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Fitness voor beginners vrouwen Videos

3 beste buikspieroefeningen voor thuis (vrouwen)

Opzoek naar de beste buikspieroefeningen voor thuis? Bekijk dan snel even deze korte buikspierentraining voor vrouwen. In deze video leg ik jouw precies uit ...

User Comments

hoe heten deze buikspieroefeningen?
+Eline Van Den Berg Beste Eline. Zoals je in de video kan terug zien. En ook vermeld word in de video. Dan laat ik je zien hoe je de basic crunch, foot to foot crunch en de plank oefeningen op een juiste manier uitvoert. Succes met trainen!
Ook heb ik dat ik inderdaad niet omhoog kom... M'n buikspieren zijn zo slecht dat ik dus niet eens omhoog kom
+Taryn Hakvoort Probeer eens een crunch te maken, door je armen als een soort hefboom te gebruiken. En je armen dan horizontaal tussen je benen door te sturen. Dus niet naast je lichaam. Je kunt ook proberen om eens deze buikspieroefening te gaan doen @2 Hiermee train je de onderste buikspieren, maar heeft als voordeel dat je core ook wat soepeler gaat worden. Waardoor je later beter de normal crunch kunt gaan uitvoeren. Mijn tweede advies, probeer elke dag een paar minuten, je lichaam als een soort bolletje te maken. Dit doe je door op je rug te gaan liggen, en je knieën in te trekken naar je borst. En je armen eromheen te slaan. Wanneer je dit even een halve minuut beet houd. En vervolgens nog een paar keer. Dan zal je onderrug ook wat soepeler gaan worden. Waardoor je in een later stadium beter kan gaan crunchen.Succes Taryn!
Ik heb altijd als ik crunches doe dat ik dan meer mijn nek voel dan buikspieren... Hoe kan ik dit voorkomen ? Of wat doe ik fout ? 
Voel nog wel een beetje de spieren achter mijn nek , maar het is al veel beter dan eerst.
Heb het net even geprobeerd , armen als "hefboom" gebruiken en naar het plafond kijken waar je onder ligt, en niet kin tegen borst drukken. Het hielp gelijk! Voel nu inderdaad mijn buikspieren en niet mijn nek. Heeeeeel erg bedankt voor de tips!!
Heel erg bedankt ! Ik zal het eens proberen!
+Taryn Hakvoort De meeste mensen doen buikspieroefeningen met hun armen in de nek. Of wat je ook vaak ziet tegenwoordig is dat mensen met hun handen tegen hun slaap zetten om te gaan crunchen. Dit raad ik beiden af wanneer je gaat crunchen. Dit om nek klachten te voorkomen. Ik weet niet of dit ook bij jou het geval is. Maar dan kan dit de oplossing voor je zijn. Houd je handen gewoon lekker naast je lichaam of maak een kruis voor je borst. Ook kan het zijn dat je jouw kin op je borst brengt tijdens het crunchen. En dan krijg je een krampachtige beweging van de nek. Ook dit word vaak gedaan. En mijn advies is om goed naar het plafond te blijven kijken. En dan wel naar het gedeelte waar jij onderligt.Succes en bedankt voor je positieve reactie!
Als je dit bijvoorbeeld elke dag doet waneer wordt je buikje dan minder? 
+LifeLike 1D In combinatie met de juiste gezonde voeding, adviseer ik mensen om maximaal 3 - 4 keer in de week buikspieren te gaan trainen. En zeker wanneer je nog andere goede oefeningen erbij combineert. Kan je al heel snel resultaat gaan zien. Onthoud wel dat buik vet één van de moeilijkste vetten is om kwijt te raken. En zal je lichaam eerst bij lagere calorie inname bijvoorbeeld het overtollig vet op andere plaatsen aanspreken. En daarna pas op de buik. Daarom is het van belang om de juiste oefeningen te combineren met buikspieren oefeningen. Succes met Trainen!

Keiharde buikspieren en een slankere taille - mijn buikspieroefeningen workout/ab routine

In deze video laat ik jullie een aantal buikspieroefeningen zien voor strakkere buikspieren en een slankere taille. Het is een hele andere video dan ik ...

User Comments

Hoelang doe je er over om zo'n strakke buik te krijgen? 
+Floor de Rooij zowiezo 2 maanden
heeft het invloed op je groei als je minder jarig bent ?? ps leukee filmpjeee
Ja! Zeker mij vriendin is 14 jaar oud en ze doet sinds haar 10de krachttraining. En ze is heel klein en dun. Maar wel heel sterk.
Om zo lichaam te krijgen kan je het ook thuis doen?
+Lieke Bartels thankyou
+rotje west Ja hoor, Zou wel een matje kopen ( Bij de action heb je ze nu ook volgensmij)
Als je deze oefeningen doet,kunnen je benen dan ook verslanken? 
+Emma Muyshondt volgens mij is dat zo, want je doet ook oefeningen die voor je benen belangrijk zijn. ik weet het alleen niet zeker

Buikspieren workout

Deze week laat Marlou een aantal goede buikspieroefeningen zien. Pak je matje erbij en let's go! Meer zien? Lees het hele artikel: ...

User Comments

Hallo hoe vaak in de week moet je deze buikspier oefeningen doen?2 of 3 keer in de week.alvast bedankt.
Hey ik ben een meisje van 15. Ik wil al best lang eenmooie platte buik. De bovenkant van mijn buik is plat maar de onderkant vn mijn buik zitt een laagje vet. Door deze workout bouw je toch meer spieren op? Zou ik door die meer spieren met laagje eraf kunne trainen? Ik hoop dat ik antwoord krijg want ik wil nik liever dan van me onderbuik af kome ! U videos zijn trouwens zo goed!
Ik heb echt precies hetzelfde probleem!
Is het alleen ik of krijgt iedereen er een zere keel van....
+femke boonstra Ah... Ik dacht dat ik het misschien verkeerd deed ofzo, blijkbaar hoort het erbij, of we doen het allebei verkeerd haha.Woah, 5 kilo in 2,5 maand, way to go girl!! Supergoed!
+Carwaii ik heb hier zelf ook last van ik krijg van work outs meestal een droge keel en spier pijn ook in mijn nek maar als je daar door heen bijt dan kan het je best ver brengen ik ben zelf met deze oefeningen in een piriode van 2,5 maand 5 kilo af gevallen !xxx

Buikspier Oefeningen voor Vrouwen

MAAK JE BUIKSPIEREN ZICHTBAAR! Personal Trainer Ginny Mulders heeft speciaal voor alle Mama's een buikspier workout ontwikkelt die je helpt om een ...

User Comments

Hele goeie video! Bedankt!
+Class of beauty Bedankt voor je compliment! Ga je de workout vaker doen?
zou je mij kunnen aangeven welke interval app je voor je oefeningen gebruik. Er zijn zoveel.
+Sandra Lenzen Ik gebruik de app met de naam: interval timer, Sandra. Je hebt er inderdaad een hoop. Het maakt niet uit welke je gebruikt, je moet ze toch zelf instellen op de gewenste tijdsduur. Succes!

Fitness Tips For Women: Stiff Leg Deadlift For Hot Hamstrings

Stiff Leg Dead-lift For Hot Hamstrings by Flavia of //www.CurvaliciousWorkout.com For more info on fitness tips for women visit my website: //www.

User Comments

Hey, I think you make a great video but I noticed something, without sounding too much like a complete dick @2.07 you hyper extend from your rib cage, which either meant that your TVA disengaged as you initiate your movement or a lack of mobility in either the T spine or Hips. Only you would know, it could also be because you are looking at yourself in the mirror rather than keeping neutral spine/head position..but other than that solid tech. :)
another good looking sexy chic making you believe she knows what she's talking about because she has a nice body. She doesn't know shit or how to properly teach this maneuver or the key landmarks of the move. Typical. Just dress in some tight shit, look at my ass, and think i know what I'm doing cause I have a nice ass. And youtube morons will subscribe.
You could make the argument that someone doing a "bench press" isn't literally pressing a bench above their heads also... This *is* a "stiff leg deadlift" because the motion comes from flexing at the hips, not squatting down. Keeping the legs completely straight is hard on the knees, they should always flex a bit. She is doing it perfect.
Does anyone know how many reps if you're looking to build mass? I've heard do heavy weight with low reps and I've heard do light weight with a lot of reps. PLEASE HELP! Female, toned, 5'10"... I've just started with 40lbs which is way too light so I'm using 50lbs. Just need a rep count. Thanks!
Flavia, Exercício corretíssimo (Exercise quite right). Parabéns (Congratulations). Se possivel, visite meu canal, veja e comente alguns videos onde faço alguns exercicios (If possible, visit my channel, and comment see some videos where I do some exercises.) Cheers. Rogério Mello.
OMG yikes... ok first of all her lower back is too arched. also, she should look slightly down so that her neck and head align with the rest of the spine. The bar is way to close to her body. If she starts lifting heavier she's going to throw her back out.
What a bunch of lame comments. Stop spamming and stop calling her a hot bitch. - Thank you for the video, I didnt realize I should keep a soft knee. I was also lifting the weight from the ground. I will start lifting it from the rack.
This is a stiff leg deadlift. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking retard. Your knees do not have to locked out they can be slightly bent! She did not push up with her legs therefore it is not a Romanian deadlift.
To the morons saying she doesn't know what she is talking about... this exact technique is taught religiously in numerous circuit training classes across the world.. such as BODYPUMP.
Those were romainian deadlifts. Also you're over extended. You should go watch kelly starrett on proper technique for midline stabalization, which you clearly do not have
Thank for the exercise Flavia. You, and your husband are a great inspiration to both women and men. Quick question, those this exercise is also called the "Deadlift"?
@gfi3o bro maybe you don't believe it but I lost 70+ with this method, the link is in the description of my profile, if it works for you, you know how to thank me ;)
She's doing it just fine. Any .negative comments are probably from those that could benefit from a deadlift... Or just a walk to the mailbox hahah
I agree she is doing the Romanian dead lift. She is also keeping the bar too close to her body which is more so for the Romanian dead lift.
then reduce the weight until your back extensors are strong enough,if you still cant keep it flat,you wont be able to weightlift anything.
It is good to periodize your workout programs where you work with a variety of rep ranges but 8 - 12 is good to build muscle. :)
Hilarious that Planet Fitness ads pop up in a deadlifting instructional vid. Planet Fitness banned deadlifts
you are over arching your lower back, abdominals need to be pulled up, and chin needs to be tucked.
you do not keep your knees locked out completely for SLDLs....and no, it is far from a romanian DL.
can u give me a full link of this video or smth cuz' i can't watch it or maybe cuz' i'm blond :D
My back always rounds, even when I make the effort to keep it straight/stick my butt out.
a little bit dramatic don't you think? post a video response showing us how to do it.
You are so rude! And bitter I guess... She is gorgeous and knows her stuff. So stop!
Wow terrible form -_- be careful guys. Youtube vicnatural hes legit!
that is not the stiff leg deadlift!!, this is the Romanian Deadlift

Arm Toning Tips - Triceps Workout With Dumbbells At Home - Best Triceps Arm Toning

Free download book on how to buy the best protein powders for muscle growth and weight loss. Find out which companies sell the best protein and which ...

User Comments

Hey, have you tried BELLYfatTACK" ? Simply copy and paste BellyFATtack.com to your browser to go to their site... There you can find an important free video by a well established licensed dietitian revealing the way to burn weight. It made it possible for Melody to get rid of her stomach fat. Why not give this a shot. It may work for you also...
Hey, have you heard about Belly Fat Quencher yet? Just check out that web site at BellyFatQuencher.com There you will see a beneficial free video presentation by an established physician teaching about how to get rid of fat. It made it possible for Khalid to lose his stomach fat. Hopefully it works for you too...
Hey, have you heard about " BellyFATtack "? Just search Google. There you will find a useful free video by a well-known licensed dietitian revealing the best way to eliminate excess weight. This helped Andre to get rid of his belly fat. I will probably give it a try. Perhaps it will help you out as well.
if you people desire to get ripped a lot faster without spending a single extra minute in the gym, then you really want to look at this online video SIXPP.COM What young people didn’t know, she thought, lying down beside this man, his hand on her shoulder, her arm; oh, what young people did not know
Yes i mean it. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. Listen the surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises, maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. have a look here bit.ly/19562CF?=smjif
Crazy clip. Excellent movie. My pal was formerly a flabby. He reworked his body from 279lbs of fat into 211lbs of full-strength lean muscle. Everybody was stunned. I just joined personally coz I wanna beef up. He made use of the Muscle Building Bible (Search on Google)...
yes I agree cant even believe it. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly. Listen Do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don't know about them you must see this. have a look here bit.ly/10RdC42?=hovxm
You have a great body and your videos helped a lot. I appreciate this!! the rest of you whom commented on her outfit ..elbow..boobs and so on ..you guys are fucking arrogant and dumb as hell.. you guys need serious help !!! please die if posible
Yep. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly. btw!but ye do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don't know about them you must see this. you can watch out here bit.ly/17EXIs2?=vjour
sure is right. even i was very sad since i workout well for abs but nothing was coming. Listen to this One of my friend working in fitness field suggested me this 7 secret food items to kill our jelly belly. i found it here bit.ly/145nsKQ?=vzyqp
Calm down, no one's objectifying her. Let's be honest here, a bikini bra is not workout clothing, it would be more appropriate if she had been wearing a sports bra. What she wore doesn't really matter though, this is a good workout tutorial.
Hi, have you tried " BellyFATtack " yet? Just search on Google. There you will discover a helpful free video by a well-known doctor revealing the way to lose fat. This helped Khalid to burn his stomach fat. It may help you out as well.
I thumbs up people like you cause your a fucking joke and your videos are joke as well. Anyone willing to pay for your shit is a fucking retard. No need to thank me for thumbing you up, Idiots are the ones to blame if they go there.
I agree with Cozzycoo. By exposing yourself like that you attract unwanted attention. You can have a nice toned body and still have respect for yourself and others around you. With that said,I think I'll stick with Blogilates.
Arm "Toning" Tips? There is no such thing as “toning” a muscle. Not surprisingly the people who use this term tend to be women in pink bikini tops doing dumbbell kickbacks instead of narrow grip presses, push-ups, etc.
yer sexy and you look sweet. i hope you're kind too. because i met too many beautiful women who are catty and bitches. i hope you are not one of them. because we need beautiful and kind women. thanks for the video love it!
Nice vid! I have been wondering why my triceps havn't had any results in three weeks, now I see why...If you got the bod like she does and workin it, people don't need to hate! Keep coming with these vids! =)
Thank you for showing the triceps work out because i went from working 10+ hours to zero after I had my son and after 5 years I have come back to working out and my triceps are so flabby!! You are gorgeous!
My family laughed when I told them I would bulk up with "H6x Muscle Monster", but then they saw the results. Go and Google H6x Muscle Monster to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)
Toned arms is something all women desire - thanks for sharing this workout! If any of your health conscious viewers want to work their midsection - we encourage them to visit us at the AbStand.
My family laughed when I told them I was going to lose weight with Ultra Slimming Formula, but then they saw the results. Go google Ultra Slimming Formula to see their reaction. (It was epic!)
Hiya, have you seen Atomic Max Muscle? (look it up on Google) You will discover the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Atomic Max Muscle, you will discover how to build muscle quickly.
Hey, have you considered "Belly Fat Quencher" (just google it)? There you will find a helpful free video. This made it possible for Jim to reduce his tummy fat. I hope it helps you also.
The guy in that video needs to read Gary Taubes' book "Why we get fat and what to do about it". The only way to lose fat is by expending more calories than you consume? Oh, please -_-
Tired of douchebag guys clicking on vids like this just to objectify the women in them. She's clearly trying to impart knowledge to men and women. Have some respect and show some class

Female Workout Motivation! - Bar Brothers

//www.BarBrothers.com ^^^Join the Family!! Bar Brothers is a Family! One big worldwide Movement of brothers and sisters helping each other to become the ...

User Comments

Did you know how certain vegetables, that most people think are healthy, create serious thyroid problems that add fat to your stomach area even if you are busting your butt in the gym everyday. Check my reply comment below to know it.
Check it out here = //goo.gl/Ye4o8C
you could've just shown her skills instead of filming her ass in a little black dress and making her strip in the first minute, so your boys can more easily masturbate to a video of an athlete. but hey: im just a girl, so what does my opinion count?
+Lady H. Wotton listen yo, don't make me have to fart in yah Cheerios.....
+Lady H. Wotton shut up and get ripped....
+Bluesky Frenchfry This is assuming females wouldn't like to see dat ass in a little black dress. I know some that would like to see this though.On the other hand, I am quite impressed with the amount of power the video showed though, well done.
+Lady H. Wotton Let's hope I get my first muscle up in the coming weeks and then maybe I can make a video for the Bar Sisters of Bar Brothers
+Lady H. Wotton Right? Maybe a female workout motivation video that was created with the female audience in mind would be better. This feels like it was made for males.
when in a nation people don't have culture they have muscles and porn..
+Davide X if you think there is a culture without porn you are fooling yourself.
+Davide X that is another form of culture if you think a bit harder

Bodylastics Women Bodylastics Full Body Resistance Band Exercises

//www.home-gym-systems.com/bodylastics - Anna the head of a personal training company in NYC Has her trainers use Bodylastics with ALL of their clients.

User Comments

►►►►►►►►►► Ultimate Workout Mystery Unveiled ⇨▷→▷►⇨ ✔✔✔✔✔✔ the surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises, maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. ☻☻☻☻☻☻ ☻☻☻☻☻☻ Everyone can use this. ►▷⇨→→⇨ Do it here ▷▷▷→→→xnims.info\sixpack
yep. i know the bad fat is the reason that stopping 6 pack coming outside even we work out well. btw!but ye The surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises, maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. if you are serious go for it now bit.ly/13DyY5r?=ixlmg
@yvrexln yes. It was my sad days when i used to work out hard for hours and not getting muscles at all. Listen I know why people are rushin to watch this video that definitely make you stronger with shaped muscles. must watch this killer video methods here --> bit.ly/MTGCMp?=pektbw
I already told you. before I started eating right it didn't matter how much I exercised my abs were still jello. Listen My international body building trainer also recommended this 7 food elements to kill your fat belly. get to know here => bit.ly/10DwI8h?=njjwb
yes. i know the bad fat is the reason that stopping 6 pack coming outside even we work out well. Listen to this My senior in gym daily having this secret food items to kill his belly with less excercise. check it out here => bit.ly/10IUL9v?=xphib
Yes i mean it. we must kill the bad fat and belly first to get the 6 pack. btw!but ye in a best female model 2012 exclusive interview she had mentioned about her strong abs with this 7 food items. i found it here bit.ly/17uT9k2?=qqxxw
I think some explanation as to which muscles are benefiting each exercise helps us understand why we are doing it.....poor verbal presentation.
I wish there was more organization. It was hard to follow and there was little instruction, but at least you looked like you were having fun.
this video seems very all over the place...but then again i get the feeling its a practice session for an actual workout she'll be taping?
It would be a shame if you did not melt fat when these normal people do it easily using "Fat Blast Formula" (Look it up on google).
9 minutes of core workout without instruction....not impressed at all. This video needs to be edited or redone.
Have you experienced "Fat Blast Formula"? (look for it on google) It is a quick way to lose weight fast.
This woman has the worst on camera presence I have ever seen in the fitness world.
This is the Wayne's World of workouts.....OMG she is soooo annoying!!!!!
It seems like she doesn't know what to do next, yet I like her!
Hi! I'm Kayla.I did -20 lbs in 2 month.Go to hddiet.gs\#00W2
I could not do a complete workout with this crazy woman !
Now I remember why I prefer male fitness trainer.
Tony Horton (p90x) is more annoying!!!
this chick is UGLY as FUCK .
wow amazing..you're a beast! :)
so much spam is annoying
i agree with carrie lol
wow she is fukin cucu
This chick is awful
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