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Wedding Invitation: Yumi & Lada

You are invited to our wedding on 7/6/08 - just let us know and we'll send you all details. There is about 600 seats for you :) - Zveme moc na svatbu 7/6/08 v ...

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Rajesh and Ramya Wedding Invitation

Italy to Indian Ocean

Similar to ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti's night timelapse over Italy and Egypt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgw36RCQPvM) but taken during the ...

User Comments

Question: what was that black dot? And at the and you saw something glinstering real quick, was that the dragon?
No, it's just difficult to detect sarcasm over text. Next time you use sarcasm, use something like "/sarcasm" to let people know, or otherwise you could start something bad.
+Black Hole Gaming I suppose sarcasm is not a strong point.
a fly? Pretty sure ground checks wouldn't allow a fly on the Soyuz. It would probably just be dust or something, as a micrometeorite would leave a white mark and wouldn't stick. It might be a peice of chipped paint.
+Black Hole Gaming It is either a fly, or damage from a micrometeorite impacted on the window. Or maybe something logical :)
+Tjerk Wigerink the black dot was something in the camera lens and the glistening in the lower right corner is a lens flare from the sun.
Take a flight with ESA astronaut +Samantha Cristoforetti on the International Space Station - from Italy to the Indian Ocean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=353BlSDIA1E #Futura42 #timelapse #ISS 
+European Space Agency, ESA surreal, cool image...
nice post 
Will there be any air bubbles in space?
Love it
Thrilling +European Space Agency, ESA​. +Samantha Cristoforetti​ waiting for your arrival in May
Thanks Samantha wonderful shot
Awesome, thank you for sharing Samantha!
+European Space Agency, ESA  Film nice thank you for sharing 
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