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Sale tax mp Videos

British Labour MP Holds up Tax Debate Until Squeamish Opponent Says 'tampon'

LONDON — A Labour MP refused to continue a House of Commons debate until a squeamish Conservative MP vocalized exactly what the discussion was ...

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They are not luxury goods, periods are not luxury they are fucking horrible and no man can say that I'm overacting because you don't know the pain and why are men so grossed out by them women have to bleed for five days and just get on with their lives as normal saying the word tampon or period is not gonna kill you it's natural so deal with girls talking about it.
+jasminehancock50 Its a mans world! They get off with it, we pay for it! Those 2 girls free bleeding at parliament have the right idea but more women need to join them! If I lived close I know I would! They tax maternity pads too! Funny thing is, we need those after we give birth to these pathetic men in the first place! lol sorry but I'm really beginning to hate men!!!

Starbucks, Amazon & Google - are they tax avoiders? MP's seem to think so

MPs on the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee grilled Starbucks, Amazon and Google about why they paid almost no UK corporation tax. Starbucks ...

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If companies abide by the law...should they pay in extra?? I think the rules are at fault. How Bazaar". Sometimes I wonder if the politicians understand the tax laws. If the government wants companies to pay more tax...charge the tax under the rules. If you do not like the rules...ask parliament to change the rules. That is democracy.This is a waste of tax payers money... how embarrassing. What is Fair or moral when it comes to tax?? The government charges and we pay...that is how it works! WOW
These MPs have found a whipping boy in foreign (especially US) companies to make themselves more appealing to the voters. What these companies do is perfectly legal and the EU make these rules which allow them to be headquartered in whichever EU country is most advantageous for them. The UK can either lower their tax rate to match the lowest tax rate in the EU or leave the EU altogether and set even lower rates than that. But they don't do either
Actually, most MPs have very little power at all. Those who are in opposition or are backbenchers on the government side are not members of the executive. The government is composed of 80-odd MPs from the two governing parties, of whom 20-odd form the Cabinet (together with a few mebers of the House of Lords). The rest of the 650 MPs have no executive power. MPs who are members of the government do sit sit on select committees.
About the other comments here regarding what the MP said about "immoral" and "fair": Those tax deals that make companies save bazillions of taxes are legal. But they are illegitimate. Therefore they may win the courts, but that doesn't mean it is right what they are doing. For Americans, laws are more like a risk factor in a business plan, right? You guys are absolutely ... [fill in what you like].
These huge multinational corporations are MAINLY greedy. MPs have so much power, but these guys have so much more power. UNFORTUNATELY! They duck and dodge paying tax, by sneaking their money over international borders. The UN should do something, but then they are fairly corrupt and also powerless as well. poor companies votes would just be bought buy multinationals.
it's all very well for these M.P's to sit here with their sense of righteous indignation, after all what these multi-nationals are doing is amoral, however, these M.P's are the very people supposedly elected to represent societies views and furthermore have the power to legislate. Yet they don't, wonder why..?
Amazon is paying around 1 % taxes in Europe only and STILL has a deficit. What a fucking shitcompany is that, seriously? Their business plan even doesn't work when they steal most of the taxes they should pay. Fuck!
Just close down the UK branch, dont give them permit anymore to operate and say it will help them to "avoid losses".. hahaha.. I'm sure they will say: "Oh noooo... don't do that" Trollollol...
There is nothing sinister in so arranging ones affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands. - Justice Learned Hand 
"Accuse you of being immoral"?, "Do you think that's fair?" - are these legal arguments? - seriously? Do the MPs believe that taxes rates at 50% - 65% are fair and moral?
its always a game played on our minds , we all see them working and holding the errant companies to account but in actual fact nothing ever happens to them
The MP thinks so, so , what that mean, is that make any difference, are these thugs going to be straighten ?
the MPs were very disrespectful
Margaret Hodge is dangerous...

MPs condemn Amazon executive over tax payments

//www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20301381 The Public Account's Committee's Nick Smith (Labour) has described an Amazon executive's failure to answer ...

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This bit is not about whether Amazon is using loopholes - they almost certainly are. It's about the fact that Amazon is trying to "appear clean" and to avoid being exposed for their financial behaviour, by concealing key figures (UK profit) from the Committee.
Absolutely brilliant, what a classic of how being unprepared can backfire, badly..... every person working in communications should watch this and learn and every company Executive should watch and learn and drop the arrogance!!
hmmmm - you making judgement on hodge - yet you are writing on a website (as I am too) on a Google owned product (YouTube) which is doing exactly the same...so I think you are a hypocrite!
Communism always surprises me that nobody really understands that it has almost complete control in the west. Taxation is one of the biggest forms of socialism. Taxation is tyranny.
why in US they pay taxes for every state , but in Europe they don t want pay taxes , this is ridiculous
His vacant stare at the end just fills me with joy. What an incompetent, inept man he seems to be!
I think they sent the placement student. He was appalling and useless!
This Amazon executive seems to have been unprepared for this inquiry.
this guy is a joke. Unprepared. should have sent a donkey instead.
Do not use amazon. IT's simple tell everyone. Don't use them!
Fuck Amazon. I hope the directors all get bone cancer.
Wonderful!!! Margaret Hodge is a star!
I love it, I fucking love.

Paul Keating vs. Fran Bailey (sales tax)

Recently elected MP Fran Bailey asks treasurer Paul Keating about discrepancies in sales tax.

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Man he's a sharp debater. Totally disarmed Fran Whogivesatoss's poorly-made but relevant point (being that the sales tax regime was flawed) and turned it back to smashing the GST.

Michael Meacher MP for Oldham West and Royton at Bilderberg UK

Veteran Labour MP and former minister Michael Meacher has died after a short illness at the age of 75. Mr Meacher had been MP for Oldham West and Royton ...

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Veteran Labour MP and former minister Michael Meacher has died after a short illness at the age of 75. Mr Meacher had been MP for Oldham West and Royton since 1970, retaining the seat with a 14,738 majority in May. Mr Meacher, seen as being on the left of the party, spent 29 years on Labour's frontbench including six as an environment minister under Tony Blair. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he was a "man of enormous breadth and intellectual vision". Follow the latest updates and reaction on BBC Politics Live He served in junior ministerial roles in the Wilson and Callaghan governments in the 1970s and at one time was spoken of as a future Labour leader. Mr Meacher, an Oxford University classics graduate who had been a lecturer before becoming an MP, stood as the left's candidate against Roy Hattersley for the deputy leadership of the party in 1983, but was defeated.
That man should be prime minister of Britain.
Finally someone who speak sense.

HMRC failing to tackle tax avoidance, say MPs

HMRC failing to tackle tax avoidance, say MPs Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: //bitly.com/UvkFpD Margaret Hodge, chair of parliament's public accounts ...

To tax MPs or not?

//www.ntv.co.ke Justice Minister, Mutula Kilonzo, is now calling on the newly constituted Supreme Court to give a ruling, whether or not the current Members ...

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These fuckers work on contract...they still in the colonial days when the British would call up some Kenyans to sweep and mop the parliament walkways and the high court offices. Those are the contract jobs they still think they are doing. Every excuse not to pay taxes....yet they want the hottest hooker in Italy when they pack their bags and go to sing songs of praise to their masters in Europe with a begging bowl in hand. I call for revolution! We'll be trapped in this till when????
Jane Kiyo...the Transitional Cap 6 stipulates ' except to the extent that this constitution expressly provides....' it does that on 210 sub 1 and 2 says ' no one is exempt from taxation...' No One! On Tax Act...the Commissioner gave 'his opinion' already He wants taxes paid and paid now...why should he consult Uhuru? Uhuru Mbadi Marende are MPs = tax cheats. Pay Up or face the consequences!
Aluoch how stupid are you to say tax is a gift to gov.sometimes you fell to understand where this guys went to school,I wish you had a chance to come in western countries and learn that their is no negotiation when it comes to tax payment.This is the money which can reconstruct road and hire jobless people,wake up guys.
There is not timing issue. Who gave you the contract? You are working for the Kenyan people and they want you to be taxed. Nyambati, you paid your taxes when you were in the US. If you didn't, they garnished your pay. Why are you having a problem with paying your taxes now? Go taxman!
Oh please. Mutula is now talking like a lawyer. The timing is not the issue. It starts when the constitution was passed Aug 27 2010. Everyone knows that. But you Mps want to be paid for aug-dec 2012 since parliament will be dissolved in aug.
Mps should pay back taxes. Any MP who does not agree should be prosecuted and jailed in Kamiti Maximum prison. And to you Mutunga, do your job Mwanaa Mwendya, tax them all the way.
My area MP,my MP from Kitutu Masaba Constituency must pay tax if he wants my vote.NO TAX NO VOTE
You will not only be TAXED, you will also be AXED come the next general election.
WTF?? and fucking Kenyan will vote the same faces back in 2012!!
There is no confusion. please pay the tax.
@thuraku I looooooove this. Nice one.
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