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What uhd Videos

Understanding Film Formats | 4K vs. UHD vs. 1440p vs. Full HD vs. HD

This is a detailed Tutorial on what film format to choose in what situation. Get to understand all formats now! Compared formats: 4K, UHD (Ultra HD), 1440p, Full ...

User Comments

Turkey had you come , my house is your house :)
+Anıl Özdemir Haha, no problem. The stay in turkey was something quite extraordinary. Met some really awesome people! Stay tuned and fly safe!
Wrong mate! Gopro black 3&4 support 1440p....
+Sebastiano Fanini Yap, you're right... That's what happens when you don't get paid for hours and hours of work, haha, just kidding... Sadly I can't fix this within the video... YouTube won't let you replace a videofile as Vimeo does for example... Greets and fly safe! Edit: I added a note to the video! :)
So my iPad Air 2 can record 120 fps slow mo can't I use it just 120 fps without slow mo
+Night Eagle Of course you don't have to slow the footage down! It's up to you if you want the footage to look more fluent (when filming with a higher framerate) or if you want to apply a slow mo effect in postpro! I hope this answers your question! Fly safe!
Hi Tom, Could you talk a little bit about what video editing software you would recommend. I am looking for something that is not super expensive (around 300 dollars) but more important than I would like something that is widely used and therefore has lots of subscribers posting tips and tricks about the software, it makes it so much quicker to learn. Ease of use for both Video & Audio editing will be equally important in my selection, as well as the ability to import and export in a variety of formats, and last but not least processing speed must be quick.
+Nicoletta Land Surveyors That topic is already added to my list since a while. I will post a video about that whenever I find the time to film it! Subscribe, stay tuned and don't miss the episode when it get's released! :)
Hi Tom, I have a question. I have the Phantom 2 Vision+ version 3.0 and I´d like to know, its true that the failsafe is on the S2 switch? PS: sorry for my bad english :D
+Tom's Tech Time Thanks Tom, you helped me :)Greets to Germany!
+SemiGames Well, either that or, as I mentioned above, put the failsafe on the S1 switch, it's up to you.But always think of the fact that no one recommends testing the failsafe function because it is only an emergency tool. Make sure to watch this tutorial of mine to be able to take over control again if something goes wrong during the failsafe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh41NypF64wGreets to Slovakia!
+Tom's Tech Time Samuel from Slovakia :) I got the Phantom on monday, and my first flight was yesterday, I wanted to simulate failsafe, because i wanted to know that the taking the control after failsafe is working :) But I dont know how to simulate the failsafe. Should I turn off the transmitter when I flying? PS: Thanks for reply :)
+SemiGames Hey there, if you activate "IOC" within the Assistant Software, you can yourself decide what you want the switch on the upper right hand side to act like in the lowest position. I think you can choose between ATTI, Manual and Failsafe. All the best and greetings to ...? :)
Why do I hear your videos out of only one ear of my headphones?
+JustinHEMI He probably recorded with a mono mic (the lav) on one channel and forgot to output as dual channel mono.

Michael R. Peters Webisode - Episode 1 - What is UHD?

A short video explaining what UHD is and why it will benefit you!

A Simple Guide To 4K and UHD

What is 4K and should you get in your life? PC Centric explains the ins and outs of 4K, and explores whether its worth the price of admission. Steam group: ...

User Comments

it looks like Your cat doesn't give a fuck it's 4K or not

4K vs UHD (The Difference)

Don't forget to answer the question! Is 4k and UHD the same? find out! Article: //www.avsforum.com/a/the-not-so-subtle-distinction-between-uhd-and-4k ...

User Comments

then should i buy 4k tv or uhd ? which one is better
+orlock20 It is worth it if the tv has automatic upscaling. The upscaled 1080p looks better because you can't see any pixels. If you've been watching a 4k upscaled 1080p you'll start to hate regular 1080p because of the pixels. 4k cable boxes will come like a thief in the night when you least expect it. You might as well get a 4k.
+Venki Reddy That can be confusing because some marking claims the product is 4K when it's really UHD. They also don't say 4K UHD or UHD. Always look at the screen resolution instead. YouTube lists its highest resolution at 4K, but it's really UHD. Except for YouTube, there is very little 4K or UHD content. If you watch normal TV, that just goes up to 1080P so it's not worth it to upgrade to either format. If you use Blu-Ray, that is still often either 720p or 1080p.
Very informative - This will definitely help some people out!
thanks you sir!

Earth From Space 4K - Himawari 8 UHD Images of Earth

The Himawari 8 satellite creates a whole disk image of the earth every 10 minutes. This video covers one month and îs 4K UHD Bringing you the BEST Space ...

User Comments

NASA 4K -- YouTube 360p
+ovinar21 NASA?
Great stuff. Why is it we see the clouds moving but earth isn't spinning?
+* Learn of the Jesuit order If satellites don't exist, then why can I see them with my telescope, binocs and even naked eye?Why do all satellites' trajectory in the NORAD public database perfectly conform to what I observe with my own eyes?Even better, why do satellites move in such perfect, smooth paths and demonstrate no light oscillation, yet having obvious diffuse patterns ( irrefutable evidence of reflected light from the Sun ) , also no beacon and no noise?You fail at every point of peer review. You have no observational data, no empirical data, and no mathematics to make sense of ... anything.There is no basis for your argument claiming there are no satellites, unless you consider TWADDLE a valid source of reason!You have brought to the table no peer reviewed data, no mathematics, no proofs, no NOTHING! You aint got JACK SHIT to show for! Come back when you actually have something to back up your horseshit twaddle!
+* Learn of the Jesuit order drugs are bad, mmMmKay?
+* Learn of the Jesuit orderNope.  We know how to do things like design bridges, aircraft, and satellites.  We know how to actually do things, how to actually test and acquire new knowledge.All you know how to do is parrot what you hear in conspiracy videos.  Because you don't have the mental tools necessary to test reality for yourself, you rely on others.  Because you must rely on others and have no means of testing their veracity, you simply choose to believe whatever opinion supports your pre-chosen beliefs.We can prove the Earth is round.  We can prove satellites exist.  We can use the science that you pretend is fake to do real things.  All you can do is rage at other people on YouTube and get more and more paranoid in your sad little basement.
+DethFiesta Keep laughing dumb ass. It's all you morons know how to do.
+* Learn of the Jesuit order LOL. Again, everything you think you know you are simply parroting from things you heard in YouTube conspiracy videos.  You've been educated by retards, and call people who can actually defend their worldview brainwashed idiots.  Every point I raise you will need to reference SOMEONE else to respond to.  You don't have a single original idea or even any way to prove or disprove your own ideas. LOL.I know a pair of satellite engineers.  They work for private industry, not the government.  I'm sure their employer would be glad to not to pay them since, you know, the several thousand satellites above the Earth are all fake.  LOL. And of course, satellite radio is fake.  Satellite TV is fake.  GPS doesn't exist, etc.  LOLPlease, tell me another funny joke.
+kyzer cube Satellites don't exist.  You brainwashed idiots are pathetic.
+* Learn of the Jesuit order dude srsly? he made a valid point. He was just specifying that it's a GeoStationary orbit, which just means it matches an orbital plane with the equator. If it doesn't, it'll appear as if it's oscillating straight up and down a Right Ascension path.
+DethFiesta If you really believe this has anything to do with an actual satellite, you're a goddamn idiot.
+kyzer cubeYep, exactly.  Glad to see all your comments around.  Some of us are having fun over atflatearthdebunked.com -- go ahead and pop over and contribute if you aren't already.  Cheers.
+DethFiesta heh I never really thought about that. If it's not orbiting level relative to equator it's gonna look like it's going straight up and down in the sky if observed from Earth. Good call w/ the details.
+ExperimentalVaccinesHimawiri-8 is Geostationary.  My comment could have been more precise.All geostationary orbits are geosynchronous but not all geosynchronous orbits are geostationary.
+DethFiesta makes sense I thought those were called geostationary satellites
+ExperimentalVaccines The Earth is spinning. The satellite is in geosynchronous orbit so it orbits the Earth at the same rate that the Earth spins. This makes it appear that the Earth is not spinning because the satellite is always facing the exact same side of the Earth.

What Is 4K TV and UHD TV?

What is 4K? Learn all about 4K UHD and what it means for the future of television. Be sure to check out our selection of 4K TVs at www.abt.com!

NASA 4K UHD Video : Fizzy Fluids In Space Ultra High Definition NASA Space Video

4K video showing tne effects of an effervescent tablet on a floating ball of water Bringing you the BEST Space and Astronomy videos online. Showcasing videos ...

User Comments

Brilliant! It's a cross between miniature planet building & giant atoms giving off free electrons, but you can see it happening. This'd be a great teaching tool for kids & students. If you spun the fluid, would the fizzing droplets act like rockets trying to escape earths gravity & continue going round the original fluid ball if correct velocity is reached. What would happen if you microwaved water in zero gravity, that'd be really cool. (hot) :-).
in my brain.. thats explain about gravity... thats explain why earth is rounded.. thats explain how atom is rounded, thats explain how our dimension is exist.. gravity pull all matter in space.. gravity through the dimension.. gravity effect the time..
Space tourism is going to be awesome when it happens: "We're just 3 light minutes from Saturn. Oh no, I spilled my Coke! Catch it before it hits that baby in the face!"
Music is out of this world. cool video love seeing these things. A testament to the importance of man in space, can't wait for mars 2020.
I hope your not planning to monetize this video, NASA will sue you, even though it's in the public domain its their property.
Well I guess those water are pretty "spaced out" am I right?!! Hahaha....puns.
They should try Diet Coke and Mentos in space...
The anxiety waiting for it to pop is so intense
i just say ..."this is awesome!!!!!"
Okay, that was cool as hell.
bubble with shampoo inside
I love science and space
that is so cool


As NASA reaches new heights and reveals the unknown, the NASA TV UHD channel can bring that journey to life in every home. Utilizing an end-to-end UHD ...

iPhone 6S vs Galaxy S6: UHD Camera Showdown! Best 4K Video? You Decide!

It's a battle between two smartphone camera TITANS! Samsung's Galaxy S6 with a half inch camera sensor, pitted against the iPhone 6S' new one third inch ...

User Comments

both good camera's but to me Samsung wins shows detail in the shadows better and nicer
+Kevin David Hurford Samsung has been on a roll lately. I don't always love their color processing, but their sensors and optics have been on point since the Note 4.
I liked some of the iphone shots but others were ehh. The iphone for me is too bipolar. The samsung is pretty consistant. In some videos i liked the low light on the iphone because it gives it the darker eerie look, but in different videos the low light is terrible and in the daytime only certain shots were ok but the rest are overexposed/ oversaturated/bled out. Not digging the warmth color scheme of the iphone, and in some cases the "cool" blue look is way too much. Samsung is pretty consistent, there was only a few shots I didn't like too much. But either way I can tweak it in the camera settings using pro mode whereas I cant with the Iphone and the clarity on the samsung is just so much more better. I currently have the s6, waiting on the s7. If the s7 goes back to external memory, and water resistance, and removable battery, im buying it lol. I miss my s5 :(.
+Bateristain805 Agreed. I love that the iphone didn't push the brightness in the street scene, but I wonder if it's even possible of juicing up night shots much more. I'm with you on the lifestyle features though. I just got the LG V10, and it feels like a pretty solid replacement for my old Note 4...
+JuanBagnell OMG you have to review the new LG V10, that thing looks amazing!!! I'm like freaking out with that phone.
+Gabriel AguileraI'm not sold on this notion that they don't need OIS. I'll have to play with one before judging, but the HTC M8 had even LARGER pixels (UltraPickles!) and it really still could have benefited from OIS.
I really wish that. Also the new Nexus cameras seems quite interesting. What do you think?
+Gabriel Aguilera REALLY hoping I can get my hands on that soon!
JuanBagnell please I know this has nothing to do with the topic but please can you help me with this decision if you got to choose between a Iphone 5s 16gb and a Galaxy Alpha 32gb which would it be and why ? please can you answer
+Galeb CastroYou're very welcome. :-)
+JuanBagnell thank you so much for your answer :))
+Galeb Castro I loved the Alpha, but it really depends on what you need to do and what features you care about most.
s6 wins overall. the low light was terrible on the iPhone
+JuanBagnell in this case.. in 90% bigger means better ;)
+JuanBagnell can't wait for that 1.55 micron sensor on the 6p!
+PTM That sensor size really holds it back.
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