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Makeup you can sleep in Videos

Why Shouldnt You Sleep In Makeup Or Foundation? Diamondsandheels14/Cassandra Bankson

Blackheads: How They happen & How To Treat Them: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIWrHRw83mE Should You Exfoliate In The Morning or Evening?

User Comments

Recently, I finally started learning about skin/aging. I know now my cell sloughing has slowed due to age compounded by my lack of exfoliation and proper skin care, resulting in a build up of dead skin cells, slower cell turn over, causing a reduction in collagen production. Thereby, creating wrinkles and enlarged pores (also due to improper cleansing). I just got a peel, and will not taking skin care lightly anymore. And if there is one bit of advice, don't be like me and learn the hard way!
I agree with you - don't go to bed with makeup! I am lazy at bedtime and leave my makeup on. I don't wear foundation, just powder, bronzer and blush that I applied in the morning. I noticed something that corroborates what you said about your skin not being able to slough at night: The next morning I assume my makeup is all gone because it looks like I am not wearing any, so I apply my moisturizer. But when I smooth it on, grey skin balls up! So I have to clean my skin well and start over! :P
i exfoliate my face once a week, i wear powder, eyeliner, mascara and shadow, on a daily basis, but i only take my makeup off, until the day i exfoliate. Since my mascara and eyeliner are waterproof, it doesn't come off in the shower XD but i must say, i might be one of the lucky ones who never break out :O cuz i have i pimple once or twice a year XD drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit, that helps your skin as well :D
I am 37 and I was very lazy about washing my face cuz I didn't breakout. Well the last year, that all changed due to me thinking I was blessed with infallible skin. Breakouts, (not massive, but enough).Also, my pores seemed to enlarge almost overnight and much more on the side of face I sleep on. and my face looked much more wrinkly. even on the bridge of my nose (where glasses rest (I don't wear them either).
I was consistently carded until about 35-36 everyone though I was like 20 up till then. But the geriatric fairy attacked my face. In one yr it looked like I aged 5-7 years. I thought, the gig is up, so I started washing twice a day with towelettes, but started wearing foundation on a daily basis, to hide my blemishy skin. nothing improved. Aging shouldn't be this fast..something wasn't right.
Facial care companies desire people to give their products a try to demonstrate their effectiveness. Have you ever seen a beauty product area set-up in your neighbourhood mall offering free samples? Well I discovered a site that will send free test products to your home, its the secret trick to free skincare products :) Paste this in your browser bit.ly/14Mc11Y?v=qlxnl
Skin product companies desire everyone to try their new products to demonstrate their effectiveness. Have you ever noticed a cosmetics area set-up in your neighbourhood shopping plaza offering free samples? Well you must check out this website that will send free samples to your home, its the best way to get free skin care :) Have a look here bit.ly/15PNMcW?v=gzeso
I usually use organic olive oil to remove any make up... it is said to go down your pores, and then I use a clenser, or face wash, or anything cleansing and thick to take the oil off... it really removes all the make-up and in addition to this it conditions your lashes and leaves the skin in such velvet state Id utterly recomend this technique to anyone...
I've got moderate acne and sensitive skin. I watched this around the time it was uploaded and began washing my face well before I went to sleep. It really made a change in my acne. My face isn't red anymore, and my skin is softer and I only have a few breakouts once in a while. If you haven't taken her advice, you really should. It def worked for me. :)
Hi, have you considered Break Free of Acne? Simply take a look at their web site on http://BreakFreeOfAcne.com On their website you can watch a good free video demonstrating how you can treat acne fast. It made it possible for Peter to have gorgeous clean skin in 1-2 month. I hope it will help you as well.
Skincare companies want people to try their new products to demonstrate how good they are. Have you ever seen a cosmetics section set-up in your neighbourhood mall offering free test products? Well I found a site that will send free samples to your home, its the secret trick to free skin care :) Have a look here bit.ly/14MdKEq?v=zbkmx
I completely agree, I hate sleeping in my make up but went to a wedding on the weekend and ended up coming back pretty late and just conked out. Now I'm paying the price, major break out. :( Every time I sleep in make up my skin goes crazy... So I'm strict with myself 95% of the time and my skin is so much better for it!
Hey, have you heard about ACNEverAgain.com ? Just copy and then paste the URL to visit the website. On there you can watch a great free video explaining how you can treat acne easily. This helped Marisha to get amazing cleansed skin and pores in 1-2 month. Hopefully it will help you as well...
Hello, have you heard of ACNEverAgain.com ? Just copy-paste this link to visit the website. On there you will discover a great free video demonstrating the right way to treat acne fast. This helped Justin to have amazing clear skin and pores in 30-60 days. Perhaps it will help you out too...
Hi, have you considered ACNEverAgain.com ? Simply copy and then paste the link to go there. On there you will discover a good free video showing how to eliminate acne fast. This helped Kevin to have beautiful fresh pores and skin within thirty to sixty days. Perhaps it will work for you too.
Lol the reason I sleep with makeup on is cuz I get soooo tired when I get home from an event at night. I just knock out. And that's what happened last night, as soon as she explained the process on how the pimple is in progress...I ran to the bathroom and wash it all off, use a mask, and then scrub lol
Also I notice when I sleep with makeup on especially eye makeup, I wake up rubbing my face and eyes a lot and that's probably fairly bad for the elasticity of your skin after a while... Plus you get old sweaty makeup crud on her pillow case and just don't sleep as well I find
Sorry this just makes me laugh, so us as girls wear make up for at least 12 hours a day, and then sleep for maybe 8-12 hours, that's already 12 hours that the skin can do its natural thing.... Don't worry i wear makeup and am for it not against it. Nice blimp comment!
Hey, have you considered BreakFreeOfAcne.com ?? There you will find a useful free video showing the way to eliminate acne fast. It made it easier for Edith to get amazing cleansed skin within 1-2 month. Hopefully it will help you also.
Hi, have you considered ByeACNEpie (google it)? There you can watch a smart free video demonstrating how you can get rid of acne fast. It made it possible for Justin to get amazing clean skin in 4-8 weeks. It may work for you too...
@luqvvjj yes i mean it. i know you were also thought it might be a fake promise. And, i really ddnt expect that maybelline will send me the mascara without any dime. you can also get it from here : bit.ly/TBsJJ6?=qvpxvx
You should be a teacher, the way you explain things so well, not just this video but all your videos. Very informative, and easy to understand on many topics. Love your videos girl, keep it up. :)
"OH MY GOD THERE'S A BLIMP!!!" LMFAOOO XD. I did sleep in my makeup before because I was SO tired. But nothing happened - no breakouts. But that was only one night. *Shrugs*
I know that i had slept in my makeup by accident, I just fell asleep and when i woke up the next morning I actually had zits on my forhead and cheeks. It was horrible!
I think it depends on how much make-up you have on your skin. I just wash my face before I go to bed once.. its enough, cause I only use bronzer and a bit of powder.
What cleared my acne was antibacterial body wash, and i just left the soap suds on my face overnight. I used Dial, In lavendar scent. Haven't had a pimple since.

Vlog: Don't Sleep With Makeup On

User Comments

Question, why would the eyelash glue do that? every time I apply eyelashes, my right eye gets watery and so my eyelash won't stay put, then my eye makeup gets ruin. I've given up on putting on eyelashes -_- btw you look gorgeous as always! 
Hey!!! Thanks for sharing.. Love your niece she's so cute! I slept with make up once and Yes it is Horribleeee the next day :( Keep doing videos like this! So we can joying you better! You're so sweet! Kiss
So cute...love this vlog. Was wondering if you could do a "foundation favourites" video. Trying to find a really good one...was wondering your shade in Mac studio fix? Love ya
Omg your so pretty and I was laughing so hard when the camera was ate !!! You have got a new subscriber!!
Omg Love your videos... whats the name of the sushi buffet place ? Looks so good
Your so gorgeous!!! I'm glad I found your channel!!! Love your videos!! :)
hey what lipstick are you wearing in the beginning of the blog? :)
Hahaha ur niece is sooooo cute...reminds me of my nephew.
awwwww she is so sweet my heart melted when i saw her 
You are seriously a long lost kardashian sister lol 
most vlogs bore me, but yours is awesome lol
What lipstick are you wearing, gorgeous!? 
Omg she's the cutest
Where in San Jose was the hike at? :) 
How do you get such beautiful hair??
where did you get the top from?
Love ur vlogs:-) can u do more
The lil baby is so cute
I love you vlogs do more!! 
Are u Mexican or Assyrian 
what car does she drive?
Your niece is adorable 
Love the vlog yay

Reasons why you should NOT sleep with makeup on

Watch in HD :) New videos every Tuesdays & Thursdays! :) Please subscribe! it's Free! ;-) ------------------------------------------ I hope this video was helpful if you ...

Say What? YOU sleep in your makeup?

This is one of those Ramblin videos. I do sleep in my makeup..Gotta get that beauty sleep..

User Comments

I sleep in mine a lot
I sleep in it occasionally but not much at all. When I get tired it starts burning my eyes.
I am guilty! yes I do sleep in my makeup.
Lol :) tfw
I Sometimes Sleep With My Makeup On, Some Nights I Clean My Face, Some Nights I Don't, Lol, I Know I'm Nasty!! Haha, I Forget Honestly! I Use Noxzema. My Mother Taught Me To use Noxzema, Face Wash, I Use Organic Olive Oil To Remove My Makeup Or A Dollar Tree Cream That Is Sold For $6.00 At CVs But I Buy It For a Dollar At Dollar Tree All The Time. But I'm Being Honest I Have Lazy Nights & I Just Don't Care About My Face, Lol, Great Topic, Haha :)
Oh noxema was my mom's favorite. That stuff smells so good. ♡
Hey! This video was awesome! Most nights I do take my make up off with at least a make up removing wipe, I don't always wash my face though. Sometimes I don't take my make up off when I've had a couple of drinks! hahahaha
Haha.. ya now a couple of drinks will make ya not even care..bahaha
I think I should start sleeping in makeup. I'd pick out types that claim the repair skin, lengthen lashes etc...lol Our kids think we have bad taste in men or saying "eww they're old!"
Lol :) tfw
I do it all the time when I'm really tired.
Your daughter is a mini you! How did your do your nails? What kind of ap was that? Is that Snapchat? Thank you for doing this video!
:) U just made my day :) and I can't stand people that act like that gets on my dang nerves.
Girl you put some of these fancied up little rich bitch girls to shame!  Their makeup skills are just-- awful.  You keep it real!
Lol why thank you Tiffany ♡♡♡ :)
You sure can polish them well.  I suck at doing mine!  You are the best makeup guru at You Tube!
Thank you . I think it's just some makeup app. I'm not sure ..lol my nails are melani nail polish.. lol from dt

❣ Sooooo TINGLY binaural ASMR makeup roleplay ❣ Relaxation for sleep

This ASMR makup roleplay is filmed on a camera with an extra large lens for a realistic look and feel. Let me cleanse your face, pamper you and put some ...

User Comments

Her accent is so strange. I can't put a name on it and it's bothering me
she's from Czech
Isn't she russian?
why she always wispering
It's asmr, it's supposed to make you relaxed and serene. You can look asmr up and find tons of things! Btw
This is so weird... Just discovered ASMR and totally creeped out haha. Like why do all these videos seem so sexual?
+Pastelxcat All of this lady's videos are kind of sexual haha
Usually they aren't but it's for relaxation and most people have triggers that looks sorta sexual or something but same I'm sorta like weirded out
Olivia, I am so grateful to you for these videos. I have an awful time sleeping, chrinic sleep issues for years now. And I HATE the side effects from the pills the dr gives me. But now, every night, as I prepare for bed, I just turn on one of your videos and I am sleeping before it's over. Thank you so much!!
Her videos are a great help.
she somehow looks like jeniffer lawrence.
They kinda have the same forehead, but the mouth/cheek bones /jaw/nose/eye structure are all way off...idk how you got jlaw.
Whenever her fingers got near the lens it looked like giant sausage monsters were attacking her but she looked so calm and that I think was what scared and relaxed me the most.
the fuck
Oh that horrible intro
I like her Intro it's very dreamlike and seems like she practices witch craft
+Chloe daunicorn so what if she does? It doesn't hurt anyone. ;-;
lol some of her videos seems dreamy and I really thought she practiced witchcraft. or maybe she does

Can I Sleep in my Makeup?

Please? ...I'm lazy. Main Channel: //www.youtube.com/auparis If you have any desire to seek me out here: Twitter...............//twitter.com/MaliaAuParis ...

User Comments

I watched this video because I was in the exact same pickle but then I got my ass up and cleaned off my makeup because present me (or now past me) wanted to do tomorrow morning me a favour. I'm nice like that.
This video is so totally Malia-esque. If you wish to become a mistress of minions, this is how to draw them in with cuteness and brilliantness. Out of nowhere, I feel the urge to yell "You go, girl!".
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
IGNORE THESE OPPRESSIVE SOCIETY RULES! WEAR ALL THE MAKEUP ALL THE TIME...good god...I probably win the award for your most annoying and unnecessarily overenthusiastic viewer.
I think now that you stuck to the rule about removing makeup, you can ignore the rule about garbage cans. That's how it works right? You give a little, you take a little...
Holy Grail, of course. great quote below! I know nothing about sleeping with makeup on. -Me.-
I've never seen it, but could guess by the way it was said that your quoting Monty Python
The peasant guy from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Love that movie.
Wear makeup to sleep.. not eat from trashcans or anything like that.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, of course! That movie is awesome
I just watched this and am in the exact same dilemma
Yes, I do it too. You are not alone. Sue me!
Man, channel trailer. I should get on that.
I actually sleep with my makeup on a lot...
The Holy Grail (only my favorite movie)
Monty python and the holy grail.
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