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Break lease Videos

Should We Break Our Lease?

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User Comments

Could they move into a different unit within the complex?
+MissLysreign No others available currently. We had some other issues with apartment managers irrelevant to this situation... and some other minor issues with neighbors in our 4 block. This was just a major issue and it cost us too... it's a liability to live here.  Bug guy said the sprays last 2-3 months on the floor---we have an 8 month old crawling and starting to try to walk. Had to keep her in a play-pen 24/7 lately.We'd rather just be let out.
bed bugs (which are spreading like wildfire) or fleas... probably fleas since he mentioned animals.
+droptozro good to hear things appear well. I know they can sometimes be difficult to get rid of. Unfortunately that type of "liability" exists for all renters, everywhere. Where living in such close quarters and people coming/going all the time increase risks like this... and others.
+knpstrr I don't mean the liability of paying for future pest issues in this place. The original liability was the costs we already incurred in having to wash anything that possibly had bed bugs and washing all clothes/linens affected by both separate sprayings. It might seem menial too some people but its a huge time hassle and we dont have a washer and dryer available in this apartment(that works right, the dryer never dries completely). Then there was the liability of having to cancel any optional type of gatherings and warn all people we'd visited in the recent past to get an inspection so not to spread the issue. I had to work, not much choice... but it was like being on willing house arrest until we can try to be sure we are in the clear. There's also the liability of "if" we had spread it to family due to the negligence of the neighbors... now they'd have to spray. Last we knew we were all in the clear still though.
+droptozro But you don't have the liability now that it has been established the pests are there, not brought in by you.
+knpstrr Yep, we recognize it's not the apartment manager's fault nor ours... it's just a possible future liability now. If by chance we had not noticed the fleas first and questioned the neighbors... we may have later just thought we had bed bugs and had to pay for the extermination ourselves. Then we'd have a possible legal battle if we'd discovered we weren't the source. But we don't have the money to sue anyone, and I doubt the neighbors above have the money in the first place. We just don't want the liability. It's a mess.
+droptozro tough situation, for sure. But I'm sure management is just as uneasy about the introduction of the pests as you are. And it wasn't managements fault that they got introduced either.Unfortunately this story can happen in rental occupation and rental ownership. Where you both did not cause the problem but have to deal with it.
+knpstrr We have a feeling that the issue will return due to the fact that the neighbors above have friends in the complex who visited in that time period(the bug guy said the neighbors above had it bad). The apartment managers did not spray the entire complex---just ours and the neighbor above. That's why we want out too. I was trying to squeeze as much detail as possible into my question with Dave without taking up too much time.We had the health department do an inspection of our place a couple weeks ago and they found nothing... so far.
+droptozro Man... I feel sorry for not only you but management. That is going to be tough for them to get that exterminated completely and very costly.
+knpstrr Yep-both, t'was me calling.

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