Onko tämä Gearbest.com ihan luotettava sivusto, kannattaako sieltä tilata
mitään? Koska suunnitelmissa ois tilata tänään sieltä Sähkörööki, Drip tip,
RDA, ja uusi 18650patteri. Joten tarvisin tiedon aika nopeasti.
+UrduMorhaer Mä käsittäisin ettei Aasiassa tai ainakaan Kiinassa saa lähettää arvotavaroita, lääkkeitä, akkuja, paristoja ja räjähdysalttiita tavaroita ulkomaille, voin toki olla väärässä.Suomessa taas EU:n ulkopuolelta tilaaminen on ERITTÄIN tiukkaan säädetty, sopii tarkistaa tullin sivuilta miten asian laita on.
+Es Poni akkuja ei kannata aasian suunnalta tilata, tulevat pääsääntöisesti maapostina jolloin toimitusaika voi venyä useampaan kuukauteen. ja eu:n ulkopuolelta kun tilaa kannattaa muistaa tullirajat jos meinaa eilman alvia ja tullimaksuja selvitä
+UrduMorhaer 2,5-3mm tulee se jousitettu osa vielä yli subtankin liittimen pohjasta, joten veikkaan että ottaa kontaktin. En kuitenkaan päätäni laita pantiksi.
ok, seison siis korjattuna. jousitettu keskinapa ilmeisesti yltää vaikka ato ei mahtuisikaan syvennykseen?
Review of the Infinite SX300 Box Mod - 50watt DNA Killer!
Pick up the Infinite SX300 Box Mod here //www.subsonicvapes.com/collections/vv-vw-mods/products/infinite-box-mod-sx300 Interested in me reviewing your ...
VapnFagan, where do you think Subsonic Vapes buys their merchandise?
Exactly the same place FT does. Or do you think that the chinese
manufacture mods especially for US resellers, at higher quality standards,
just because you pay double for it?
No i dont think that.. A lot of people seem to think that only ! company makes the mod or atomizer and then just slaps different names on it, That is not the case, I can assure you its not. There are a few different companies producing clones out there. I have had a few pieces that were the exact same, both from 2 different Chinese companies and you could easily spot the differences in performance and quality between the 2.
Great review! Definite competition for the Hana... China has REEEALLY
stepped up their game.. I'm loving the SX chips and all these awesome cheap
regulated box mods!
+Eric PerryYeah i feel your pain, Trust me! I remember when the Hana v3's were going on Ebay for 400-500 and all the flippers were selling them, lol. That was nuts. Hopefully HanaModz come down in there prices this year.
Same here! Every time I look at my Hana now, I'm like...really?? There are multiple Chinese mods now for around $50 that easily match or outperform the Hana!
+pandoodl Ok well if you think they are just relabeled, You order one from CrapTech and when it arrives a month from now, Let me know how it performs. If your insist that every clone is the same and just relabeled, Then your best bet is to order everything from CrapTech, Its one hell of a deal! Where a face mask though when you vape it, Just to be safe! Good Luck!
You are very wrong buddy. Not all clones are the same and just relabeled. If you think that you don't have any experience with buying many clones. I can assure that there are different Chinese clones out there made in different factories in China. Some are quality and some are junk. Many times I have bought the same piece of Vape gear from different Chinese manufacturers and one was always much better then the other. They both almost looked the exact same but once in hand you could tell the many differences in quality. I am not going to argue the fact. If you want to throw your money away on the CrapTech version, Go right ahead!
i'm glad ou have an original and not a clone. infinite is a well known manufacurer of original mods based in china, shenzen. get real man, china mods are produced in the same factories and branded with the name of the company that sells them, be it infinite, hotcigar, or someting else. the mod you have its the same one from FT just sold by a different company. you bough it from a reseller that makes profit buying them from alibaba and selling hem to you. just ask on alibaba wha is the price per unit for our box and you will be surprised //www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Infinite-Factory-supply-2014-hot-selling_60118570134.html
sähkötupakka ehdotusta minkä ostaisin ensinmäiseksi tupakaksi ja eräs
kaveri mietti että mitä tapahtuu kun laittaisit esim kokista tai energia
juomaa sähkötupakan tankkiin ja alkaisit höyrystelemään?
+Veeti Lappalainen Jospa ei laitettaisi mitään ylimääräistä sinne tankkiin...colassa ja energiajuomassa oleva sokeri pilaisi atomisaattorin kuitenkin suht koht nopeasti, makukin olisi aika palanutta. :)
Hyvä sähkörööki noin 60€ ? Kun mulla hajos joytechin egrip niin ois uusi
hankinnassa niin oisko mitään ideaa hinta ois noin 60€ mutta ei 65€ ole
paha niin sä tunnut näistä tietävän niin jos osaisit sanoa kiitos!
No tota päätin sitten vähän isommalla budjetilla tilata kerrankin kunnon vehkeen tilasin sitten vamo v6 ja siihen sitten aspire atlantiksen mitäs oot mieltä
Ei niitä kannata alkaa ite kasailemaan. Varsinkaan jos täytyy apua kysellä videoiden kommenteissa jotka ei edes liity modaamiseen.
Seven 30 Mod 26650 W/ SX300 Chip- Gravity Sensing 30 WATTS Review sold by Vapor Tek USA
The Seven 30 Mod made by Green Leaf Tech is a 30 watt regulated mod using the SX300 Chip. The body is designed a little different then the first Seven 22 ...
Fake SX300 50w chip installed on Zero clone from Hotcig/Eachely
Hi folks. Bought this mod directly from Hotcig before it appeared on Fasttech. First, Hotcig tried to convince me that the chip is Yihi authentic, but then agreed that ...
There is nothing wrong with the chipset, it's the way the voltage is being
measured that is wrong. What is actually being measured here is the
volt-drop across the installed coil and not the voltage output of the
chipset. Obviously the resistance of the coil isn't going to change, hence
the volt-drop across the coil will always be the same.
+GraveyardKing666 Do you know Carlos? Because I am told that he can only make four a week and if you are able to get on the list it is a random generator system.
Here's your proof that the chip inside is a clone. You told me this by yourself. //prntscr.com/5i4op9 Waiting for the money in my account. At least a refund for a crappy mod.