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Acceleration weight calculator Videos

Calculating weight and g

Physics Lecture - 14 - Mass vs Weight

Visit my website at https://www.thenewboston.com/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Have questions or looking for source code? Check out the forum at ...

User Comments

My poor notebook... I take notes on everything
hahaha same
Weight is kgf right?

Comparison of Measured and Calculated Impactor Acceleration

ARA has developed a high fidelity model of a Ford Crown Victoria for performing crashworthiness simulations. This study was part of an overall program ...

National Earthquake Competition 2014 [NUS High]

A video-cum-montage of the National Earthquake Competition 2014, Singapore, dedicated to Team NUS High of 2013-2014. Structures built using MDF timber ...

1.07 | Free Body Diagram Test Example #2 [Physics: 1st Year University Tutoring]

This is an example of a Free Body Diagram problem that could be used in a first term physics test. You can also use this fun physics trick to determine your ...

User Comments

What does it mean adrew? Everybody knows that.
a = -9.81m/s^2 XD Great Video!!

Dynamics - #3 - Motion of Pulleys

A figure shows a pulley arrangement with a fixed pulley A and a moving pulley B. One end of a string passing over pulley A is connected to a particle P of weight ...


ELECTRIC TRACTION - PART - 03 POWER OUTPUT FROM DRIVING AXLES Ft = Tractive force and V is the train velocity Power output = Ft x V watts, where ...

Myo-test with Chris Dalcin of the Canadian Sport Centre Ontario

This is a feature on a workout I did this weekend with Chris Dalcin who is the head of physical preparation at the Canadian Sport Centre Ontario. We attached a ...

User Comments

wow,no public results , let me guess, they sucked balls! Not surprised, based on that performance this dude needs to hit up some weights!
nice video and explanation guys about the Myotest technology!
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