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Lucky breaks Videos

BLOOPERS AND LUCKY BREAKS! (Very entertaining.)

Lucky breaks it off with Sam 1-31-08

After Lucky hears of all that Sam has done towards the boys, he decides to end it!!

User Comments

look as far as im concerned sam is one of the best people on gh but the writers keep screwing her up sam has a good heart and if you want to talk about characters who go too far carly made aj think that he was drinking again and she took michael from him yet she was redemmed so sam should be too and i think everyone who turns against sam only sees the bad but she has done many good things she is flawed but she is not a bad person she is only human liz acts innocent all the time but she is not
i agree about the whole ric thing but after her and ric broke off she was telling sam to be careful around jason cuz back when she had cam she never wanted that kind of lifestyle with jase liz is not all bad i used to like her but she acts like she's better than sam i guess she is tryna be a good mom but sam did save her kids lives the problem i have with liason is that she cannot accept jase for who he is and she was unfair keepin him from jake that is what pissed me off but they all lied
i really don't mean this rudely to anyone, if sam and liz can call a truce, then so can us fans. so no offense here. but if you're a liason fan, and not a lusam/sam fan, then why not just go and post at your own liason vids, and leave us at peace with our lusam/sam ones. there's no reason to come post here saying everything wrong that sam has done and why she's a slut or a bitch or anything like that, or come to defend all of liz's actions. i'm just saying. again, no offense.
you know, the writers really mesed up with Lusam. They could have been a great couple, and Guza ruined it! i agree though, Elizabeth never wanted Lucky to know what Sam had done, and he did have to drag it out of her. Hmm... Where has she grown since this time? Let's see. She was sleeping with Nikolas behind Luckhy's back, but he can't know because she has to protect Lucky from going back to pills again and from becoming hurt. Please!
Who could actually stand by and watch someones child be abducted and watch the parents go out of their minds???? I mean come on?? Who could hire two thugs to scare a woman and her children? Who the hell thinks like that? I don't think Carly could even go that far. Sam seriously needs some physcological help! She jumps from man to man to man. She needs to focus on herself and get her life together.
Sam def did help her out in the hospital when Joe lost it and when did Sam manipulate Jason to being with her. When did she manipulate Lucky he knew what it was about at first and it grew into alot more. So she didn't manipulate all of her relationships.
I her V-Day could be a big step in moving foward for them so just watch LuSam can be a real great couple. My gril Sam rocks she has had some real bad times she is my fav she always picks herself up Sam Rocks.
Carly went farther remember she and Jax had nicks son and didn't tell him. Look what she did was really bad but her and Lucky love eachother they will get back together just watch.
i agree i feel horrible for sam everone in her life has turned there back on her, jason, sonny, and now lucky. i know she is definitely not innocent but i feel so bad for her.
lucky and sam will reunite eventually. they were not originally intended to be a lasting couple, but they generated a lot of fans, so this is not the end of lusam. yay!
All Sam has ever done is manipulate every relationship she has been in. Granted Sam and Lucky are great together NOW. But as usual it starts with her manipulations.
I know sam did some bad stuff, but i still feel horrible for her...first jason and liz trample all over her and now lucky turned his back on her. it sucks!

Ep 1 The Lucky Breaks

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Lucky Breaks Promo minimix 2015

New Music coming on Lucky Breaks for 2015 Tracklist: 1. Off the Grid - Ponder 2. Forgotten Memories - D-Vide 3. I Wonder - AoS 4. Levitate - Lucky Breaks 5.

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Track # 12 - "Lucky Breaks" from album " Chromatography" released in 2004 Genre: Electric Style : Trip-Hop.

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Lucky Breaks - Levitate

Lucky Breaks* Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/luckybreaksdigital Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuckyBreaksDigital Youtube: ...

User Comments

Funniest Moments - Lucky Breaks

This week's funniest moments include a FV215b 183 sniping under a M46 to kill a M48, a Leo outplaying a Batchat and a Leo PTA learning to fly. Twitter: ...
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