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Break between sets Videos

Bodybuilding Tip: How Long to Rest Between Sets to Build Muscle @hodgetwins

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User Comments

There's little difference between short / long rest times ..study done on this: h ttp://ww w.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16095405 For those too lazy to click: "The present study indicated that, within typical hypertrophic strength-training protocols used in the present study, the length of the recovery times between the sets (2vs.5 minutes) did not have an influence on the magnitude of acute hormonal and neuromuscular responses or long-term training adaptations in muscle strength and mass"
Hello there, have you heard about http://musclegend.com ? Just visit their web site at http://musclegend.com On their website you can watch a useful free video demonstrating the right way to pack on noteworthy muscles fast. This helped Ryan to overcome his muscle building stagnation and therefore develop chiseled muscle mass with no fat very quickly. It may help you as well.
though i'm no trainer, if u start eating more and lifting between, say, 5-10 rep range u should see results in both strength and size. once in a while maybe have a heavy day (3-5 REPS), but not everyday. bodybuilders eat like crazy and take supps cause they wanna get big. powerlifters and olympic lifters need 2 get as strong as possible but usually need to stay in a wgt category. do a combo of both, in my opinion.
man any 1 who does a set of squats and is able to do another set 90secs after in my opinion isnt pushing them selfs hard enough. To recover that fast after a demanding exercise like squats... man u must be lifting to fucking light (bitch weight) 3-4mins is the norm rest intervals for lower body. if i tried doing another set of squats 90 secs after a set my fuckin heart wud explode
This is a question that always bothered me, and I never knew the answer, no matter what people told me, or what I've read in the magazines, but for me, like the Hodge twins said, compound movements I feel what works for me is 2-3 minutes. Isolation movements is about 1 minute. That's what I found that works for me. Just my opinion though...
that type of attitude wont help you in life your lucky im a nice guy, if you wanna build muscle 30-15 second rests between sets WORK ON IT! if you wanna build explosive power in legs, no more than 4 explosive reps with 1 min rest between sets, you can count on my advice, this video is a joke i dont know anyone who does that stuff
At the end of the day they are just trying to help everyone out, its just advice as they say, you're comment "3 mins between sets no way i go 30 seconds" was un-called for. you do things you're, way others do it their way and if you no how much rest in-between sets is necessary why the fuck did you bother clicking on this video?
@mnoy91 i work out more like a powerlifter, heavy weight, low reps. heavy to me is between 1-5 reps (on the big lifts, of course, not curls or what not). if u eat a lot and take supps, then by all means train more like a bodybuilder (8-12 reps). heavy work made me stronger and bigger without taking anything or eating all day.
Hello, have you considered MUSCLEADER (look on Google)? There you will find a useful free video demonstrating how to start building visible muscle mass easily whilst reducing body fat as well. Brandon and hundreds of guys with the same goal experienced good results using this approach. Perhaps it will work for you also.
i used to do that and when i started resting for a shorter time is when i started getting results. 30-45 seconds and thats high weight low rep. and no it doesnt wear me out i have more energy because my heart rate is still up from the previous set and my muscles are able to do that easily without giving out.
Hi, have you considered "Musclegend" (search on Google)? There you can watch a useful free video showing the best way to pack on visible muscles fast. It made it possible for James to break through his muscle building stagnation and then pack on toned muscle mass with no fat fast. It might work for you also.
Hello there, have you considered "MuscLeader" (have a look on Google)? On their website you can watch a great free video demonstrating the right way to build noteworthy muscles very fast while reducing fat as well. Kev and plenty other guys had great success applying this approach. I hope it helps you too.
You are correct. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. Listen to this I saw an interview with body building champion where he talks about 7 odd foods he eats to keep his abs hard. if you are serious go for it now bit.ly/1bVm2sR?=njvoj
Crazy clip. Wonderful film. My good friend had been a fatty. He remodeled his body from 285 lbs of pure fat to 207 lbs of massive lean muscle. We thought it was incredible! I just signed up personally coz I want to enhance my entire body. He made use of the Muscle Building Bible (Look in Google)...
@GrantSy I suggest you should try the program offered by the site MusclesMaximizer.info because it was designed around four simple to understand formulas which will help you achieve your body building goals within a short period of time.I myself did try it and it works so well.:))
sure is right. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. Listen My international body building trainer also recommended this 7 food elements to kill your fat belly. have a look here --> bit.ly/11dJ7nq?=oiulu
u're right. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. Listen One of my friend working in fitness field suggested me this 7 secret food items to kill our jelly belly. you can see it here bit.ly/16KQnW4?=vkctq
sure is right. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly. btw!but ye The surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises, maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. i found it here bit.ly/145gMMR?=kmmqo
@Calozpo they said for squats(or other exercises similar), which they said in another video do less sets for, you should take about 4 mins, so lets say 6 sets on legs or something, and a min for each exercise (at most) then thats like 6 min + 20 mins, 26 mins
but wtf when i rest in between set next day i'm not sore but if i don't rest at all i'm sore the next day like i don't see the purpose of resting like why should you rest if your muscles can keep going im not sore at all when i rest between sets the next
yes i mean it. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly. But My international body building trainer also recommended this 7 food elements to kill your fat belly. you can watch out here -> bit.ly/15JUt6q?=ynhto
yep. we must kill the bad fat and belly first to get the 6 pack. Listen to this I saw an interview with body building champion where he talks about 7 odd foods he eats to keep his abs hard. worth watch here now bit.ly/11Syqnd?=ckwvq
@Geertwildersforever then youre not working out for mass gains, your routine must go a little something like this... 4 sets of 20 reps for 10 work outs, when it should go like this... 2 sets of 5-7 reps for 5-6 work outs
6 to 12 reps isnt that more strenght? or how ever you spell it lol i hear high reps for muscle growth, but low reps is more power and strength gains, but if you do high reps for muscle growth you wont get stronger right?
@Calozpo not every work out, squats might be 4 but not leg curls or extensions...lol...i rest 3min on ave for my fist two exercise and the last 1 or 2 exer are alot faster due to smaller body parts and less weight...
i think each one has his own proper suitable rest time .. after the set just wait till feel your heart beat almost back to normal ( almost ) then do your next set .. jsut an opinion but i find it very helpful
Hey there, have you heard about Epic Max Muscle? (search for it on Google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Epic Max Muscle, you will discover how to bulk up quickly.
i heard if you rest about more then 2 mins to build muscle you will lose the pump and then you wont gain muscle? because your having too much rest is that true? thanks :) my goal is to get stronger and bigger
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They laughed when I told them I was going to get ripped with "Atomic Max Muscle", but then I showed them the results. Go Google Atomic Max Muscle to see their reaction. (You should see their faces!)

How LONG Should You REST Between Sets?

FREE e-Book: //www.leehayward.com/blog/free-stuff My Bodybuilding Blog: //www.leehayward.com Follow Me on Facebook: //full.sc/1f2etSa How ...

User Comments

how long should you rest between one arm alternate workouts? for example if i were to do one-arm overhead dumbbell triceps extension for one arm then switch to workout the other arm, what should my rest period be between those sets?
Well done! Thank you, that was a very well organized explanation to a recurring issue that I have been trying to resolve. Thank you!
If ya gotta rest more than 2 mins for sets. Ya conditioning needs work.
How long should I rest when doing sets of 20 push ups?
Good stuff, thanks Lee.

The Best Reps, Sets And Rest When Training?

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User Comments

What i dont understand is do we take rest after 1 box jump or do we take rest after 8 box jumps(8 sets)? If i do 12 reps(push up) so fast that it takes 1 second TuT does that mean im doing all 4 things you mentioned? 12 reps=hypertrophy but its close to endurance(it ca be both) Tut=1 sec which means Power,and power/hypertrophy = strenght im confused
Power is how strength and speed. Jumping high. Strength is just strength. Lifting up boulders really slow.Bodybuilding is tearing up muscle with enough resistance. Size. Endurance is cardio training. Tons of reps, hundreds.
what about both strength and hypertrophy?
+CardsFlowerGMS When doing push-ups, go down slow and then go up fast. When doing pull-ups, go down slow and up speedy... That how I do it. I also bought an adjustable 150lbs weight vest to make it harder.
no i dont want to swtich to a gym. i like Street workout
ok..then you have to decide if you want to switch
Street workout
what kind of training are you doing now?
becuase with all my things in the training session its ends up 1 and half hour so i cant add more more sets = more time and its too long 
i mean, why are you complaining about time? reduce number of sets if you dont have time..but then you know the gains wont be great
what do u mean?
how are you training these days?
how can i ? and i dont im already in 1 and half hour of my training its already too long. 
you have time...and yo should do the hypertrophy and strenghth together...either daily or weekly
but i dont have so much time to do 4 sets :P and its too hard atm and i workout 3 days a week so i cant do that its okay if i do 2 months power and 2 months hypertrophy?
do 2 sets of power and 2 sets of hypertrophy for each exercise, or do a split where you do 2 days power, 3 days hypertrophy, depending on how many day you wanna work out.
can u tell me please? ..
+CardsFlowerGMS use your head

Rest Times Between Sets @hodgetwins

SUPPORT THE HODGETWINS BY SHOPPING AT: //officialhodgetwins.com/ Hodgetwins INSTAGRAM //instagram.com/officialhodgetwins Hodgetwins ...

User Comments

Been working out for years and I thought 30-60 seconds was the only way. 
+EnterCombie atleast 3 mins during compounds and 2 mins between isolation is fine!

Bellydancing at Spiro's - break between sets with Imei

Olve 2012 Badminton 'a French Kiss between sets'.wmv

Keep an eye on the ball during the break between the sets - what a quick fingers indeed. Certainly the tempo got slower in the game after that.... should we call it ...

405 for 3 sets of 10 with a 5 min break in between. Second set.

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