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What ufos really are Videos

Aliens and UFOs -- What are they really? -- Creation Magazine LIVE! (2-10)

How should Christians react to stories of strange lights in the sky and terrifying night time abductions? Aliens and UFOs and the Bible, on this week's episode.

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I believe the scripture at 23:58 should be 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
+Ela North Yes, that's correct. Our reference is wrong.
Hey! your primary information is really off. The primary indicator of an extraterrestrial probability lies upon the recently found Sumarian tablets, its content reveals a much deeper and not yet understood situation that might have happened in the past. I have spent 6 years in Seminary studying the Bible and teaching on it. And in my many years of ministry I am yet to find a bold preacher and Bible teacher that has the courage to preach on these particular verses: 1. Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the RULERS, against the AUTHORITIES, against the POWERS of this dark world AND against the SPIRITUAL FORCES of evil in the HEAVENLY REALMS. Every word describe is in reference to a totally different entity. For instance: POWERS: κοσμο-κράτωρ [ ᾰ], ορος, ὁ, - MEANING. Astrol., ruler of the κόσμος, i.e. planet, Id.in Cat.Cod.Astr. 6.68, Vett.Val. 171.6; οἱ ἑπτὰ κ. Dam. Pr. 131; οἱ κ. τοῦ σκότους τούτου the cosmic rulers of this sinful world, Ephesians 6:12; οἱ κ. οἱ τὰ ὑπὸ σελήνην στοιχεῖα διοικοῦντες Iamb. Myst. 2.3. THIS IS JUST ONE WORD AND SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF ITS STUDY. I have been studying and preaching on this topic for over 9 yeas, and every time I mentioned this to a Christians or Pastor or leader, he or she laughts. But remember, History repeats itself. So it was in the days of Noah, so it will be on the coming of the Son of Man. Maranatha!!!
+Kinhos9Music Well I don't laugh at you... I admire you for wanting to better understand life and our origins in general, and the possibility of extraterrestrial beings, whatever they may be... I just made another post/comment on this video relating to how some Christians will laugh away other beliefs/ideas, when a lot of the beliefs Christians hold are quite unbelievable themselves when using logic... and it's obvious you've done your studying too... unfortunately many Christians are close minded and unwilling to think outside of the bible and consider other mysteries of life that perhaps are out there, but just not totally revealed in the bible... Anyways, I just wanted to say I admire your studying and certainly don't laugh at you... best to you... Peace...
I believe these ailens are most likely demons tricking people away from God
+ryu ken Do you check out Micael Hieser much and what he says about it?
I know you guys may overlook this, but i'll share anyway. I was sort of more towards to the Gap Theory before, but never really cared about, nor i had give much though on the alien subject. Both have shift by the way, and here is why. First the alien, I'm Christian for many years, and there is a reverend in my country that is quite well known and a very serious minister. Very respectable man of God that would never, ever tell a lie like this. He is over 60, grandpa with a life dedicated to the Gospel. So when he was in college in 1975 he tell us that the entire school saw not a light or something unidentified but a spacecraft hovering over the city, it was a rural city. - The size of a mountain he said. Slowly moving away ... So i became interested on this theme. I watched way over 60 hours of videos about it, i read a book i read many articles. And i'm only interested on flying saucer or close encounters, specially those with multiple witness and radar track. I have ZERO interest on UFO, lights on the sky that can be misinterpreted. I have to say, it's overwhelming. The amount of cases is astonishing. There was enough evidence to convince me that this is happening. The alternative is to think that these people are all lying about what they saw, many times with others to confirm or they had a mass delusion. Which frankly ... We know that there are another dimensions, the Bible tell us that much. I think Peter and Judah said, Paul definitely said and ultimately God isn't contained by this Universe. How many dimensions? Who knows... But my guess is that they are inter dimensional and that is why they can break into, what look to us, large distances, impossible distances. So in one of this discussions about alien that i had on a group, i was 'defending' the creation against this guy who believes in evolution or that alien seed us. Which was never on my thinking, i know God did it, so i was satisfied. But then after this debate i start to study, you can see that i did my homework well, now i'm a young earth christian. It is hard on you because the Bible doesn't say much, but Jesus said about signs on the sky and from the sky. But i think you guys should study this a little more, see if you find enough evidence to give this subject a little more attention. 
+plsp3c During my studies on this i came across with several people claiming to have worked for the military and they claim these beings are helping them with new technologies.But this craft that this reverend saw wasn't something like an airplane or anything aerodynamic, it was kinda of a huge rectangle full of little wholes on it, much like a fabric tissue he said, where you could see lights coming through these little wholes.Also, this was just one case that got me started., and today there is absolutely no doubt, after all that i researched that something is going on beyond what we are told.And i believe the military has some prototypes that we have no idea that exists, but it doesn't even start to explain what people have been seeing throughout the world.
+STREEEEEET There are also documents (military documents) saying those "crafts" were new flying crafts for spying purposes. Keep in mind that military is ALWAYS 20 years ahead with technology. We don't even know what they actually have. My friend worked in military academy and he saw tanks with some super shields that can deflect amunition and rockets. Also helped to design pilot free airplanes and it was some years ago. I can't even imagine what USA have...
+Nick Cox i kept on looking into this and now i can say that i'm convinced that there is a strong evidence that points these beings are in fact demons (fallen angels and their offspring that genesis talks about in the chapter 6).Douglas Hamp has a good video or two explaining this connection.
+STREEEEEET It is worth looking into the connection of these theories you are talking about such as directed panspermia and the occult.  For instance H. P. Blavatsky, a Satanist and not a scientist is the first person to have written about it.  Gary Bates has done a lot of research as the CMI representative said, I would recommend looking into his research and the research of others such as Joe Jordan, Dr. Michael Heiser, Dr. J. Michael Bennet.  Here is a YT channel devoted to the Christian view of this subject.  I personally find it fascinating.  God bless.
Thanks for your comments. Actually, we have studied this quite a bit. Gary Bates (CEO of our USA office) has done a tremendous amount of research including direct conversations with the 'key players' in Ufology. He wrote the book "Alien Intrusion" about 10 years ago, and it has been updated since then with even more information. (creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-2-566) For a summary of some of main points, see our Aliens/UFOs Q&A page here: creation.com/alien-life-ufo-questions-and-answers

UFO Documentary 2015 - Do Alien Really Exist? Here's a Proof

UFO Documentary 2015 - Do Alien Really Exist? Here's a Proof Like And Subscribe For More Updates UFO Sightings 2015 Subscribe for more videos ...

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Did Nazis really make "UFOs"? | CLASSIC

Everyone's familiar with the idea of UFOs, those mysterious airborne objects often linked with extraterrestrials -- but what if there weren't any aliens involved?

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Could be possible, but there's no proof to to back up the claim of Nazis making an UFO.
+deathjoker666 ...In 1936 a UFO Crashed in Frieburg, Black Forest, Germany... it stands to reason...that the Germans would have tried to "Back Engineer" this technology! when the war was over, the US took Everything, including the scientists and any available blueprints they could get, under " Operation Paper "clip! There maybe "proof" alright, but THAT would be on a "Need To Know, basis" and we the public, don't "need to know!!!
The real 'conspiracy' is why did the Germans 'start' the war at the time they did? Were they suckered into it so they wouldn't have time to develop the atom bomb or other tech?
+waypasthadenough.... Shockingly, The Germans were very close. I remember seeing a photo of Robert Oppenheimer, with an ashen face getting off a captured u-boat...reportedly on that u-boat was a consignment of Uranium 236, which if I can remember correctly came from all places... Japan! Leading to what I think was a boomerang effect, because the US could not make enough at the time and used some of this to make the Atom bombs that eventually fell on Japan! Talk about Karma, eh!!!
Nazis only had help from international bankers at the very start. After he turned on them they weren't so kind. Hitler removed his country from debt by getting rid of foreign ownership of the currency and the banks. He created his own currency and his own national bank made out of a 1-unit-of-work system, which he paid government employees, and he hired anyone who was unemployed which bolstered the economy bringing Germany to be the poorest country in Europe after WWI to the richest in just 5 years. Globalist Bankers hated him because his system work and they're still slandering him today, don't fall for it. This is what they really don't want you to know; there is a proven to work alternative to the current economic system, National Socialism.
+killbotvii  Dying? No, the left devours itself and the economy will crash. National Socialism will rise from the ashes, most likely rebranded.
+Reading Stein Seems I found a socialist. How does it feel to be a rare and dying breed?
If they had UFOs why they did't won the war? LOL...they where not even capable of splitting the atom. A jew Einstein with his theory defeated the Nazi Party.. (well to be more specific .. Germany was already lost when they dropped the bomb on Japan but still an interesting idea).
+joecugo....J ROBERT Oppenheimer! Who is David??? Get to Know the names of the people involved...before you post! And George, the reason the Nazi's did NOT win with UFO's is they did not get far enough nor enough time to make them work...the bell was a poor machine!
+Mick Hanna it had a lot more to do with other equations than Einstein's
+joecugo...as mediator here boys, I will say this. It was Einsteins Equation that lead to the breakthrough..., however "Without" the genius minds of Robert Oppenheimer AND Others...it would have been ALL theory and No substance!
+James Simpson No He works as a teacher. and professors teach, not to mention the fact that they can just be modest. So just shhh its annoying as fuck to see you comment on this chain.
+George David"Argue with me any more"?  I've made one comment addressed to you and you've now made ONE comment to me and it is laced with insult and false claims.  You, therefore, have already lost the "argument".  FYI, people with Ph.D.s are not referred to as "teachers" at a university.  They are called "Professors".  Since you do not know that it is clear any degree you have came from a cereal box and not from a reputable university.  In other words, you are a LIAR.
+George David The base of quantum physics? What an idiot. Keep worshipping satan jackass.
+James Simpson man.. I will not argue with you anymore. You are clearly a brainwashed paranoid, antisemite, uneducated piece of junk. Let's make the things clear. He put the base of quantum physics, and he put out the magic formula E equal mc square. This is the base of obtaining such energy from splitting the atom (the atom bomb). No matter what he failed at school this man made that bomb possible (the original argument) and changed the world of the physics forever with his theories about relativity. And no other Oppenheimer or other american McDonnald eater could do that. Because your nation is 200 years old.. is nothing. Don't forget about operation PaperClip.. you guys imported Nazi scientists because you don't have your own.. What a shame.. This is the last thing I will wrote you, if you like to continue this you are a probably a frustrated teen from US, but I'm 34. Have a PHD in philosophy and I work as a teacher at an university. Also many other titles. I would not continues this useless fight. And one more thing mate, being nationalist in a globalisation world.. is kinda backwarded.. You may protect your beloved americans. but don't forget your short past.. your history is nothing and your country was mainly build by gold diggers that killed each other.. so .. sod off.. 
+George David Einstein was a Patent Office clerk (***who failed mathematics) and a fraudulent front for Zionists.  Google Christopher John Bjerknes "The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein".
+George David keep letting the world know what a moron you are
+joecugo you dipshit... go back to school (because I already have 26 years in there), without Einsteins theory of relativity and his famous e equals mc square it would be no Oppenheimer... No go and suck a dick you nobody!
+George David Oppenheimer not Einstein dipshit

UFO attacks the Columbia

what really happened at Columbia before returning to earth? What do you think?

User Comments

+Deltalight1 The Columbia was struck by a suitcase size'd chunk of ice, This video is disrespect to the Family, Friends, And the Men (And maybe women) who were on the Columbia, I say you take the video down please as it can offend many of those who are still haunted by there Friends (And/Or loved ones).
EDITED AND FIXED+Deltalight1 The Columbia was struck by a suitcase size'd chunk of ice, This video is disrespect to the Family, Friends, And the Men (And maybe women) who were on the Columbia, I say you take the video down please as it can offend many of those who are still haunted by there Friends (And/Or loved ones) death. Thank you and I mean to start no comment war.
Columbia was shot down by ufos, I've cross checked mum and dad videos where I can see 2 ufo's trailing Columbia and a puff and immediate impact. The home video person who took the video didn't even know the ufos were there, jence why I believe their footage os legit. Also I have checked the logo on Columbia amd have found many pics with it. As said earlier either wreckage was filmed by ISS or a satelite. This is a 100% ufo sitting and proof of Alien cover up. Also prominent people with high powered binoculars seen the ufo's following Columbia. I've spent a lot of time checking before I have commented.
+January Mainitbabae sure, sure. and yet the only one that reacted to Darth Vader was you ... make your conclusions ...
You're helping the morons with their fake shit. If you go to the comedy shop you can buy proper humour.
+January Mainitbabaeyou are some kind of very special moron assuming things I never said. plus you obvious don't understand sarcasm ...
+Ivo Radev if you don't think life is outside earth just kill yourself. fkn weed head.
+January Mainitbabaeto judge others by your own standards is always idiotic.
+Ivo Radev you eat too much dick
+January MainitbabaeLol says the guy that has original ufo videos ...
+Ivo Radev you're dumb as dogshit
+January Mainitbabae Yeah mate! But I have info, that it was Darth Vader in his tie fighter shooting at them. Must have happened right after he got shot and sent into deep space when the rebels were attacking the Death Star.
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