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What svt Videos

What is Supraventricular Tachycardia? (SVT)

We discuss a common type of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), brought to you from University of Iowa Children's Hospital.

User Comments

At 240 bpm the only symptom I had was palpitations. I had no pain whatsoever and they were just hooking me up to an EKG when it stopped. The beta blocker I was on sucked because it reduced my resting heart rate to around seventy when it is normally around one hundred. It made me feel like I had almost no energy for the two months that I took it. The only thing about the whole affair that was positive, besides when I stopped taking the medication, was the fact that the nurse's aid was really attractive and she was no help in calming my heart rate. I'm 17 btw.
How long did the symptom sustained and if it is suddenly onset and suddenly terminated? I think you should take ECG examination when you are suffering tachycardia. If it can not be catched by regular ECG, and if you have these symptom everyday, you can take Holter ECG to find out what kind of tachycardia it is. Also there are not very few pregnant women have such symptom like palpitation and feeling of tachycardia, but they seldomly are SVT, and, the most common reason is sinus tachycardia.
I have this but I got heart surgery for this a year ago. Last time it happened, I was playing basketball I jumped and bumped my chest to my friend and my heart starting going fast, and then the school called the ambulance and I had to get a IV shot and a injections, god I hated the injections they inject me so my heart can stop for a few seconds. I had to take about 5 of those, anyway it lasted for about 3-4 hours, 220 BPH. But I got heart surgery, and I'm doing fine :D
Hi, one of the ways, but doesn't work for everyone is called a valsalva maneuver. What you are trying to do is 'stimulate the nerve that slows it down'. Hold your breath, and act like you're trying to take a dump. Another one is to apply gently pressure at the carotid sinus (where you take your pulse in your neck, but just a tad bit higher) and do something called a carotid massage. Both of these concepts are kind of the same. Doesn't work for everyone, but give it a try.
I've been diagnosed with regular VT, but the way my doctor explained how my heart works is similar to this. For anyone who has been recently diagnosed, It's important to know that as long as you get regular cardiologist checkups and medication, it CAN get better. It may take a while to find the right meds and dosage, but it will be okay. I've been struggling for 2 years and now everything is okay on my meds. And im only 16, so I hope that gives you hope
What if I have the same symptoms as SVT. I have been to the emergency 2 times and both times, my blood pressure was normal and the ECG showed normal and blood testing showed normal mineral levels. Doing a little bit of moving around raises my heart rate quickly and I don't feel good. What could my problem be?
SVT and palpitations are both different diagnoses. They both involve an accelerated heartbeat (tachycardia), but palpitations are much more common and happen frequently in pregnancy. If you actually had SVT you would still have it and would need to be under the care of a cardiologist.
How can you handle it? I've had 118 bpm once and another time was 97-101 and another time, I did not go to the hospital to measure it. I felt dizzy, out of breath, like I was going to die, some numbness in my fingers. What do you do to stop it and how many years have you had it?
it all started after my mother died. I take atenolol and/or hawthorn berry only when I need it. It works well. Lack of sleep, Stress (that you are not even aware of), caffeine, can cause it too. It takes a while to "decompress" from the stress that you may be having.
Great question. Generally, a pacemaker is not used to treat SVT. If you have specific questions, be sure to visit a cardiologist. For some basic information, please watch our video “How do you treat SVT?” You can find it on the cardiology playlist on our channel.
I had one of this SVT at school , i can't even move , i just feel my heart palpitate in my legs , neck , arms the beats was so fast , like 140-150 bpm ore more. It feels so freekin terrible , they get to the hospital and drug me with some wired stuff .
All comes from you mind , when this SVT comes up , i always wash my face with cold water , and try to focus on something else , Music , whatever , i ussualy have tachycardia after i smoke weed , yes it's strange ,
My baby was diagnosed with SVT when he was 3 days old in the NICU his heart rate went up to 300 BPM.. I was one scared new mommy but now he is 13 months old and he was just taken off his meds and so far so good!
I usually have a 100 bpm when I'm up. But when I'm in bed while awake my HR is 70-80 bpm. When I'm asleep I think it's 60-70 bpm When underwater it slows down to 58 for 4 seconds and goes back to 70
I have recently been diagnosed with this... waiting for an appointment for procedure, i hope i have the same results. Had first attack on my 46th birthday, not a day i will easily forget.
Sorry, let me adjust the last post. To see the basics of the procedure to cure a patient of SVT, feel free to watch the youtube video: what is an electrophysiology study with ablation?
For any of you did this happen the day after alcohol consumption? I haven't been diagnosed with it, but ive been in and out of the hospital for a while and they believe it could be svt
Mine generally happens when I make a sudden jolt, like starting a sprint, or jumping quickly. Since I stopped playing sports I haven't had any episodes, which is pretty nice
Still trying to find a doctor my heart rate has reached 150bpm and again 170 bpm. When it was 150 bpm I had a fever of 100.3 When it was 170 bpm in thought panic attack? 
I got surgery that disabled the nerve in my heart that causes svt. My life has changed completely and i thank all these doctors with the technology to do this.
Mine was a freaking 319 when I was 1. They had to stop and restart it. I am now 14 and have just been taken off the medicine so keeping my fingers crossed 
Since I've started working out harder I never get it anymore, and I used to get it about 3-5 times a week with a heart rate between 160-180bpm. It was hell!
I just got diagnosed with this about 3 weeks ago and going to see the electro psychologist tomorrow to see if I need the operation
Im getting a procedure in a couple days that will fix this, When my episodes happen i have 300 heart beats per minute

Catheter Ablation for SVT Personal Experience Complete Story

My personal experience with SVT and the catheter ablation procedure. Had SVT for over three years, got the procedure done six weeks ago. The video talks ...

User Comments

I'm just watching this right now, and mine will be tomorrow, I am pretty excited since my life will be back to normal after 5 year's of this SVT problem, wish me luck, God Bless All
+Zking Gaming14 Good luck!! I'm sure you will be fine and be ecstatic to have your life back to normal. It is good that you are getting it done at your age so you won't have to deal with SVT as an adult. Good luck again!!!
Thank you so much for making a video. I'm younger as well and could only really find videos of things like Afib. Crazy how similar my experience has been. I am going through the procedure next week. I'm actually apprehensively excited and now more comfortable about recovery and what to look forward to. Thanks again!
+Jesse Reece I would say exercising feels normal now. It has been over two years since my surgery and I have not had another episode. I will say that when exercising I will sometimes experience PAC's, which are basically harmless extra heartbeats. I will usually experience these after exercising not during, but once again they are harmless.
+Harrison 555 I do have just one question. Does exercising feel "normal" now? I know with my WPW now some days are just "surprises" where I can feel great then get hit. Have you had any more episodes? Thank you for the help! I'm looking forward most to running again.
+Jesse Reece Glad I could help! I'm sure you will be totally fine and feel great being able to get back to having a normal lifestyle. Good luck to you and let me know if you have any other questions!
Hi Harrison, I have a question: during the procedure I must be completely naked ?
+Nicole B. Lol, yes like any other surgery you will more than likely be naked for an ablation
First off let me start by saying I really enjoyed ur video & info u shared thank u!!! ;) In my personal experience I've only been in SVT once in 2012 triggered by bending over but I refused the cardiac ablation because I was only 26 & it happened once. Over the next few years it seemed like I started to develop more problems like a fluttering feeling in my chest (which on a holter monitor study ended up being V-tach). I also threw lots of skipped heart beats which are called PVCs which u usually do feel & I do... and I also had PACs which u usually don't feel & I didn't. Now at age 29 I finally decided to do it!!! I saw 3 different doctors to decide if it was "really necessary" and the drs told me as I aged... it would just get worse. So I had the ablation 2 days ago. I just wanted to note that after the surgery, I had a lot of chest & neck pain, & underneath my rib cage (they told me this was all "normal" and will go away in 2-3 days.) I was told he successfully ablated the AVnRT... but was unable to find the area for the PVCs. So of course I'm still throwing them. Can I ask u a question Harrison555??? I c u made this video awhile ago..... Do u still have random PVCs or not? & did the 1 ablation fully fix the 2 problems u had or did u end up needing anymore procedures?? Im glad that I chose to do mines, but really upset he couldn't fix the PVCs, they r soooo uncomfortable :( And Im happy u r much better as well. Ok thank u & lemmi know answers :) P.S. Always get a 2nd or 3rd drs opinion if u r uncomfortable with the answers u r getting!!!
+LadyTigra729 To answer your questions, I still rarely have PAC's, but never PVC's. I have had several follow up appointments since my surgery over 2 years ago, and have had precautionary holter monitors and stress tests to make sure everything is still ok, and they always say the same thing: everything looks good you just rarely have PAC's, some you'll feel, some you won't. They have also said that after 2 years it is almost 100% that my arrhythmia's will not return, but that in extraordinarily rare cases it does happen. So the problems are fully fixed…fingers crossed
Harrison, I was diagnosed with AVNRT in June of 2014 at 17 years old. I just had a follow up appointment with the specialist dr. johnsrude here in Louisville. He has me on medications and it seems to be working just fine. He was hoping to take me off of it at this appointment, but since I'm an adult there's little chance of outgrowing the problem as hoped. I only had one episode, but I don't want to take any chances. I know you said that you got the procedure done because medicine didn't seems to help in your case. Would you still suggest the procedure if the medicine is working for me? I am trying to learn all I can because I've had other heart issues in the past so my heart is already compromised as is and that scares me.The Dr said it's not necessary, but it's an option I need to explore. Would you suggest that I still go through with it? Having an opinion from someone whose been through it already would really help.
+Maddy Fautz If the medication is working I would keep taking it for a while and see how you feel or if you get more episodes. Since you have only had one episode I wouldn't rush right into the ablation. If your case is very mild, maybe you will only have an episode every year or two even with no medication. I know you said you don't want to take any chances, but I hope you can find comfort in knowing that AVNRT is very very rarely, if ever fatal. It is actually the safer and easier to ablate of the two arrhythmia's I had, the other being WPW. As long as you are not taking very high doses, I would stick with the medication for now if I were you. However, if you start getting more episodes, maybe one every couple of months or more, or if you feel extremely uncomfortable because I know from experience episodes can be very frightening, then I would recommend having an ablation so you can live you life without worry. Hope this helps!
Hi I have being suffering with VT condition, as a matter of fact I just had and episode for about 1:45mins I was weary and exhausted breathless really concern, do you know if SVT is like VT or if there's is info for VT? or if in my area there is a Hospital the treats this disorders. Im in Silicon Valley. I need help.!
+Simon Moore Hi Simon, I believe by VT you are referring to Ventricular Tachycardia. VT is a different kind of arrhythmia than SVT because the faulty electrical signal arises from the ventricles, whereas in SVT it does so from the atrioventricular node or higher. There is plenty of info on the internet about Ventricular Tachycardia, I recommend you do some reading on exactly what it is and the possible side effects. I am sure there is a hospital within reasonable distance of you that treats VT. I'd recommend meeting with an electrophysiologist, and having them run some tests and discuss further options with you. You would more than likely be a candidate to have an ablation. If you have anymore questions feel free to let me know

SVT or Supraventricular Tachycardia

This video demonstrates the treatment of a patient with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) using adenosine.

User Comments

I have been diagnosed with svt and my heart rate used to get to 260 and i got an ablation (which is heart surgery)
+♠ByTriiXz-♠ How did you not go into fibrillation? In 1996 I went into fibrillation somewhere near 290. Luckily I was already unconscious.
mine went to 342 hr
+Wi3rd Gurls are you svt free ?
I have svt I am 23 years old I heard in the video say wanted to make sure patient didnt have a heart attack during this ?? Does that mean thats normal can I have a heart attack when I have an episode ? 
No you can't have a heart attack unless your heart has a side effect on the adenocard which could leave to cardiac arrest or bradycardia. but unless you don't treat the SVT then yes it can be fetal because as the heart rate increases than blood pressure decreases. again SVT is not fetal. but can have complications depending on the patient. make sure you seek medical attention if you have a consistent HR and symptoms of SVT which could lead to an arrhythmia or induced cardiomyopthy.
Awsome to know thank you
A troponin leak may occur as a result of the prolonged fast heart rate (not a big deal) but older patients may have SVT as a result of a myocardial infarction.

Mustangs leaving SVT Cobra Club ★ Parkway Ford Show 2015 (2 of 3)

14th Annual Carolina Regional SVT Cobra, Shelby, Boss, Mustang, and all Ford Show on August 22, 2015. Hosted by SVT Cobra Mustang Club (SCMC) and ...

User Comments

What's the name of that Color on that Green Cobra @ 3:33 mark??? Anyone...
+Lil Cam electric green from a '99 cobra (has 03 body kit)
I like how every single one of the old fucks in the their 60's mustangs are too old and pussy to bring it above 2000rpm. What's the damn point in owning a car like that if you're gonna drive it like a prius. Idiots.
Or maybe it's because they respect classic cars and don't thrash them like an immature child.
Nothing like the sound of the Mod motor. Best sounding mustang ever. I know because I own a 2015 and a 01 Cobra. Both built to the gills but the modular plant motor takes the cake on sound.
+MrElichante yup especially the 4v.hell even a 2v can sound really good.
what camera do you use?
+Philly Motorsports canon G30
im in love with all of these fucking MUSTANGS
see my mustang in my Instagram ibo3333
This kind of thing really shows who put in true wrench time and who just bought it and threw on some exhaust and stickers. The guys who truly love cars and put in hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars just pull out and go on smoothly. Then you got the douchebags who floor it halfway into the turn and end up swiping across all of the lanes 2-3 times and think it looked cool but in reality they look like they've never driven a car. You can tell the guys who drove the older restoration cars did it themselves.
+Kille78 Nothin wrong with flooring it, and burning out, and stomping it, and dogging it, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!! But some of the guys who DO do that, can't even fuckin drive, like, WTF???
Hhahaha. So true

Regular Car Reviews: 2003 Ford Focus ZX3 SVT

This is the 170hp hatchback that finally bested the pompous Honda Civic Si. Ford Focus ZX3 SVT: The official car of Senior Skip Day and the churning white ...

User Comments

Not an american car.
+Seraj89 [JDM Video Blogger] It's German, designed by Ford of Europe...
Yeah. What is it?
then what is it?
It beat the Civic power but had to use 2.0L to do it... On the plus side it has more refinements and is quieter (except if you make it loud again!), maybe handles better. On the downside it seems they are not as reliable...
+MarchuxProductions North America always gets shafted with performance models. At least Honda is finally bringing a type R overseas.
+Dawn The Creator It's the shitty Civic. The Euro Type R made 200 and the JDM spec made more than the Focus RS with a turbo.The States were boned with the Si. The Type R was both faster AND handled better than the Si. And the OP probably thought about the EK9, not the EP3.
The civic also used a 2 liter.
It was this video that prompted me to hunt for one of these cars. I'd been looking around for a fun hatch or a wagon to drive, but couldn't find anything decent in the price range I was in. Then I re-watched this video. I remembered "hey, that car existed. I remember it now." I began hunting for one, and found a silver 2002 ZX3 SVT, bastardized by the slew of previous owners. I'm now six months into owning this car, and I'm a far cry from finished with repairs and upgrades, but I love this damn car. So, thank you, Mr. Regular and Roman, for connecting me with a car that I never expected to love so much.
+pbfloyd13 None, buy an s13, e36 M3, wrx, mx5, you know something worth a fuck
I'm looking to replace my Cougar should I buy one of these, a Honda Civic SI or A Hyundai Tiburon V6?
Meaning, in this case, abused.  The car has had a lousy home life with its six previous owners.  It's suffered neglect in maintenance and general cleanliness as a whole. I'm finding evidence of interior pieces having been painted and then painted over, and both layers are peeling off in places.  Things didn't work because they were installed wrong or were broken, and there's a lot of evidence that repair work had been done but it was done wrong.  The best example I can think of is when I finally put new speakers in I found two Pioneers, one Polk, and one OE speaker of questionable origin, which wasn't even screwed in.  The upholstery work that was done has cut my legal seating capacity from five to four, the wheels are bent in places, the list goes on.  I've had it for a little over a year now, and compared to what it was, it has come a long way, but there's still a lot to do.
+Tenoutta tenn Define "bastardized"
I've always wanted this car ever since midnight club 3 back in 2006. Warai otoko
+The Rusty Scooter patience is a virtue, and there are a number of us who care greatly for these cars, and will keep them in good shape for the next owners, so long as we can still get parts.
+Tenoutta tenn I remember as a kid I thought the Focus was sooooo ugly, and now, here I am, age 17, and drive a 2003 ZX5 ;) Nice buy!
+Tenoutta teen Right now there are a ton of them for good prices under 100k but unfortunately its not time for me to get my first car yet all I can do is hope them or cars similar to them are available when its time
+Tenoutta tenn yeah! sadly the front bumper is cracked but other than that good condition. just replaced a bearing and hub from oreileys for 45$! I have been treating her the best I can. only using premium and yes it is the EAP
+LookitszTral You'll love it. :) They're pretty tough, and cheap to work on if they break. Handy tip: in addition to what I mentioned before, when or if you need a new PASSENGER'S SIDE (this is important) axle, go to O'Riley's. They are twice the size of a base ZX3 axle, and O'Riley's is the only place I know of that stocks them, outside of getting one off of a salvaged car. And if its an EAP, like the one featured here, cherish it. They are the Holy Grail of SVT Foci.
just got one for my first car!!! super excited. :)
+drewseph95 Glad you like it! A few things to keep in mind: this is a very odd car, in that it features VVT on the intake cam, and uses a timing belt. Because of this, it is much more important that it be changed by someone who knows how to work on them. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the service interval on timing belts on these is 80k, so if you're close to that, or you're not sure, it might be good to go ahead and get it done. Aside from that, these SVT Focuses are pretty solid cars. Sonic Blue is a good color for them, too.
+Tenoutta tenn +RegularCars I found an 02 Sonic Blue ZX3 SVT, test drove it and loved it, and this video helped convince me to get it. I freaking love it. So thanks to you guys as well!
+Tenoutta tenn Thank YOU for watching :)

PewDiePie on the News! (Interview - Svt)

You're not supposed to be here, derp. ;D.

User Comments

hey i am from future he wont get past 52 million
If you're the future then get me the shotgun.
+Max Sidhu dont know shit u r talking bout
Even in the future people can't spell for shit...
yeah i will
Remember that when he does
Who's Watching In 2015
+Isaac Comey It took longer to write this as you thought
+Cosmoraptor Wow, you had to edit that.
fuck you
over 300k subscribers? thats crazy!
+FLuOsChE 40+ million
+Syaff Syoff almost 40 million
38+ million subscribers now

ECG Rhythm Review: SVT, Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter

//www.richacls.com A narrated and animated review of: Supraventricular Tachycardia, Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter. To learn more about ECG Rhythms ...

User Comments

The rhythm you call SVT is really AVNRT (AV Node re-entrant tachycardia). There are several types of SVT's, AVNRT is the most common. Though these explanations are good for the layman and better than the "irritable focus" BS of old. If you are having problems with these rhythms PLEASE see a cardiac electrophysiologist, not just a cardiologist, all of these rhythms can be cured with an ablation, a pretty simple and painless procedure.
You are right it is an AVNRT, but what I think you forget is that AVNRT is a type of SVT, so he is not wrong. Technically atrial fibrillation is a type of SVT also. All SVT means is supraventricular, which means it originates above the ventricles. Another thing that is important about AVNRT is that -no p waves present
hmm this is pretty informative. i had an svt about a year ago, my heart rate was 225bpm, i thought i was dying, it was the worst, and the adenosine made me feel so different, i had another really short one recently but it went back to normal on its own. hopefully it never happens again, good video!
Also, P waves are usually buried in the QRS complex due to the atria and ventricles contracting at the same time. Key to differentiate SVT due to AVNRT from atrial fibrillation is that A fib has iregular rythm. AVNRT has regular.
Thank you! Excellent video. Just discovered that I suffer from SVT and this video was perfect for explaining to me what is going on.
@jakeducttape1 : u would probably be unconscious or feeling really bad or nearly dead with a heart rate that high...... :)
@ xtillxthexend.... your lucky, my pacemaker just records my Aflutters. I can't tell I'm in Aflutter or AFib.
Query? What happened to your website? It is no longer there and I really like it! Are you still around?
i have atrial flutter once every 2 to 3 months but my pace maker takes care of it
My heartrate today was 260 it was bad but I'm Ök
amazing! you make it easy and simple :)
No, no it doesn't.
Grüt video!
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