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Tax breaks mn Videos

Tax Breaks May be Necessary for Minnesota to Host Super Bowl

If the Twin Cities wants to host the Super Bowl in four years, Minnesota might have to offer more tax breaks. This was an important talking point as Super Bowl ...

Part II Tif Breaks in Alexandria MN

Minnesota Tax Breaks - Lakeland News at Ten - March 24, 2014

Commissioner Myron Frans on tax credits for Minnesota veterans and soldiers

Tax Credits for Start-Ups and Their Investors - Minnesota Cup

Joel Lebewitz, partner at Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company and MN Cup review board member, discusses two tax credits available to start-up businesses and ...

Rep. Weiner Battles Hannity on Fox News

Ben Mankiewicz breaks down a clip of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Sean Hannity's show on Fox News. Weiner gets Hannity ...

User Comments

@oodlesofosz I know you Liberals hate to have the facts get in the way of a good rant, but the Bush tax beak that Congress (that means Democrats too my little drone) and Obama just renewed apply to just about everyone, not just the "EVIL" rich. Of course, if you pay little or no tax at all, like a lot of Obama Zombies waitin' for their "piece-o-de-stash", then the Obama Tax breaks for the Rich probably won't apply to them. P.S. if you have to take a leak, don't do it here, your Weiner's in D C.
@UtherPendragan Can't have it both ways. Lower taxes on the rich and the money has to come from somewhere to make up for the difference, which Anthony said in the video. Republicans didn't cut anything, they continued to add tons of shit over the years, and now their solution to reduce spending is to take away Medicare and not-for-profit programs that do a public service. By reducing taxes and still expecting all the public services to remain in effect, it is practically like giving away money.
OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONS / VOTE OBAMA 2012 The 44th President of the United States of America “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” The greatest black man… that ever lived! NEXT LEVEL ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS WORLDWIDE VOTE OBAMA 2012 REV. 16:16 There will be “nowhere to hide” once Israel is attacked! God’s… promise to man! The battle… begins. OBAMA, was born for this very day! The “Son Of Man” is coming home to where it begun, JERUSALEM. OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONS VOTE OBAMA 2012
Typical way for a pundit on Fox News to make it seem like they are right is to act like they won the argument, agree with a small portion of what the other person is saying and then twist it around as if it was their idea to begin with and then make their actual point. This easily fools their viewers and people whom may lean to the right. It is a trick to confuse the other person as well as the zombies who are with Hannity. I loved it when Hannity went, "blah, blah, blah" in the face of facts.
@oodlesofosz You are no Conservative. In the future, please have the integrity to correctly identify your political leanings. The financial meltdown was created by the Federal Government, through agencies such as HUD, forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make sub-par loans to unqualified home buyers. These loans were then bundled into mortgage backed securities which became toxic assets (remember TARP?) Regarding taxes, the US has the highest Corporate tax rate in the Western world.
I'm for the GOP. Give millionaires back exactly what they paid - with reasonable interest and not one cent more when it comes to Social Security, Medicare, VA, any government assistance. I watched a lady that inherited $2 million during her last 6 months of cancer. Medicare paid all her medical bills and she drew a SS check off her husband. She never worked or paid into the system. She died with $2 million dollars in the bank and with America in more debt than any time in history.
"Good for you Weiner"??!!?? Are you kidding me? After all the rhetoric Weiner , as all other democrats do, attacked Bush and then trotout "TAX BREAKS FOR BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIONAIRES!"in response to their profligate spending ways. Your mindless, progressive mantra no longer works as SOMA for the masses Congressman! At least some members of the GOP are seriously trying to reduce both the deficit and the debt while Obama, et al, fiddle, or in your case flagellate while Rome burns.
fristly im only 18 and i dont know much and this is really just a qustion... wouldnt it make more sence to rise taxes a bit on the well off and the supper rich and take say 1 or 2 percent off the low income earners (to help them "get a head") and cut spending across the bord. if you raise taxes and cut spending wouldnt you generate more money or whatever? and also lets not forget that milltry spending is way to high you could cut that alittle bit and still have a frist rate army.
@snikle8b 4) UNTRUE. Look at wages over the last 30-40 years and you will observe that we have been receiving the same wages since the early 1970's. How do you account for massive profits for CEO's, movement of WEALTH to the top 10%, but I'm still receiving the same wage? The trick is, of course, expanding cheap credit (that worked miraculously, lol). Now, Americans are up to their eyeballs in debt and are working jobs that pay them > $10.00/hr. The working class is fucked. :\
@c0mbineelite I'll ignore your low class and vulgar expletive because, Lord knows you're a victim of your Progressive education and are quite incapable of responding any other way. By-the-way, how many credit hours do they give for Basketball these days? Allow me to respond to your outburst: Planned Parenthood?, now there's a misnomer that Goebbels would have enjoyed! In the future, please watch your language or your mommy will send you to bed without your Pokemon!
Bush Tax Cuts: President George W. Bush’s 2003 tax cuts generated a massive increase in federal tax revenue and were followed by 52 consecutive months of economic growth. From 2004 to 2007, federal tax revenue increased by $780 billion, the largest four-year increase in American history. Total federal revenue from 2003 to 2007: 2003 -- $1.78 trillion 2004 -- $1.88 trillion 2005 -- $2.15 trillion 2006 -- $2.40 trillion 2007 -- $2.56 trillion Weiner is a boob!!!!

MN Jobs Coalition Discusses Dayton's New Middle Class Tax On Fox 9

Ben Golnik, Chair of the Minnesota Jobs Coalition, appears on Fox 9 to debate Gov. Mark Dayton's plan to tax clothing, car repairs and hair cuts with the Alliance ...

Non Biblical Reasons Churches Become 501c3-Tax Deductions

this video shows how the doctrine of giving has been perverted by tax deductible emphasis being placed on giving to the Lord.

Laura Brod offers tax cuts for Minnesotans

During a recent debate in the MN House of Representatives, Laura Brod offered an amendment that would have cut taxes for the lowest income tax earners in ...
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