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Sale sports club Videos

Kinetic Sports Club. Custom printed pattern "Moving Energy" stretch ceiling panels in NY.

//NYCeiling.com/ //www.facebook.com/Stretch.Ceilings.Design We sell this kind of ceilings and wall coverings world wide as well as LED lighting for ...

A flight over Dane road sports club in Sale

Wii U - Wii Sports Club Launch Trailer

Official Site: //wiisportsclub.nintendo.com Like Nintendo on Facebook: //www.facebook.com/Nintendo Follow us on Twitter: ...

User Comments

I just bought a wii u for my daughter's christmas... this video makes me wants to take it back... smh... I certainly hope the games improve soon because this looks like the original to me and i passed on the system. then again I'm getting a PS4 for myself. I saw only a few wii u games at the game store and that kinda makes me worry a bit.
The new wii u games that came out is awesome! Super smash bros, mario kart 8 and other games!

Wii Sports Club - Series Retrospective: MotionPlus, Online, Modes & Grand Slam Tennis Comparison

With news of the Wii U version of Wii Sports, Wii Sports Club, we take a look back at the Wii Sports phenomenon that sold 115 million games. We tour the ...

User Comments

Do you know if you can make your club in another country? I'm going back and forth between Japan and the UK and use the EU WiiU, so I'd like to be a part of Japan's too!
And people are yet again bitching about it. I'm glad this channel is actually looking on the bright side of this :)
Will probably get, but a table tennis and cycling mode would be neat, they were both fun!
Hmm...maybe they will remake Wii Sports Resort with online play as well in the future...
ralf das sagt der jenige der geschrieben hat i love dner also bizze
bowling ball controller for the bowling wii game, was it released?
Online cycling would be so good. It would be like a proper race :D
We'd love an excuse to use these great table tennis bats again.
I don't think u can call the game when it comes with the console
Jordan Wilson pm your wiiu name when u get it k
Great im getting wii u on sunday on my bday :)
there should be a disk version
I hope they add hockey!!
Online swordplay!!!
online football!
You are gay
Is it out?
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