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Breaking news dallas tx Videos

Breaking News: Road Crashes Caused by the Epic Ice Storm in US Dallas Texas 2013

ace-stinging sleet fell Friday in Memphis and surrounding areas, leading to potentially hazardous road conditions and warnings of power outages caused by ice ...

User Comments

Ignorant media: the crashes are NOT caused by any "storm," they are caused by bad drivers. Putting four small patches of rubber onto ice or snow is ALWAYS a BAD IDEA! Without chains or studded tires on your vehicle, STAY OFF THE SNOWY/ICY roads!

BREAKING NEWS First Ebola case diagnosed on US soil has been confirmed in Dallas, Texas.

The first case of the deadly Ebola virus diagnosed on US soil has been confirmed by medical officials in Dallas, Texas. Officials with the Centers for Disease ...

Breaking News - Dallas Police Shootout Killed James Boulware Shoot On Police | Raw Footage

Breaking News - Dallas Police Shootout Killed James Boulware Shoot On Police | Raw Footage Breaking News - Dallas Police Shootout Killed James Boulware ...

October 15 2014 Breaking news Second Nurse unidentified Infected with Ebola on Jetliner flight 1143

October 15 2014 Breaking news USA 2nd Dallas Texas Nurse with Ebola isolated after flying through Cleveland OH flight 1143 there were 132 passengers on ...


well if your someone who can't even than watch this.

User Comments

sorry guys for no new video as soon sorry but this one coming out soon has a lot of editing it will be worth it 
dont hate us cuz u aint us

Breaking News UFO Sighting Dallas Texas

Ufo ufo "ufo 2013" "ufo sightings" "ufo documentary 2013" "ufo sightings 2013" "ufo documentary" "ufo sightings 2013 this week" "ufo hunters" "ufo september ...

Zakaos+Breaking News !C.I.A. N.S.A. nazi Darpa Secrets Exposed!(1pK00o00O0PhAoA0AoAoAoAOA)

I have an idea . Hey Rothschild U.N. !!!! F ... off . F.... DALLAS as the U.N. choice for Texas's capital AND F ..... YOU nazi C.I.A. Rothschild S.A.S. MI6 beastly ...

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The recording was made out side and there is a healing Rife tone I made and put in the entire video . Yes I know about Bush Walker .They named a Street in Mendocino California after him and Mendocino is a C.I.A. secret habitat in the mountains for ex C.I.A. psychopaths . The C.I.A. masonic Female witch Sister hood cult of the daughters of Jhob masonic lodge is also located in down town Mendocino . Walker Bush was a prosecuting Attorney and X military in the 1950's and his picture is on the wall of the Mendocino court House from when he laid the foundation for the KKK C.I.A. Bonesmen and nazi pedophile scum War criminals .
hey son, the path of truth is always the hard way. if it was easy, everybody would do it. stay safe, secure and confident. I learned something new today. it is about the JFK assassination, and a man, war hero, and all around psychopath, named General Walker. text me some good ones brother
Thanks for sharing I enjoyed it. Plus your intro is my new jam! lol. Cheers Z.B.E..
how to you break the mind control!!!????
last bit of music, very good

Major WWE Backstage Breaking News On Sting & WrestleMania 32 - Live from Dallas Texas

SUBSCRIBE NOW as Sean'z View Provides Commentary & Comment On WWE news,rumors,gossip WWE Shows & speculation! On Sean'z View Its ALWAYS ...

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Lol I'm subbing to your channel, great name!
HE has absolutely nothing else to proof to no-one especially this sorry ass company!!
 No Dis-Respect okay, but you did hear why STING went there for one thing only---TO HELP PUT OVER THE YOUNGER TALENT!!
i really dont wanna see sting wrestle anymore because its obivious he will lose really cant get into the match if you can already predict the outcome
I'll take that match because thats must see
Unless it's against the undertaker
is wwe stupid? yes, yes they are! have undertaker vs sting at wm32! also have brock lesnar vs the rock triple h vs rollins bray wyatt vs randy orton john cena vs daniel bryan dudley boyz vs hardy boyz vs new day in triple threat tlc tornado tag to help draw in that 100000 audience they want so bad
+Theo Paxton Owens vs Reigns, and Ambrose vs Stone Cold.
+Theo Paxton Not bad at all. Not sure if the Hardyz would be back then but who knows. That match would put the New Day over huge though. Rather have a Shield Triple threat as the main event. Orton vs. Wyatt would be cool but so would Lesnar vs. Orton
+Erik AI agree with 2 out of 3 of those. I say no to Lesnar vs Austin, for the same reason I said no to Lesnar vs Rock earlier in this thread.
+Jordan SeguinotI'm not a Cena fan but I still disagree with your comment. A lot of the younger fans like Cena, and you've got to reckon a large portion of tickets will be for younger fans. No Cena on the card would turn a lot of younger fans away. Plus even amidst older fans there are still a lot of people that like Cena. It's just the IWC where the Cena hate is concentrated, and the most hateful fans are always the most vocal.
NO NO not John cena vs daniel bryan. Sami zayn vs daniel bryan......also triple h vs rock ... stone cold vs brock lesnar
no john cena thats how you get 100,000 people in attendance. its the truth.
+Theo Paxton A few things:1) Yes, they have proven time and time again that they are probably stupid.2) Sting vs Taker should happen I agree, and it is seemingly what most people would want, but not Vince. And for that reason and that reason only, WWE have had no plans to do it.3) Lesnar vs The Rock, despite sounding like a great spectacle, is actually a terrible idea. It would be done for nothing more than one big pop on the night. It would then leave them with nothing in terms of creative story afterwards. Why have The Rock return for that one match and (probably) go over a guy who, whilst yes he's part-time, still has an ongoing character to maintain? It's not worth it. Rock vs HHH, given that segment at WM31, would be much better. And if they can get Rousey and Stephanie involved even better. The guys who only wrestle once a year (or once every few years in case of The Rock) should be kept together as much as possible; it's much better than having them face active roster members and go over them. One of the main reasons WWE is having such big problems at the moment is because creatively they rely too much on "one-time spectacle" matches to sell their PPVs, and have nothing elsewhere.4) Following the previous point, Rollins would be left open for some other match at WM32, preferably against active roster members. Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose would be nice.5) It's been rumored that, due to time restraints, Jeff Hardy (if he is indeed going to return) will not return until the night after WM. 6) I totally agree though that the tag titles should be triple threat TLC at WM32. Dudleys definitely involved, but they could easily fill the other teams with current guys, given the uncertain nature of a Hardy Boys return.7) I personally would like Lesnar to challenge some new, full-time talent, rather than more part-timers or older superstars. If they keep Strowman looking unstoppable until WM32, then having Lesnar face him would be interesting. Plus we would get Heyman vs Wyatt on the mic.8) I too would like Bryan to finally make a return, and WM would be a great place to do it. Though the last I heard it's still not 100% certain if WWE are going to clear him.9) Stardust vs Goldust is needed (finally!) as a mid-card match. I would also like to see Finn Balor make an appearance, though not against Cena. I don't think Cena should face yet another new guy.
+Miguel Belloso It wouldn't take long. Like if the angle started at Royal Rumble, then there you go.
There is no build to sting vs taker
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