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Breaking news clearwater beach Videos

Clearwater Police increase patrols for spring break

This year as spring breakers flood into the Tampa Bay area, at Clearwater Beach they'll see more than just the white sand. Police are out in full force.

BREAKING NEWS: Beach evacuation lifted after possible grenade was a dud

BREAKING NEWS: Beach evacuation lifted after possible grenade was a dud.

BREAKING NEWS: Guam Fire Department Captain Arrested On Charges Of Tampering With Government Documents & More

Guam - Guam Police have arrested Fire Captain Ed Mendiola on the charge of tampering with government documents, conspiracy to commit theft, and official ...

Islamic Center of Palm Beach damaged by vandal

The Islamic Center of Palm Beach suffered major vandalism overnight, including multiple windows smashed ◂ WPTV NewsChannel 5, Local News Coverage ...

Fukushima Meltdown breaking news, Environments worst week ever 1/24/13 U.S. kevin d blanch

America the ring kissers,( governor ), O.K.'s 20000 tons of Europe's, Nuclear waste to the U.S., 2500 times radiation in fish caught in the pacific, Japan ...

User Comments

They'll be calling you a RADICAL!! It's not a coincidence that you introduce your videos with that phrase. Concepts build and assume shape somewhere in the ethers. We conceived the fREerADiCaL notion in Nov. of 2010 and i met you shortly after the Fukushima disaster. We were connected before we met. In fact, i felt i missed you and didn't even know you yet. (a Bjork Song - Love her stuff ). Pollock radicalized Paint - You have Radicalized Language/Video - as fReerADicALs we will unite the clans
oh yes as Wyoming Utah Idaho the MORMON fake Christian, with horns empire, is turning IDAHO my grandparents’ home, HUGE ranchers, 6 generations of them the first white men there, WHOULD ROLL OVER there are more fake Christian Mormons per cap. in Idaho and Wyoming than UTAH, as the new senator JUST DRUNK DRIVING, when he has sponsored mandatory, long sent. For drunk driving, as the guy he replaced a Mormon having sex in a Minn airport bathroom, FUCKING PHONYS I will get back to you I have INFO
outstanding vid as always. Oh kevin it's one step up and three steps back! On the 16th the IAEA put 47 japanese reactors on LTS then reversed it on the 18th on the request of the Japanese Gov."claimed the status changed due to data(clerical) error!"OMFG Whose fuckin' hand is up this puppets ass? this circle jerk,bullshit has to stop. I read a horrific article on how the EPA was asleep in the control tower from 3~25~11,not that we needed any confirmation but it documents the betrayal,so evil
I truely believe that we have eclipsed our extended family of artists (with some exceptions) by produing works of "Conscience". The old formulas & aesthetics of art making will not sustain us any more. Chernobyl and Fukushima have forced us to consider our own Extinction. This is unprecedented in recorded history. Artists that don't see this are irrelevant decorators, no matter how "Powerful" their work. Thank you - You are an inspiration to me and many others - "An Artist of Conscience"
YOU ARE A FREE RADICAL ! I just got my 40th rejection from the museums for my Fukushima show/proposal. Like you say, the denial in the art community is EPIC. La La La-nd art makers - fiddling while the planet sucks up Billions of Bequerels/day and the the oligarchs think they are imune. What hubris. Our work will make the 1% obsolete. All art movements that changed peoples perceptions were started by only a few. We are those few that have to succeed. I'm revising my proposal for phase 2
Free radical I think you are one of the only very very few, who understand all 616 of my videos are some sort of virtual Painting, my message is REAL PASSION not the kidnapped version, when the fucks fly out of my mouth I have no control of that (Passion by definition) my message and fight is TURE, but my videos as my plaster jobs as my everything is my ART,. Period they are a new radical form of painting, as YOU GET IT ALWAYS DID, kevin Dwayne blanch 1/25/12
Increased heart ailments, cancer....have humans forgotten we once lived as healthy beings? Post ignorance is a bitch. Never was that sales statement more true: You don't know what you don't know til you know you don't know it. People are still swimming in HI. Nuke plants all over the US falling apart. Still people put on their blinders and cover their ears. Thanks Kevin for your voice and spirit. Stay strong and God bless.
100,000 tons of radioactive waste has been dumped into the atlantic and pacific. The E.U. has not dumped a single kilo because long before the E.U. came into existence, the dumping of this material has been forbidden. By the way USA accounts for 60% of the dumped nuclear waste. My country not even allows NPPs to be build. We have been smarter in the 1970s than all the self-elected "big leaders" on the planet are today.
Above all else, I am glad to hear you are feeling better. My 5 yr old niece haD stage 4 tumor on her pineal gland and after going through the chemo and other "treatments" recent tests show there are no signs of cancer anywhere in her tiny little body. We praise God for that one. Keep fighting the good fight Kevin, without people like you, the world would be a helluva lot darker.
hey Kevin I'm looking around an saw your vid Welcome back home, I got a question / ive been running across Boise Idaho taking in toxic wast for disposal from all around the world ' have you any comments on this I'm posting this vid on my F.B I just figured you would have a opinion on Boise seems it's kinda in your backyard.
"Oh so what, it's in Fukushima"...or articles always have the line but "not at harmful levels"...THAT'S what jumps out at people, they hook onto that and the rest just dissolves, because THAT'S what they want to hear. Amazingly pathetic. "Backwards more everyday"--indeed Kevin. Keep it coming...great stuff as always ♥
I asked about the return on their investment over the past 33 years on the art created in the said 33 year time, one of the wife’s, said NOT ONE OF THE 100s of PCS her or her friends have purchased has went anywhere, every asset class and investment across the board has out preformed art made post 1980 fact FACT FACT
Almost 8 million people visited the Aloha State in 2012, more than a third of a million more than the previous record set in 2006 and a rise of 9.6 percent on 2011, the Hawaii Tourism Authority said. Kev your good at #'s, How many will come down with a cancer?
Japan building worlds largest wind farm. Makes more sense than more nukes. The worst one of them will do is fall on you. Too little too late, I hope not. Glad to see you made it back in one piece. Like the hat. Thanks for the report albert
weather looks same here in midwestgermany since 8 days ...haze haze haze and today I noticed my voice getting this metallic sound ..think this is from radiation...sometimes my camera doesn't want to work as well...
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