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Beginners feng shui Videos

Feng Shui Basics for Beginners!

While many people have heard of feng shui, few understand what it actually is. Listen to my video to learn how simple techniques can change your life.

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thank you... ;)
+lightconnection1 You are welcome! :)

Top Ten Feng Shui Tips from Elizabeth Chamberlain

Visit //www.space-lift.com for more Feng Shui tips and a Free 5 Day Mini-eCourse "The Five Essential Steps to Good Feng Shui." Also go to ...

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that are all psychological tipps, its not bout the energy that comes from the instruments cause they all just have the same energy but the point is humans are channels that dont just let the energy flow thru them but put it into different directions... thats cause were living and thinking entities thru the fact that were alive we have control bout all that shit....feng shui,meditation ,the kabbalah,and all other mystic methaphysic and religious stuff is just self hypnosis not philosophy.^_^
You're right, everyone does already know to fix drips, change burnt bulbs and tighten knobs. The thing is, most folks don't get up off the sofa and do it! They wait months before getting around to their Handy Andy list. I'm just pointing out how it affects you from a Feng Shui perspective.
Great tips, nicely done particularly for Westerners. I think she has the nicest presentation -friendly, funny, beautiful, professional and informative. I've done a lot of research what she recommends fits what many Feng Shui Masters would say.
I had view some of the claimed feng shui video, and most of them doesn't deal direct with feng-shui. As far as this video concern, it really no much related to feng shui. I'm sorry to say, she just looks like a Household Organizer.
thank you Luckychi!!! can you please let me know if its good to put a ametist stone on the top of my computer to counteract the electro magnetic waves,I always have one on the top of my TV
While I don't think these tips will actually make you happier, I think that it's a fun way of thinking about things and to help you get things done you've been neglecting
These are like, things everybody knows anyway. Change your lightbulbs? Don't let your plants die? Clean your mirrors? How about just having one tip: Don't be a slob.
I think a woman invented Feng Shui. Tip #6- "Keep your toilet lid down to protect you from all of that draining energy." I know a man didn't come up with that idea.
Oh how I wish I had my own house to practice Feng Shui. It is difficult to do this when you live in an apartment that you don't plan on being in much longer... :.(
estaría buenisimo ke hagan las traducciones al español es muyy interesante los felicito
Hey Elizabeth, this is not Feng Shui, this are tips for stupid guys!
Actually feng shui means air and water when directly translated. ;)
ouch... this video explan exactly what Feng Shui isn't.
I love these tips... so simple and easy to implement!
wtf??!!! i thought i say some subliminal messaging!!
Wow... so much I never realized. Thanx, Elizabeth!
Wow. Great video. You are sure a Feng Shui master!
I'm in Love. Feng Shui love that is. Look at you.
i don't believe in luck, but the tips are ok...
wow she's fun! some things to do in my house.
Feng Shui literally means 'wind' and 'water'.
Feng shui literally means 'wind' and 'water'.
So, Feng Shui is Chinese for Common Sense?
Elizabeth Chamberlain is very beautiful!
The tips are very helpful thank you
thats true we just can gain^^
you are beautiful!!!!!!!!111
MUY BUENO!!! Me gusto
feng shui is great
Basic Knowledge?

[USF4] Juri For Complete Beginners : The Power of Feng Shui

This video covers Feng Shui Engine construction at various ranges : far, mid, close, overhead close and over head far. The purpose is to show that you don't ...

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You didn't do this right. The reason that far MP whiffed from farther out is because you didn't RECORD the dummy holding downback. The pushback is different when someone is actually manually blocking, so this test isn't true to how it will actually be. Also, it is more important to get a knockdown and mixup in FSE since she sacrifices tighter range control with her dash and gets zoned out if activated from far range (AKA Ryus are just going to jump back roundhouse/random EX fireball until you get hit). You didn't talk about how to get into FSE safely and play to the Ultra's close range strength. Here's the order of best ways to activate from most effective to worst: After: 1. Sweep 2. Corner throw 3. after HK pinwheel while they are still airborne 4. Backthrow 5. As a DP punish (block, then activate and do max damage character specific) Now the bad ones--- 6. Midscreen forward throw (try to avoid though because it's fullscreen) 7. Raw on wakeup or just randomly anywhere on screen (NEVER) Sweep cancelled into LK pinwheel and then immediately neutral jump is a safejump, and any sweep cancelled into store is safe usually as well, though can be whiff punished if it doesn't connect. It's because of this that a Juri will whiff punish with cr.MK cancelled into sweep and then upleg when activated so they can get in and mixup. Juri gains an extra juggle after EX pinwheel, cl.HP, and fireball store in FSE which allows for nasty mixups, including a midrange safe rushdown mixup (look up Juri Special Delivery). Lastly, remember that any version of MP as long as it didn't come after a MK can be canceled into overhead in FSE. max dmg for no meter on Akuma is 410 dmg: overhead > cl.MK > cr.MK > far st.HK > far st.HP xx HK pinwheel. With 2 meters, it can be 483 dmg: overhead > cl.MK > cr.MK > far st.HK > far st.HP xx LK pinwheel FADC 2nd hit > cl.MP > cl.HK (2 hits) > cr.HP xx HK pinwheel
+NosloAndy This is gonna be a bit of a reply, please just bear with me here:I did not know overhead could be linked into. Thanks! I'll get crackin working with it, see what I can work that into.Regarding the combo I did wrong: No, I did that right. Often I find opponents are holding down, not down back. And even if they were, it's still a better option to use the combo that won't whiff if they hold down instead of down back. I know this happens because (unfortunately) I still use the whiff combo on FSE autopilot, and it whiffs A LOT.Regarding getting into FSE safely : You are entirely right about the best safe setups into ultra 1, no dispute there. But there's lots of times when you can't. If you can't get it, you should still go into FSE, even if you do have to activate out in the open. Having it is better than not using it. Yes, if you do this, the opponent will (usually) zone and back jump...but the added mobility FSE gives makes up for it. At worst, FSE adds a mindgame to the mix which MAY help you, and increased dash speed, which WILL let you chase down runners. In addition, I'm finding (through current experimentation) that there are REALLY viable setups from full screen with FSE.Regarding not talking about FSE's close in strength : Well, what if you can't get there? This happens all the time to me too. I misjudge the fdash, I misjudge a jump, the opponent jumps away, the opponent focuses. There are SO MANY reasons why you can't always be at 0 range on the opponent. You need to tools to deal with that. That is why I covered combo construction at the various ranges...you need damage, ANY damage, to make FSE useful. Waiting only for the most optimal in close combo is a fool's game. You need to take the damage where you can get it. If you don't get any damage, you've just blown your Ultra 1 for nothing.Regarding the resets: They were briefly covered in the previous video. I didn't cover them more than that, because a reset is really risky, and likely to hamper a beginner.Regarding safe jumps : I don't know them, I don't expect beginners to know them either. I'm not saying it's not useful, but doesn't apply to beginners. That's a strict timing thing, and a gimmick that may or may not work, and might ultimately hamper a beginner.Regarding FADC : Again, beginners. FADC is not a beginner thing. It's hard. I'd guess it takes tons of hours to learn and get consistently. Beginners don't need FADC to do well, they need basic things, such as the ability to think through problems and find solutions, such as "If i'm not able to get at 0 range, what combos can I do?"There's another argument against FADC : in your case, you're using it for 1-time hard damage that is quite good. What about other cases? EX fireballs are fantastic setup opportunities. 2 EX pinwheels at the end of FSE combos do more damage than the FADC gives. 1 EX fireball and 1 EX pinwheel will also give more damage. Your gameplan and the opponent's health should determine if you use FADC, not just "well I want max damage this 1 combo". Sometimes you can kill with it. In that case, yeah, use FADC and win. But if you ned 600 damage to win? Well, you want the setup. What if they're around 500 damage from death? Maybe the setup and some extra damage. There's lots of ways to use that bar. FADC is tool of several, and if the situation is right (like a hammer for a nail) then it's perfect. But you sure aren't going to use a hammer to lay down tile, you need a different tool (ie, maybe a setup).I know it was long. I'm sorry if this came off combative, I don't mean it to. The advice you're giving though only applies to a small subset of things that can happen, and may not even be useful for other people. This video isn't about "these are the tools to use". This video is about "here's an example about how you think through these particular problems and find solutions."
hi, i just wanted to say thank you for all the tech you're putting out for juri, you spent a lot of time on this obviously and im glad you're sharing : )
+xxchilleyxx no, thank you, I'm happy you're finding this stuff useful!

[USF4] Juri For Complete Beginners : Laws of Feng Shui

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Whats the song?
+Grey Greythorn Both are from the Armored Core 3 OST . The first is "free verse", the second is "Declare". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrUzXtNvW6U&list=PL20AF37F86B042E47&index=8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrUzXtNvW6U&list=PL20AF37F86B042E47&index=10

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