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What ssd do i have Videos

HDD vs SSD - Are Solid State Drives worth the money?

Visit //www.jayztwocents.com - JayzTwoCents is currently Fundraising for CES Coverage this January! All proceeds will be used 100% towards coverage ...

User Comments

Is there any particular reason that SSD had a write speed of exactly 512 MB/s? Or is it just a coincidence.
+il2xbox Short answer: likely coincidence.Long answer: SATA Revision 3 runs at 6Gb/s (* 1000 = 6000Mb/s / 8 (bits/bytes) = 750MB/s) with an overhead, due to it's encoding, of 4/5 (8b/10b encoding) reducing the max throughput to 600MB/s. At this point it pretty much comes down to controllers or other overheads. Having quickly checked Crucial M4s on Newegg, they all seem to have a Max Sequential Write Speed of 500MB/s (at least when looking at 128GB drives). It's likely this is an underestimated number so that they don't have users complaining of false advertising (it's conceivable that some of their controller chips could leverage 10% more than the given speed, which is still well within the ceiling of SATA3, you'd just have to be very lucky to receive one).The fact that his particular drive can write at 512MB/s is within spec and likely nothing more than a coincidence, especially when one considers that we're talking about Base2 numbers (2^9=512) while most, if not all, drive manufacturers have been using the Base10 system for decades.
Wow SSDs have really dropped down in price. Now they are about $60for 128Gb. And $95 for 240Gb.
+Jerkface Yea, they are getting really dirt cheap now, on Newegg I saw a 240GB SSD for $69.99
+PC TechTips I got a 120GB SSD for exactly 40$
I'd say if you must get only one for gaming (or are getting one for now and will upgrade later), get a Hard Drive first and then think about an SSD. I don't care about how much faster an SSD is, but when you can get a 1TB HDD for the same price as a 128GB SSD, the choice is obvious. Would you rather have slower load times between levels, or constantly be uninstalling/reinstalling your games from steam because you ran out of space?
+AssassainFlank GROWNPC My comment was to say if you can only afford one. If you want to buy two drives, than by all means, get an SSD.
+RRW get both have the 128gb ssd for your operating system my pc loads in 3 seconds
get sshd
+Winston - YouTube Just got mine. I'm keeping the HDD for backup.

Why should you get an SSD?

Hey everyone! In this video I talk about the benefits of getting an SSD to use next to your hard drive or to replace your HDD with! The main benefit is of course the ...

User Comments

Nice vid mate :D Thanks for helping me out on this one
+Varga Dániel You're welcome!
BTW, the macbook air and the cell phones use flash based harddrive storage, thats why they are so fast, they dont have SSDs
+Michaelc136 Never mind ;)
+Jelle Feenstra I did more reasearch... you were right sorry.
They use flash storage, also called solid state drives (SSDs); there are no moving parts in the drive. You won't find any hard drives in cell phones and MacBook Airs.

Social Security Disability- Does your Hearing have to be a Video Hearing?

//www.disabilitydenials.com/social-security-disability-benefits.html In this video Marc Whitehead, a board certified Social Security Disability attorney, ...

Do I have a chance to get Social Security Disability with all of my problems?

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