblical what IF points scenario and acts as a wake-up call.

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America is the MOST evil nation this world has ever seen or will ever see again. America WILL become a KINGDOM. The false messiah WILL be the 1ST and ONLY KING of America. America will fight a war with Iran and then America will break into 4 nations. Out of 1 of these 4 nations will come the false messiah. The false messiah WILL be crowned KING of America. Dan. 8 explains these things PERFECTLY. The book of Daniel WILL be unsealed soon. The wise WILL understand at the time of the end.
For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Mam, you don't know me, you don't know where I've lived or through the persecutions I've gone through for the Name of Christ. Instead of wishing that the documentary be of more length. You are from the church of Sardis, your religious spirit, He is starting judgement in the Church! I am sorry that you are saddened! Go out and do something about it! Get on your knees, repent and READ your Bible!
The Bible is truth and foretells the end of the World as we know it. It is not a guide book for evil people it is telling us what they will do and how to save ourselves. The Bible was written 1000s of years ago that probably meant nothing to those people at the time. But as time goes on it reveals itself as truth Not enough people read the Bible but they profess to know what it says or means
The ****7 plagues is God's*****wrath on wicked! [Eph 5:6] “Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the *****wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.” [Rev 15:5] “And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the ****seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the *****wrath of God.”
They have followed through on bringing down the USA by infiltrating the very core of our government. If thats not enough now our borders are wide open. Those who don't know Jesus, better get a relationship with him very soon. He will be our only Salvation! Thank you for your witness ..
His Sheep Will Hear His Voice. The Church knows who they are. God has not appointed His children to Wrath! Read Psalm 91. Yes, we have persecutions for His Name's sake but He Does NOT punish us!
Ok Number one some extremist of your religon just thinks they should Kill americans.Inocent people were killed in 911 so think again who is the bad guy. its not all muslims its just extremist
I hope I'm close enough to ground 0 so I can go home, I'm so sick of this place. as far as I'm concerned all these money loving, power hungry worms can have this place
Yesterday is over, tomorrow is veiled, but today is given as a gift. Redeem the time, for the day is evil. JESUS is about living for today. Praise HIM!
thank you i was just looking up utmost in jer 50-23,26 means the furthest border and wikipedia- utmost was also a submarine
Then they (moslems) will trample Jerusalem for 42 months.
This is a good video. Thank you for sharing.
Yeah! right,have a nice day!
Still here and it's June!

Breaking News 2015 Syria Crisis USA plans concerning Russia & Iran supported ASSAD

News is prepacked info regarding current events happening somewhere else; or, as an alternative, news is that that the news trade sells. News moves through ...

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It's all about the money. If people stopped making money on other peoples blood, there literally wouldnt be any wars! As it's always said: Follow the money = Find your criminal!
People should make money and not to give to a gov.
Stop sending guns where they don't belong Harper sent 15$ billion in weapons to Arabia recently Zionist Jew
+Crazy Funny Cats Harper is a DUMB Fuck EVANGELICAL ZIONIST,the ZIONIST JEW is much Smarter than the TOOL EVANGELICAL.:>)
Fuck you american dogs stop invading cunts fucking losers
153 of 204 countries taken by force by USAPricks
The only negotiations the Americans need to do in Syria is to leave it alone. What they are doing is against international law. They have no mandate to destabilize that country.
They keep doing this!Why can't people ban togetherStop paying tax or something to send a message Before its nuke timePeace
and I thought Kerry is Irish ...boy I was wrong...he's a zionist jew boy
I'm IrishFuck this Kerry piece of warmongering shit!!!

2014 Breaking News CNN bible prophecy current events last days new

2014 Breaking News CNN bible prophecy current events last days news 2014 Breaking News CNN bible prophecy current events last days news 2014 Breaking ...

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February 2014 Breaking News The Bible concerning Current World events Last Days Final Hour

February 2014 Breaking News Fox Anchor Cavuto talks to Joel Rosenberg about Old Testement Bible Passages and current events Last Days Final Hour end ...

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it's not the jews it's the Jesuits. The Jesuits rule some jews at the top. Look up "shimon peres Vatican" and see that the Vatican, the great whore that rides (controls) the beast actually controls Jerusalem. Don't be ignorant. Look up Oneevil dot org and see how the Vatican wiped out millions of Christians and jews. Look up the Vatican ustashi and what they were doing in Croatia during world war 2. You have no concept of what you are talking about. You haven't done the research which is clear
Does THIS edify Jesus , stirring up strife accusing one another, trying to prove a point, let the blind remain blind, but walk according to the calling and The Spirit that drew you to Christ, let fools condemn themselves and take no part of their folly, the Bible stands alone as the Living, Inspired Word of Almighty God, He didn't call you to defend Him or His Word, preach truth and if none receive , shake the dust from your feet and let it stand as witness against them in the day of judgment
All I see any more on ALL THESE sites, that so many, call themselves followers of Jesus, argue, provoke, accuse, blaspheme, miss quote,,,, IS This the Love of Christ, is this unity within His body, Is this the Holy Spirit drawing all men unto Jesus ??? It's no wonder the world perishes in darkness, and ridicules the Very Name of Jesus,, if this is an example of what Christ offers,, I'd ridicule him as well,, BUT I thank God that this ISN'T WHAT CHRIST OFFERS,,, Examine your walk,, or perish
Actually no, the reason people still consider the bible to be relevant, is because of the reason that unlike most religions, the bible has prophecies that have either come true, or not have yet too, Im aware how ignorant that sounds, but judging from it's track record... I dont know how to word it, but they'll all either happened or haven't, they haven't been proven false. Do you believe in zeitgeist or ancient aliens? Cause I know a few videos that debunks them irrevocably.
THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST. I uploaded a video about today. God sent the Holy ghost not the Holy bible. I pray In Jesus name that many are set free. Billions read the bible and think they can buy the word of God but they all believe something different. King James number is 666. Born 6/1566, 6th King of Scotland. In 1666 his bible became 66 books that even the president has to swear on, so he can control what the world buys and sells. Peace and May God open your eyes
Wow, talk about non-committal from Rosenberg. I have not been fond of his writing. I think he is more of a sensationalist for pay, than Faithful. Damascus will become a ruinous heap Eze37, no guessing involved. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the prelude to Gog/Magog. After...and then and only then will the Temple be rebuilt. I think it is awesome to see prophecy unfold! What a Blessing to live in these times, when so many have yearned so, looking for it...
Murdoch is a devout Catholic. Did you know that the Catholics, through Murdoch, own the copyright to all the modern perversions of the Bible. They made them for they wanted to destroy the Word of God. They called the Bible a "cruel asp" and that if they could get their hands on it, they would destroy it. Enter Guy Fawkes the Jesuit, with the "Gunpowder Plot." He was drawn and quartered for it by King James.
That isn't what I am saying. I can't say it too well in comments. There isn't enough room. I would love it if you would watch my video. We can discuss it. But my video will give you a better understanding what What I am saying. I am not saying that the things in the bible aren't true. The things in the bible are true. I hope and pray that God will open your eyes. Peace
Below the Video and above comments click on show more relevant data to this video Wanna respond/message U2B? U2B has thousands here on youtube trying… so best to go to facebook.com / u2bheavenbound add as a friend and send message will respond usually same day...take a moment and add U2B on facebook as a friend...blessings sent your way facebook.com / u2bheavenbound
Fox, 666 News and a Jew talk about butchering innocents in Syria using the OT as a backdrop...WAKE UP. U better make sure that the light u think u believe in is not actually the darkness burying u. So called Christians better be careful what they think is "prophecy" because the Jews r coming for u next. U have to fight back and stop it, not go along with their evil.
Romans 11 dear. The believing Jew WILL be graffed back into the tree. There is also scripture there that addresses professing christians that behave as you do towards the Jews. Are you a professing Christian? For by the Word of God, you do not seem so. If you are, I would humbly suggest that you examine yourself my dear, for you are found wanting.
I like how he says how it is so scary if you are a true believer in are savior Jesus Christ then why make a statement about being scared.I for one am not at all scared about any of this God has my hand and i know he will never let go of me.If you havent yet been saved cry out to Jesus Christ he is waiting to hear from you he loves you very much..
omg. You do not have the holy spirit or you would not say such a thing. Yeshua is the word. If you reject the word you reject Jesus. If thy foundation be destroyed (Jesus and the bible) what can the righteous do? If the word of God was irrelevant the Vatican would not have spent years and years burning it and the people that read it.
watch the main vid on my youtube channel. It's a shadow of things to come. The Niv is a total fraud. Look up POGM ministries. Also, look up One evil dot org. It is far more horrendous than we ever thought. I can't imagine what is in store because Jesus said it would be far worse than anytime on earth.
Why oh why do people still believe this garbage. You should be equally worried about scientology being right and the evil lord xenu returning in spaceships that look like mcdonnel douglass aircraft of the 70's. They say he will make you watch tv to brainwash your thetans. Holy jebus batman!
they are not quoting the proper version of scripture. Sounds like they are quoting niv or another apostate scripture. Do understand that fox news is Jesuit controlled as are all other mainstream media.
your not of the chosen read the book more not everybody claiming to be Hebrew Israelites are but you read ad ask Jesus is black like me and He is not going to play with people who are not Israel
Those who are truly intelligent realize that humanity has much to learn about our universe. If there was an all-powerful entity in charge, we sure don't have a way to disprove that idea.
you were told to pray for the jews yet you say they are responsible. How can you take some of it and leave the rest if you believe in it? You're a hypocrite! repent and believe God.
Lol why did a person here compare being gay and being black? Nobody really knows what he looked like and it shouldn't matter. Jesus is great overall. End of story.
Aahh come on already lets just this party started already. I hope Gods prophecies be fulfilled faster already. So what country is going to make this happen?
Amen Ash Qelon We are in the End Times, only GOD K's but The BIBLE is TRUE! John3:16,Praying for the Lost Souls Everywhere....
what you can do is eat and drink much as you can and after what ever comes who cares list you hade your last cold beer...BECKS
what book do you read brother you read with the guidance of the Holy spirit and your not jew or Hebrew what do you know
the media will certainly be held accountable. They are all liars. Rupert Murdoch is in league with the vatican
oh please don't blaspheme by saying Jesus is black, whats next? That he is gay? Horrible!!!!
You're only realising this now? Where have you been? Have you only just opened your bible?
THE BIBLE is telling us, this is true and happing NOW god bless us all.
the news guy doesnt understand what WIPED OUT smh .
Yes its talking about now wake up people it is true

The Rise of ISLAM bible prophecy current events soon coming Antichrist Part 7

The Rise of ISLAM bible prophecy current events soon coming Antichrist Part 7 28 September 2014 Breaking News Rise of ISIS ISIL current events bible ...

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End Times News Update Bible Prophecy Current Events Russia World Chaos

End Times News Update January 2015 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events Putin Russia World Chaos End Times update Final Hour January 2015 ...

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Many Christians believe they will escape tribulation but that is not a 100% guarantee as Christ said we will be long suffering and persecution for all that follow him. It is my belief we should prepare ourselves and be ready that we are not caught off guard when things break loose and it can be very soon with our economy in shambles and the deceit within our own government. This county has taken our Lord from our schools for prayer and many other places that God needs to be. His hand has been lifted from our protection because we have chose not to follow his good will therefore destruction is inevitable. We must warn our brothers and sisters that their blood is not on our hands. We must turn back to our almighty Father to avoid his wrath to come upon this country. Let us pray for each other and the United States of America which was one nation under God and shall be again if we truly want it to be! All Christians must stand united and defend our God given rights and stop bowing down to Satan's evil works. Amen!
agree.... my pastor got done telling us the same thing.  He said don't be surprised if we do go through tribulation and trials when things get worse before God comes back.
This is not Eziekel 38 as it is not AGAINST israel. 
Alliances is reason it points to the verses. All a Chain reaction. The End, points all at Israel.
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