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Mouse acceleration xorg Videos

Tesseract under Wayland / Weston

Because Tesseract uses SDL2 I thought it should also run under Wayland and well it does :D unfortunately mouse isn't captured inside the window and that's ...

Mer KDE PA2 on Freescale i.MX53

FreeGLUT : initial Wayland support

Initial Wayland support for the popular FreeGLUT library. Code is in pull request : https://github.com/dcnieho/FreeGLUT/pull/29 . Main functions and callbacks ...

Demonstration of Wayland and Weston reference compositor in action

Wayland & weston have been compiled to run on a x86 machine having Intel's i915 graphics card with drm as backend. The system has been started in console ...

Weston IVI-Shell

IVI-Shell plugin running under Weston 1.5.0 release : https://github.com/ntanibata/weston-ivi-shell Review and comments patches upstream ...

Testing Firefox on Wayland

Wayland offers an experimental xwayland backend for running arbitrary X applications. On this video, I'm using keyboard to navigate webpages, the mouse ...

User Comments

This is xwayland, that is why it is so slow, it should be much faster if not emulating X.
Think it will take a long time.... They need more support...
how long it takes to see it in action?

PuppyLinux ARM on galaxy S3 2: The Framebuffer experience

PuppyLinux ARM running on the android framebuffer... Pretty funny IMO still wasn't what i wanted.

User Comments

You must kill zygote and media then kill bootanim and you should see linux screen

Wayland on Android GPU drivers, using libhybris to have it on a glibc based system

//mer-project.blogspot.com - ignore the tearing, old video demo.

User Comments

Aside from the phrase "selfish os and the like" making no sense, I have to ask something: you are aware android is built upon linux right? Yep starts with the same linux kernel you'll find in that "selfish os". A fanboy is one thing, but a fanboy that hates the core of what they claim to love and is just ignorant about it... well that's just sad.
Why, that makes zero sense, Android already has it's display-server/compositor etc... This benefits those in the Linux/FOSS world who sit outside Android's hegemony, & who can't (easily) convince OEM's to implement drivers.
Very nice :-) any real world usages planned for this beside of selfish os and the like? Could this be of use on android for porting apps?
"selfish os" - lol...
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