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Sale signage Videos

Popfins Point-of-sale Signage

Popfins video showing Popfins in action in Convenience Store environment. Popfins signage allows your brand and message to be seen by consumers going ...

User Comments

I love this POP concept....Great work iSEE Store Innovations...

www.WeekendTreasure.com Episode #5 Yard Sale Signs!

This week we go over tips for holding your own yard sale. How to create and place effective street signs to get maximum customers to your sale.

User Comments

#1 Ask the homeowner permission before you place one of your goofy signs in their yard. #2 After your sale, take your goofy sign down. #3 Better yet, advertisise in your local paper, and put one of your goofy signs in your yard. #4 Put a lot of creative effort and time into your goofy sign. When you drive by and notice your sign is missing, please ask permission to retrive your goofy shredded sign from my trash hopper. #5 Don't forget to pay taxes on yard sale proceeds. HOPE THIS HELPS
Good video. I seen last week a big yard sale sign on the back of a truck pointing down the street the sale was at so that's a good idea also. I have seen twice this month people using those sawhorse shaped type of signs (think upside down V) with a big yard sale sign on it that were excellent. I loathe the signs that are just a regular size sheet of paper with ball point pen writing. I am a hardcore yardsailer so I still go 'sigh'
I would have gave them signs less of a rating. There is no arrows on the first couple! And the arrows should be HUGE and DARK. And u dont need a street name or other info if the sale is wright down the road, only if it is far away, and there should be a sign on evey intersection also. Im also a garage sale pro :)
Most important comment! Convince people to TAKE DOWN THEIR SIGNS Without Fail, shortly after, are just before...the end of the sale. (watch for ledpenny's video on this subject soon to be released)
Make sure you know the local laws. Those signs on government owned utility poles are illegal in many places.
The first is not a 10 in my opinion due to the missing (and very important info) times!
thank you very helpful :)

On Demand, Customized Packaging, Boxes, Point of Sale Signage and More

Here is a quick view of OlleyMay's ability to produce custom packaging, labels, boxes, marketing collateral and more. Versatile and fast. Small quantities or large ...

Glittering garage sale signs

Glittered garage sales bring in fancy traffic! Www.themagicbrushinc.com/garagesale.

Know the Code - Garage Sale Signs

In this edition of "Know the Code" the City of El Paso Code Enforcement Division explains the rules on garage/yard sales.

Yard Sale Signs

Morristown Codes Enforcement Officer Jason Young talks about yard sale sign regulations.
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