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Eoc beginners guide Videos

Runescape 3 | EOC Beginner Duo Nex Guide

Beginners duo Nex guide. Fixes: There are no tetsu boots or gloves, use steadfasts and pneumatic gloves instead. Remember to rate the video if you enjoyed ...

User Comments

Thanks a lot. Did my first ever duo nex with this guide, and we managed to get three kills :) We both used full tetsu, dual drygore maces, fury, bandos gloves, steadfast boots and ovl/tortoises. Worked like a charm! We did die a couple of times at first, but that happens to almost any boss we try out for the first time. Just keep on trying!
Thanks glad to here it worked for you :D

Runescape FULL Evolution of Combat Guide for Beginners | By Anarchy Time

Justin has been working on this guide for months. If you find this helpful as I and a lot of other directors of The Rune Society did, please share it with others by ...

User Comments

Just as a pointer. You sound like a total faggot tool talking like that about your special moves and shit. You aren't cool. You're just a fat nerd. Thanks for the lame tutorial asshole
+Tim Kelly How's the first grade?
+Tim Kelly Now, now, let's be fair. He's found out some killer combos he wants to keep for himself. I think that's fair.  Eventually, people will figure out these combos and start blabbing about them, and they'll become known to the community at large eventually. Maybe they're so OP that he's afraid that Jagex will nerf them if every Tom, Dick and Harry starts OHKO-ing everyone and their granny with these moves.

RuneScape EOC Beginner's Bandos Guide - Using Guthans Setup #1

Hello guys and welcome to a beginners bandos guide which should help everyone is completely new to Bandos and the way it works this setup can be used by ...

User Comments

this is good cos there arent many vids for mid level EOC players. u can use berserk as ur ultimate, then build ur adrenaline and use assault or destroy to hit max damage.
True its a very good idea but as this boss doesn't not drop raw food it would be a waste if you have uni or yak already but I understand where you are coming from! :)
the master tackle box carries 30 raw food so that would last you a good while and the addition of penance and vampyrsm aura's would mean you need less food anyway
I suppose, its a great idea, I'll add it as a feature in the medium setup for bandos! Or even as a thirty second video tonight or tomorrow. Thanks :)
I think that the trollheim tele requires My Arm's Big Adventure quest, not sure though :l Other than that good and original guide
a better setup would also be to have vamprysm aura as that heals you based on your dps and would mean you needing far less food
How do you make your screen look like that cause im tired of the new school buttons I like that bit of old school feel on eoc
I've been looking all over for this for the last two days, thanks for uploading. Maybe an in depth dungeoneering guide next?
War Tortoise if doing solo or being the tank in a duo and if you aren't tanking then a bunyip would be good.
the best thing to take with a bunyip is the tackle box with raw food in it and swallow whole scrolls
Next time when you're using assault, let it hit 3 times without doing other abilitys inbetween
Definitely edgar's ruse. My Arm's Big Adventure is for the trollheim extra herb patch. :)

Runescape: Chris Archie's EoC PvP Guide for Beginners

A Like would be greatly appreciated! NEW hybridding vid this Saturday! I made this video due to the amounts of requests I was getting to make a guide because ...

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I can agree with you on how it's keeping some players interested into the game. I've enjoyed combat much more in general, and you can really use the Ability Bar while skilling. Fortunately, I'm liking how RuneScape is heading. Many players have quit, and a lot of those are people that instantly hate an update, without even trying it. It's getting rid of those "annoying kids" that no one seems to like. The Evolution of Combat is one of our many stepping stones to RuneScape 3.
well, excluding the Momentum ability you cant really AFK combat, you can but its crap xp, Besides using the Momentum ability jagex wants us to use skills to deal damage and kill crap quicker. When I first heard about EOC it didn't really faze me as much as most, I welcomed a change to the way I play RS, with EOC it will probably keep me interested far more into the future as Jagex has said they will be doing more updates geared towards EOC.
Ranged armor (Dragonhide, leather, etc) gives resistance to magic and heavy armor (Rune, Dragon, etc) give defense against range. On the stun thing, it's because it doesn't take that long for melee to close the gap, so mages need a bit longer stun so they can get abilities off without being attacked. Ranged is definitely proven of this since they are weak against melee.
You know, so many dipshits watching this videos. If you would actually listen to truth instead a bunch of bullshit rumors, you would find out that he wasn't paid jack shit. He's doing this because he wants to, not because he is a sellout. Now, unless you can give the community something to prove he is a "sellout", fuck off.
Chris... Why dude... why did you accept that offer? you helped that son of a bitch Mod Mark! you helped him! you tooke his smelly 1000$ ! omg chris.... why man... your disapointed.... im disapointed chris.... i don't feel like a sexy sub anymore... you were my Hero... you helped my enemy... sad dude.. :( :( ;( D=
Lmao you guys are idiots... That isn't really Mod Mark, go to every "famous" runescaper's video, and there will most likely be a comment from that same account saying stuff like "Fuck this game, I'm gonna tell my programmers to take this shot out" xP
guys seriously? do you enjoy clicking on things and afking? was waiting for a spec THAT fun? every game has updates. Just deal with it! Try it before you hate it, and by try it I don't mean look at the combat bar and log.
the fuck... i feel as though your a car sales man trying to sell me a fucking car i dont want... id love to punch you in the fucking face... any views that YOU have chris is now invalid as youve been bought out
Grats on $1000. I know Silentc0re once mentioned about selling videos for cash, but seeing as he also did this same deal with Jagex I guess it's alright by him this time around.
At least silentcore can't slate you for selling out cos he done it aswell. For everyone unsubbing, if you got paid a grand to make a 10 minute video you know you would, i would
You are a dumb ass just because he is trying to make the best of a bad situation that means he was paid off? Yeah right! By the way I'm sure you really are Andrew Gower.
Ive just start making vids on my channel Please check it out and give me some feedback sorry for doing this but I gotta get my name out Please check out my Channel

Runescape Detailed High level Queen Black Dragon (QBD) Guide! Legacy/EOC! | For Beginners!

Everything you need to know about killing the QBD! (and full kills) Low Level Guide (no super antifire): //bit.ly/1nTqSB5 Royal Crossbow Guide: ...

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Bro, you don't even get hit with mage,rnge or melee. i always do... in phase 1 i gotta eat like 3 food...
+Tomas Tham sometimes I do, the kills shown aren't necessarily every kill. that being said, 3 food doesn't sound too bad, and this is coming from someone who's killed qbd in full iron with iron longswords :D
Lol good guide though really this is really excellent and informative, tyvm
+リヴァイアサンSLEEPY thanks ;)
Your content is actually really good, you should have a lot more subscribers and viewers!
Thanks man!
Haha you got me eh? Have a doughnut, and um... sorry!
i have malevolent, drygores, overloads, super antifires, and soulsplit and i did what you said but i still use a full tortoise of food
+The RS Guy I can't dodge the souls at all. always mess it up  & i can only do 3-4 kills a trip
+Jake Armati Thanks, and no problem at all! upload to youtube could work. I've also had a few people stream it and send me the highlight, whatever works for you
ok i will see if i can find out how to send you one lol. anyway thanks for all of the help, i subbed. :)
+Jake Armati scrimshaws do degrade. And really if you're running the flame walls right, and are dodging the souls, you should be fine to get like 8 to 10 kills per trip. sometimes what I have people do, is record a kill and send it to me, so I can watch it and give you tips
so i also use aura of vamp and the phases are pretty much what you said. and scrimshaws full degrade right?
+Jake Armati That time isn't too bad, but should be faster with the gear/stats you have. What abilities do you use? usually I would say per phase:1. basics and destroy2. assault-destroy3. assault - destroy4. zerk at start if you can, if not, assault-destroyGive that a try if you weren't doing it like that. also a scrimshaw of vampyrism can help as well 
They take around 3:15 and im in eoc. I have to be doing something really badly
and legacy or eoc?
how long do your kills take on average?

Complete Araxxor Guide: All Phases and Paths [Runescape 2014]

0:13 Loadout 2:52 Phase 1 4:20 Phase 2 (Path 1) 7:36 Phase 2 (Path 2) 9:02 Phase 2 (Path 3) 11:02 Phase 3 14:14 Phase 4 Thanks for watching and hopefully ...

User Comments

enraged-ness haha
+noobgamer2340 i could hear you had a little trouble with that :p
why the fuck is araxxor only going in to melee me???? i try to run away and shit and he just come and melees me
+Ark Avenger he either melees, mages, or ranges the entire match. use a phermone
i would recommend to kill araxxor really quick to play oldschool runescape
i love you bro i really do
+Navily Score If you're gonna troll at least try to make sense when you do it...
can you use deathtouch darts? lol
+cody gauthier yes
i went into path 2 and there was no acid pit whatsoever. it was the shadow path all the same, wtf.
+Kevin Arnold u went path 3 by mistake then

RuneScape 3 EoC Beginner Flip Merch Guide - 2013!

A Quick Guide On How to Flip Merch In Runescape 3 For Beginners! In This Video i Explain How to Flip Merch For Beginners. Brought to You By: ...

User Comments

holy crap i just look at the Abyssal whip at wiki in January 2010 24 the highest it was at 4,200,000 gp now its 73,838 man time has flow by form 2010 to now
ikr it's kinda sad i use to flip whips pre eoc was usually a guarantee'd profit
i bought my first whip for 10m..... yes time has flied

Runescape Eoc Full Vorago Guide All Stages, Abilities, Strategy MAKE BANK WHILE IT LASTS [1st Cycle]

Check out my new channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ee1fg7OVc.

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If you mean armour then it's seasingers/virtus/tectonic for mage and tetsu/torva for meele. Bring dual level 90 weapons plus a spirit shield. For example: for meele you want dual wield drygores plus a divine spirit shield. A person should be around 90 in the style they are using (90 for mage if maging, 90 atk 90 str if meeleing etc.) Plus 90 or so defense to not get owned plus wear the armour I mentioned. Best drop: Seismic wand Worth around 1700m last time I checked
Hey, just curious, what do you think the bare minimum requirements would be to do this boss? Combat stats are not my number 1 stats, but I prefer to keep them low because it brings on a nice challenge. I am able to camp at KK, and wanted to upgrade to something harder because KK is a joke... the minions are more lethal than he is.>.<
Well, if you die you'll get a grave put under the mass graveyard. You can access it by right clicking vorago's cave entrance and clicking enter graveyard. I recommend you do not use the html5 client and you attempt to minimise risk. Jagex is still having server problems so I myself would wait a few weeks.
No, but he spawns minions to kill you. AND... remember this is the first week guide, vorago changes every week for 4 weeks and then resets his tactics to the first week (which my guide is about). However, I think vorago reset to the first week today so my guide is for this week.
You use it for the entirety of 1, then you use it for 2 and then dual wield when he leans over and goes into dps mode. You use a shield for the entirety of phase 3 and 4. You dual wield for the entirety of phase 5 unless you are low on food.
wow its the first time i've seen a varago, seems cool. btw... whats the best arma to use to kill it? and what level should a person be when attacking it and whats the best drop?
I couldn't understand a damn word you said in the whole video... It's like you had your microphone in your mouth the entire time...
Man I wanna kill this thing to get some gp I am absolutely broke, but do u lose your stuff when you die there or you keep all of it?
Woaw! Great Vorago guide! RuneScape (funny) August news: Race to 99 Divination & battle of lumbrigde updates! /watch?v=9pFcd42aaso
=) I saw there was no guide so made this one. It isn't the best, but I hope it gives you a good idea of the basics.
90 atk/90 mage/90 range (only in the style you use) + 80 def Ovl Curses are recommended
how many people would you suggest that we are as a team the first trip we try vorago?
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