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Break vs fracture Videos

Bone Break, Compound Fracture, DIY Tutorial : Backyard FX

Following up Zack's first build episode, the AWESOME IRON MAN ARM, this week he's showing you how to create a gruesome broken bone effect. Check out ...

User Comments

Marowak and cubone 
Kankaskhan confirm?!
how to do it way easier: jump off a 3 story building an d land on 1 leg and make sure it extended all the way
+derptaco i broke all my bones trying that
Good idea I'll try it.
4 and a half years later and this place is like a wasteland.. What happened to the channel? It was my favorite!
+Gamacios Long story short: Indy Mogul was a part of Next New Networks, which was acquired by YouTube, meaning that basically YouTube owned and funded the channel, and about a year ago it was decided by some higher-up that Indy Mogul wasn't worth continuing so the channel came to an abrupt halt. Eric Beck, Zack Finfrock, Griffin Hammond, and Russell Hassenaur all still produce and upload content on their own channels, but Indy Mogul is, unfortunately, done forever.
R.i.p Indy mogul
:'( Liek if u crie evrytiem.

Using the Cell Fracture Add-on in Blender - Part 01

Shatter and break objects with the Cell Fracture add-on //cgcookie.com/blender/2012/12/05/breaking-objects-cell-fracture-add-on/ A very common task in ...

User Comments

When I open the (n) menu I get the grease pencil option but no buttons that say "view" "cursor" "surface" and "stroke" so whenever I draw, it phases through the object and floats. I am in cycles render, I've traced back over and still cannot find the solution.
+The Real Cake //blender.stackexchange.com/questions/35296/how-to-draw-grease-pencil-on-a-surface-blender-2-75
Did anyone actually answer the bounding box issue question or is this just a forum for useless observations and people who can't spell?
+Steve Dowdy I got rid of the bounding box issue but now I still have the issue of gaps between the broken parts. I reduced the margin to 0 and everything I do seems to yeild the same result. The pieces have gaps that break up the glass into component shards. 
+Steve Dowdy thanks, I'll give it a try.
+FoxxPix Try checking the normals of your mesh. I had the same problem and when I looked closely at the geometry I found a loop cut was facing in the wrong direction and hadn't been corrected even when I did Recalculate Normals. I also converted some ngons to quads and removed some doubled vertexes but I think it was the normals that was causing the issue.
Can anyone help? When press 'p' to playback in Blender Game, it plays then freezes on me. Any ideas?
hit escape
For some reason, when I "break" the object, I tend to end up with pieces that just stick out and seem to be pieces of the bounding box rather than the mesh itself. If you have any solutions or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you.
+newflightvideos Wait what did you move? the shards or the objet they are based off?
+newflightvideos Didn't work. I guess its just my bad luck again
very funny.
+Matt McDermott Alt+F4
Thank you but it didn't work :(
+Matt McDermott I figured it out today; I just scaled the object up a lot, and then moved it on the y axis a bit, and that did it. It seems to be a scale thing.
decrease the mass then ?
+Matt McDermott This is my current problem as well.
+Matt McDermott maybe increase the mass ?

Worst Ankle Fracture (Part 1) - Bizarre ER

Warning: This is the worst injury covered on Bizarre ER. //www.youtube.com/OfficialBizarreER.

User Comments

that's the same way I broke my ankle it was very very painful Glory be to god that I can walk again .that's in2013 and still in 2015 still I'm feeling pain
how long its take time for your recover
I wonder why the doctor didn't do a lidocaine nerve block... 
+William Ko Great Video! Sorry for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have you researched - Mackorny Treat Bones Blueprint (do a search on google)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my GF after a lifetime of fighting kissed good bye to the Sprained Ankle with it.
I came here because I broke my ankle after falling off a ladder, how many others came here because they broke their leg?
That would be me.
I an not that screemish but OMG that I'd so GROSS
I just start laughing like crazy when i see an injury
+undecided *you're
+Amiel John F. Mercado *youre a douchebag

Humerus Fracture - Broken Upper Arm

//pixvid.me/mdbonedocsHumerusFracture Humerus fractures are common. The humerus is the long bone in your upper arm. A fracture is a broken bone.

Clavicle Fracture - Broken Collar Bone

//pixvid.me/mdbonedocsClavicleFracture Clavicle fractures are a common orthopedic injury, especially among infants and young children. The clavicle ...
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