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Breaks nz law Videos

New Zealand Parliament Breaks into Song After Legalizing Gay Marriage

You Won't Believe This: //goo.gl/1Sm3d New Zealand becomes the first country in the Asia Pacific to legalise same sex marriage. The public gallery in ...

Test Breaks Cricket Law - And England! (1949)

Full title reads: "Test Breaks Cricket Law - And England!" Lords Cricket Ground, London. New Zealand vs England Test match. GV Play with J D Robertson and ...

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This explains what law was broken //goo.gl/KzXD9j

NZ Tax Breaks - Public reaction

Dr Cullen has read his ninth Budget and has announced Tax cuts and credits for the New Zealand people.

Nigel Owens: Rugby World Cup ref lays down the law

During the Rugby World Cup 2015 match between Georgia and Tonga, Welsh referee Nigel Owens lays down the law. Ultimate respect for a fantastic ref. Follow ...

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What's happening? I don't know Rugby.
Georgia was committing to many penalties. first not binding at scrum,second offside. if they commit another a play will be sent off for 10 minutes
The player committed an offence in the scrum and then the ref' sorted him out.
I wish there were refs in football to deal with twats like Diego Costa.
+Casper LarsenYeah, unfortunately football is so corrupt it's not gonna happen in the foreseeable future. Any attempts at positive changes are being intentionally stalled. Oh well, I don't care, I really like playing football with my friends, but goddammit I hate watching it. Rugby better for both watching and playing.
+AhzekAhriman Yes...they would learn it fast if they just did that
+Liam Anderson D'awwwwww just imagine that, 22 red cards for diving/unsportsmanlike conduct/insulting the referee in the first half an hour.I would absolutely LOVE to see that.
The refs are not allowed to in football at the pro level. the press, and the club's sabotage that. There are plenty of refs like that at the amateur level. I would be giving out yellows left and right of players approached me like the do in the pro game
+EPR89ha ok thank you very much :)
+la gameuse In the first incident the guy on the right of the Georgian frontrow either did not hear the referee's command in time or claimed that he hadn't heard it. Under the most recent scrum rules the packs are only allowed to push once the referee has given the SET command. So he was either too early on the push or - more likely in this case - too late. Nothing in it, just a bit of cheeky play by that prop and Nigel keeping it friendly.In the second scene Georgia was brought back deep into their half and had made penalty offenses on three occasions. Those offenses slowed the game down and stopped the other team from getting a chance to score. So Nigel decided to give them a warning. "Do it again and I'll have to hand out a yellow card."The captain is the only player allowed to converse directly with the referee and he is the connection between the ref and the team. That's why Nigel called the captain over, told him the situation and asked him to make this point very clear to his team. He wanted to see them improve their discipline rather than having to penalise the team right there and force them to play with one less player for ten minutes.Absolute class act.
+Windy Windmill what happened ? I don't know the laws about rugby
+Fakeslimshady A dive being a straight red would be foolish. You need to have means of escalation or it will be hard to award the correct penalties to each action. A yellow card for a dive in the penalty box is okay, imho. Also it should only count if the player plays theater because a dive can be a good way to evade a tackle that could lead to an injury. Would be nice if soccer had time penalties like hockey though.
+Windy Windmill even with the right people, football rules just do not give as much authority to referees. No video replays, no taking back of goals awarded. Players are allowed to repeatedly curse/question the referee, or even provoke the opposition, a dive is not a straight red... I doubt even nigel owens can make much of a difference in a football match.
+Windy Windmill Nigel actually said last week (i think or the week before) that he wanted to ref a football game
+Windy Windmill Nigel actually said last week (i think or the week before) that he wanted to ref a football game
+EPR89 Absolutely right
+Windy Windmill I miss Pierluigi Collina.

Animal cruelty: New Zealand cop shoots innocent pooch on property with crossbow

A New Zealand police officer is under investigation for taking the law into his own hands after he fired an arrow at a dogs back for trespassing onto his property.

User Comments

60 bucks from hunting and fishing
Gasp! Poor Doggy!!! Why he is try do arrow kill dog?.... Law no allowed kill knife gun and other for cats and dogs are friendly.... i wish knock door man live house I will punch or kick on him balls 
lol what :D
Thought he was playing Battlefield 4
all them tank kills
He has to play alot because that bow is fucking hard to unlock :d
I want to fucking punch that cop 
No. Don't call him a cop. He is not worthy of that name.
Fuckaton? Its Whakatane pronounced Fucka-Ton-Eh
True dat, I'll let it slide lol
It's spelt weird though and it isn't an English word so gotta give them a pass with this.
I live in nz and didn't hear about this! What the hell 
+Hayden James Unfortunately.Seems to be getting worse as the years progress too.
+Shredder's House of Pain We still are...
+ThexGamingxSavage Youtube We're too busy getting smoke screened by the prime minister
Yea I know! Looks like the most important things are getting missed

The laws of cricket no ball

Law 24 (No ball) - Lord's www.lords.org/mcc/laws-of-cricket/laws/law-24-no-ball/ The Laws of Cricket | No Ball. 1. Mode of delivery. (a) The umpire shall ...

Les Boyd breaks Darryl Brohman's jaw

State Of Origin. The "snap" you hear is Brohman's jaw breaking.

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Les Boyd was the toughest man to ever play rugby league when I was a young teenager I played for cabra-leagues my old man was a big west fan & he took me out ever weekend to watch west play & les Boyd had great ball skills with great off loads & smashed everybody some say dirty player I say because he didn't play in your team he had a great career & went to the top play for Australia & then to England " & shitty little story's in a country town my mate smashed les boyd you & ya mate r wanker
Brohman sued him because Boyd cost him an Australian cap (huge price). Boyd on the other hand sued a newspaper for saying mean things about him. Out of the two I'd hazard that makes Boyd the bigger sook. Brohman came back after this for a pretty successful career, anything but gutless.
This is probably what made State of Origin. Nevermind Artie Beetson punched his mate Cronin in the head back in 80. Let`s face it, not the worst thing we`ve seen in Origin. Headbutts have been ignored, king hits punished with one week suspensions....Boyd was hard done by.
Boyd was trying to do his best to permanently keep Brohmann's jaw shut. He was thinking of the greater good. Pity the injury didn't last. Brohmann's as entertaining to watch and listen to as a tree stump.
Bloody hell, it's a rough game isn't it? But yeah I can see how that would have broken Dazza's jaw. The thing is though judging by Trent Merrin's actions they still haven't gotten violence out of league.
He git 12 months for that - and so he should, in an era where they were trying to clean things up. But what would a SOO player get these days, given SOO gets special treatment and violence gets ratings?
Dog act......I'm a new South Wales fan through and through but that was disgraceful. Les Boyd was a very talented player but I don't think his lift went all the way to the top floor.
Well Les Boyd was a hopeless player so I guess he had to do something. I'm a NSW fan but that bloke is a loser and I wonder what gutter he sleeps in today?
wow... what a shocker... and only a penalty... poor big Marn... gets a second sneaky elbow then a well meaning teammates knee... gawd
Boyd was lucky not to be charged for that. It was so far outside the rules of the game, that it bordered on a criminal assault.
correct...he was a dirty player and a sneaky thug.....but my mate dave gave him a great flogging in wagga one night.
I can assure you he doesnt sleep in a gutter - in fact hes rather wealthy and living quiet well in the Riverina
have heard about this incident in league folklore, now seeing it i realise why les boyd was considered a dog
Boyd was a pathetic wife beater so its no surprise to see that on the field from him. Typical NSW!!!!!
@TheMoggy1967 lol he isnt that big anymore, hes lost sooo much weight over the last 6 months
Remember that game when Les Boyd shot that little halfback? What the hell was his name? :-)
The Big Mahn will sit on your head and not only break your jaw, but will break your skull
Hah he was one of my favourite players, this was when rugby league, was at its best...
that should have been a life ban from the spot in all continents , and civil charges .
Les Boyd...any relation to Darius? Not comparing their playing styles, just surnames
Boyd is a thug. I'm New South Wales through and through but that was disgraceful.
And to this day The Big Marn hates Les Boyd's gut. Can't say I blame him either
I liked the era of the biff but this one was a bit much. But that was Boyd.
As a Widnes fan, naturally i hate Wire, but Boyd was a top dirty player!
everyone knew brohman was destined to play for australia this ruined it
that's very interesting to hear that, as i always picked boyd as gay.
and then blue 14 elbowws him the exact spot on the floor. disgraceful
A vicious headbutt to the elbow by Brohman,should have been sent off.

2014 NZ Backflips Clothing/KTM Junior Motocross Nationals

This video is about the 2014 NZ Backflips Clothing/KTM Junior Motocross Nationals what was held on the Westcoast of the south island of New Zealand in a little ...

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