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Beginners film review Videos

Beginners (film review)

Beginners is a beautiful, touching and nuanced film about human relationships and the barriers we sometimes place in our way to happiness. I'm not aiming for ...

User Comments

Have you seen Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky yet? If not you should watch it and review it, considering how you feel about Solaris.
Interesting assessment, Joker. Have you had a chance to see/review Enemy at all yet?

Adult Beginners (2014) - Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Movie Review

Welcome to We Live Film's Coverage of the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival also known as TIFF. Nick Iacobucci and MovieManMenzel will be bringing ...

User Comments

why did he refer to the kid as 'it' ?!

Beginners Film Review - crittick #EnjoyTheCho

Android Application Tutorial For Beginners - Membuat Aplikasi Android Eclipse Review Film Box Office

Sebuah tutorial yang menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah pembuatan aplikasi sederhana berbasis android yaitu aplikasi Review Film Box Office. Dengan ...

User Comments

Bagus, keren, aku suka.. hehe
lanjutkan berkarya

Film Review: Beginners & Show Me Shorts 10-11-11 Radio W

Film Review: Beginners & Show Me Shorts 10-11-11 Radio Wammo Show | //www.wammo.co.nz - Captured Live on Ustream at ...

Beginners Movie Review

User Comments

I also loved BEGINNERS and really enjoyed your review! We did a video as well, but you covered a lot more and better articulated what I loved about the film. Check out our channel and find my review under the "Videos" section. Thanks, and great work! #EnjoyTheCho

The Film Fix Review Part 3: JUDY MOODY and BEGINNERS

Jeff and Jonathan review JUDY MOODY and BEGINNERS after a press screening in Atlanta.

Just A Movie Break: Beginners Review

User Comments

Glad your still doing reviews man . I will never unsubscribe from you cuz your the reason i watched Donnie Darko 1 year ago since then thats one of my fav movies keep it up i hope you get the views u deserve
@dnabg Thanks dude that means a lot! I'm glad someone takes my recommendations. :)

The Pentax K1000 35mm Film SLR: SCL Beginners Photography Guide

My little guide to a great 35mm Film SLR, the Pentax K1000. In this video I cover why the K1000 is so good, what to look for when you buy one, and how to shoot ...

User Comments

What types of lenses would you suggest?
+Rob Nunn thank you! Is there a brand that you'd suggest?
+Rose Allen Start off with a 50mm and then go on from there. You can't go wrong with an 85mm or 135mm for portraits, but if you're into landscapes and urban look out for a 28mm.
I've never used a film "analog" camera like this before... digital since I became interested in photography. Of course, when I began looking for a new camera my dad pulled one of these out of the closet that he and my mom had used on their honeymoon and hadn't really touched since. So I was excited and I burned through 4 rolls of the film that my parents had with the camera (the film was probably at least 10-15 years old). I think my digital experience has made me habitually hasty. Anyways, after getting those pictures developed I found that they were all overexposed. Could the film's age have affected this? Anyways, thanks for the awesome video, I'll try being a bit more cautious when taking my pictures and I'll use that "F8 and be there" thing into consideration :) Cheers! (PS: do you have any other tips and tricks for setting shutter speed/ aperture to get a good exposure?)
+Sai Lakewolf Get some fresh film, then download a light meter app for your phone and have some fun. If you want to shoot without a meter, check this out: https://youtu.be/bMc7_Sv8WBk
多機能で高性能もいいですが 最近はシンプルで良いものを長く使いたい!・・・ そう思うようになりました・・・歳を取ったのかな~ www 若いころは貧しくカメラも高くて欲しくても買えなかった。 今、クラシックカメラになってしまったけど当時のカメラが安く買える!! うれしいことです・・フィルムカメラの道具としてのシンプルさ、 電子的機械 デジタル機械ではなく 写真を撮る道具だったころのカメラが とても愛おしい。 愛すべきカメラたちですww レンジファインダーの当時の日本製のカメラも最近ジャンク品(故障品扱い)を 中古店で買って自分流で直して使ってます。 OLIMPUS 35 RC と35 EDはとても良く写ります!
+eruerueru42 非常に興味深いです!ありがとう!
From Japan・・・ 同じカメラ使ってます! デジタルカメラの時代ですが 私はまだまだ フィルムで撮るつもりですww 無駄な抵抗???? ただ、PENTAX が好きです。 K1000とMX SPを使ってます。みんなかわいいカメラです シャッター音が好きですね~
+eruerueru42 ありがとう!
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