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Wedding invitation twilight breaking dawn Videos

Jacob: I think I'm used to telling you goodbye by now // Breaking Dawn

ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT I OWN NOTHING ! When Jacob sees the invitation from bella and edward's wedding, he runs away.

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******Please Read!!!****** I just want to say one thing,I honestly cried twice at Twilight Breaking Dawn for Jacob's sake,because,you know how Jacob REALLY loved and showed affection for Bella?Did Edward do that?Did Edward always tell Bella that he loved her everyday they were together?Did Edward give those beautiful speeches Jacob used to always say to Bella?Heck no!It breaks my heart that,as much as Jacob loved Bella,Edward is in the way!
-Jacob Cute Face- "I'm gonna fight for you...until you're heart stops beating..." -Bella's bish face- >o> I liek umm..don't feel that way about yuh! Liek leave me alone, like , um,okay?! Now where's like..hottie pants EdWORT" -_____- Hearts for Jake
@TBAKC in twilight I'm team edward, in new moon and eclipse I'm team Jacob, and in breaking dawn I'm team Edward again :D uhm the best book.. Eclipse I think, or Jacob's part in Breaking dawn (Breaking dawn is written in three parts, the first and last as 'bella' the second as 'jacob')
@Aswinundefined i havnt read the books either....what one is your favorite book?? My favorite movie is between breaking dawn and eclipse...and im team jacob lol. But at first i didnt like edward but after watching breaking dawn i love them(meaning everyone) all in a way.
@WeRtheFuture1 do that ! the books are much better than the movies everything is explained better, and because you saw the movies you can imagine better what is in the books. I hope you can understand me ? my english is not so good (:
Wow that was amazing.. I can't believe they didn't get together after all that. To me that was truly a love story. You can tell in Breaking Dawn when they were dancing it was something still there..imo
@papijump500 Nope its not just you. She is so boring with Edward, but with Jacob she comes alive. I wish the writer would have had it where Jacob gets Bella instead of Edward..oh well
@Aswinundefined This video was amazing, seriously i'm a giant critic of fan made twilight anything and this was just great i watched it like forty times :D
Omg love the box I went and saw breaking dawn Thursday night at 12 because they were premier it then and Omg I cried happy and sad tears
great job! honestly they should of had something like that in the actual film, would of made it even more moving :D
@xXIFreakoXx okay, i've got this, hold on. . . wait, no. . . ah, dammit. what the fuck was that?
The only thing me and jacob have in common, is that we will never get the girl we wanted =(
is it me or she is depressed when she is with edward but happy but when she is with jacob
omg so sad :( I Read twilight! SOO GOODDDD! Ethel didn't read it though :/ ~Elizabeth
@ValeriesGal oh my gosh, thank you thank you thank you :D you just made my day (:
@WeRtheFuture1 The BOOKS are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better, do it
Can't believe tht Jacob did tht to bellas baby I want him to do tht to me
omg this video is awesome! i just fell in love with this :D so beautiful
bella is soo bitch!! (i'm sorry it's my opinion and she's suck!)
omg this video is awesome! i just fell in love with this :D
@KuroshitsujiFan4ever long night by Star Salzman
@Aswinundefined yeah i understand, thnx for the tips

Twilight Saga Trio - Best of 2011

//Facebook.com/ClevverTV - Become a Fan! //Twitter.com/ClevverTV - Follow Us! What's going on, everyone? You're back at the ClevverTV studio in ...

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Kristen and Robert are amazing they deserved that Honor at the Chinese Theater and i am really happy Rob and Kristen have both come out as a couple even though the fans knew what was happening i am glad they have come out with it now. I am so proud of Kristen and i want to congratulate her on SWATH it is going to be an amazing movie and i know she's going to be amazing in it, can't wait till June 1st when it comes out. I love Twilight I think it's great and i think they are all great
Stop being trolls people. Twilight! Although, I do get sick of Bella because she's all needy and clingy. Like... I can't stand one moment of my crappy life so I'll go jump off a cliff because I don't have Edward. And the fact she thinks she can have both guys. Hermione was a better role model for girls than little miss Bella. Hermione taught me girls can be just as amazing as guys in movies. But, in reality none of the movies compare to the books. Books forever! :D
@ellegabri28 thank you thank you thank you! people really don't get people always say oh twilights gay, or something stupid and some people say the same to harry potter. in the end they are both just books and just movies so people need to get that and understand you will like things and there are things you wont so they should stick to their side and shut up about the other cause harry potters done and this will be to so it can be put to rest in peace
Breaking Dawn didn't even come close to Prisoner of Azkaban ( HP's lowest grossing movie ) and it didn't break any of the many records of Deathly Hallows part 2! Twilight may won people's choice and mtv movie awards, but it was never nominated for an oscar, while HP has currently 9 oscar nominations and is going to win a couple of awards at the next Academy Awards ceremony! Breaking Dawn will rule at the Razzies! HARRY POTTER IS THE BEST!!!!
@caranorini1 You know why? Because this is a God damn comments section, and we get to say our God damn opinions. And if you don't like it, STOP READING THE COMMENTS. You can't stop us from saying what we think, and what we don't. Okay? So grow the fuck up, and learn to accept people's point of views. We'll debate, and you can't stop us. :) And as for the video: Twilight trio doesn't compare to the Harry Potter trio.
People just don't get it don't they. Some people love twilight, and some don't. Some people love HP, and some DON'T. Some people need to understand that everyone has different preferences. Hp changed your life, Twilight changed ours. Stick to your side, and stop bashing on other people's favorites just because it's not the same as yours. /:
I don't get why people go crazy for this shit, the movies AND books are horrible. And none of them are good actors anyway, Kristen and Robert have turned in some pretty good rolled before but they are saddled with this bad source material. An Taylor Laurent just sucks at everything he does, he will never be good at anything
Let's face it, neither Harry Potter OR Twilight are "high" drama or cultured...They're both written for kids/young adults. That being said, I have to say that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are a lot easier on the eyes than Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint....in my opinion.
@chathg14 Hotter? Yeah, they might be better looking, but is that what a movie is about? For all I know, Twilight movies have nothing in them except looks and sex? Unlike your 'hot' trio, Daniel, Emma and Rupert have raw talent. :) Talent. Which is way more important than looks. Stop being ignorant.
They copied Harry Potter with the "hand prints" and seriously this is not a trio.. harrry potter god bless u ...i just watch these sucking vids to hate on twilight.... there i said it...u ppl might remove my comment but you cant run away from the truth even critics say that.... TWILIGHT=CRAP
@aimal666 its funny because when i clicked the fucking video it said Twilight Saga Trio - Best of 2011 so thts why it gets fucking annoying when they say shit on twilight vs Harry potter . so express your fucking opinions but its on the wrong FUCKING video .
@teckmate it's a couple little hints, in an interview Kristen said her boyfreind was british, and then he said my girlfriends in L.A. one time. And some PDA at the handprint ceremony she put her hand on his thigh and he put his hand on her ass lmao.
OFCOURSE. THE GOLDEN TRIO IS NEVER OVER. and @chathg14 yea, nobody forces us to watch this so we can comment and nobody forces you to care about us, bitch. i dont say these 3 actor/actress arent talented but they cant beat Dan-Emm-Rupert.
@Willessia who gives a fuck dude dont get me wrong i fucking love harry potter and i fucking love twilight too but this is a TWILIGHT video . i dont get why theres like this little war going on between twilight and harry potter .
i don't get it why hp-fans hate twilight soo much, twihards never say something bad about hp and the fans of hp keep hating twilight for some reason... JUST STOP IT AND GO DO SOMETHING USEFULL WITH YOURE LIFE TWIHARD 4 EVER
-_- you can like both series you know like I've learned If you havnt watched the movie you can't judge the movie fairly and personally I believe BOTH Harry Potter and Twilight are great :) so stop the fighting please!!! :P
Fandom wars have to stop. I like the twilight saga, harry potter and the hunger games. I dont know why harry potter fans hate twilight but they should just respect our opinion on a movie. Twilight is the best though :)
@lydiaTVD Hahah I was thinking that too! I like their views of vampires better than Twilight. Vampires are murderers, not lovey-dovey. Well, Stefan was lovey-dovey at one time, but NOT anymore!!!
They're just really desperate to put something about Twilight up because Twilight is fading very quick. I'm sorry, but the Twilight/vampire faze is over. Make room for The Hunger Games!!! :)
@xXgirlinblackXx well, Bella is a good role model for girls in the way that she never stops fighting for what she wants and what she believes in. So in that sense she is a good role model :(
sick of people knocking twilight, people have opinions! some like twilight some don't, doesn't mean you have to look at the videos and hate on them, just because you don't like it!
I think the problem is that Harry potter fans don't like that twilight has become so successful so fast. Personally isn't care for twilight but no need to fight over it
The only "Trio" I will ever recognise is the one and only true "golden trio" - Emma Watson , Daniel Radcliffe and Ruppert Grint , Aka Hermione ,Harry and Ron.

Twilight: Breaking Dawn trailer revealed

Taylor Lautner with his top off, R-Patz in his wedding suit, Bella pregnant? Oh, Twilight Breaking Dawn, you are spoiling us. Like us on Facebook at ...

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Twilight breaking dawn is the best movie ever! I love the books and the movies the characters are soo amazing! But breaking dawn wow!! its been out online for a few days, its pretty good quality - bit.ly\BreakingDawnPT2 xx
you cant compare harry potter and twilight at all!!! comeon ! im in love with both harry potter and twilight! harry potters story has nothing to do/does not relate to anything in twilight! just saying(: GO HP & Twilight!
OMG!! I want to scream right noow, this is so exciting ... Can't wait.. I hope so much that they show one trailer more, pleeease just one!.. And not like last time, where they have shown the half of the movie..
@terrie92 mstly to see your reaction lol. i am doing a survey of ppl who get worked up over edward and jacob teams. its just quota. lol have a nice day.
im mad when i get the mail....so I take my shirt off and run outside......how anyone takes this shit seriously is beyond me its do laughable.....
jacob should get the wolf pack and crash the wedding, kill the pale draculas, and steal the bride!!!! BOOYA, that's how we roll!!!
@dinosaursnomnom thats because you didnt read the book to find out, you waited for the movie to come out six years later, smartie.
ha ha ha ha ha thats what hapens when you dont use protection kidsXXXXXXXXXXXDDDDDDDDDDDD epic wtf moment!
@euphoria420films thats kinda a stupid answer considering the end of the last movie he proposed to her....
@longislandbumb Yh Jacob and they're Baby is a pup and Edward is better Jacob is forcing Bella to love him
@treehuggerthe1st Hmm well I strongly recommend you change boyfriends to some 1 like hmm.. you know ;)
you can watch the leaked copy online here > bit.ly\TSBDawn its sooo good i was crying near the end
I bet it's Jacob's baby it would be way more interesting if it did happen THUMBS UP !
a vamp with no abs OR a dame hot wolf WITH an 8 pack hmm let me think about that lol
They made the last book into two movies.. So yeah there is more twilight after this
thats to funny "yup that's what happens when you dont use protection kids" hahaha
Can't wait to see this, It gives me goosebumps. Go bella! :)) Ninang ako. hehe!
@MusaVoice I'm not stupid. I read the books. I meant to be sarcastic. Smartie
Check out my Twilight article, search up filmvsnovel.
anyone know what the theme song call? when taylor lautner was running
Oh lawd. I'm sorry but I can't take this movie or the books serious.
screw the " team Jacob or team Edward!!" i want BOTH teams!! BOOYAH!
Damn, rough sex much? I wish my boyfriend would break my bed...


Sneak into the most awaited wedding of the season.

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Rob is so british
cant wait !

Breaking Dawn || To prosklitirio mou epese apta xeria...

READ** . . "Το προσκλητήριο μου έπεσε απ' τα χέρια όχι δεν γίνεται, δεν είναι δυνατόν εσύ που μου 'ταζες τον...

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Δεν παίζει αυτό το πράμα χαχαχαχα!!! Είδα το τρέιλερ της ταινίας προ ολίγου και σε εκείνο το σκηνικό μου ήρθε κατευθείαν στο μυαλό αυτό το τραγούδι και τώρα το βρίσκω και σε βίντεο!! Χαχαχαχα είχαμε ακριβώς την ίδια σκέψη :D
This is a Greek song about a man how receives a wedding invitation from his ex-girlfriend. The invitation falls from his hands as he can't believe that the girl who used to love him now wants him to attend her wedding....so many similarities with the breaking dawn trailer!
loooooooooool ki egw auto to tragoudi skefthka otan to eida to trailer prin mhnes.Alla' eipa ok ase mhn mas paroun me tis petres. lol alla' to ekanes teleio. De paizei! xaxaxaxa! tairiakses teleia tis skhnes kai thn upothesh. like of course. ;-)
@CullenInna Ώρα να πάρει ο Τζέηκομπ τα σκυλάδικα και να πνίξει τον πόνο του με Τερζή, Γονίδη..χαχαχα
Τι πετυχημένο που είναι!!!! Χαχαχαχα Το τραγούδι όταν γράφτηκε ήταν προφητικό...χαχαχαχα :Ρ :)
den exw looogia!! APISTEUTO!! :O edw p t leme ligo kapws i bella...hmmm...alla to tragoudi tairiazei APISTEUTA me tn katastasi!!! favorite kateu8eian..
omg.. dn to eixa skeftei auto.. pore r file.. teleio.. klaiooooooooooooooo... ti 8a akouge o jaycob?? skiladika.. aaaaaaaahahahhahaha..
ε οχι ρε φιλε! χαχαχαχαχαχαχα κλαιωωωω! ελλαδαραααα χαχαχαχα
ΗΑΗΑΗΑ δν μπορω να αναπνευσω ρε φιλεε. ~ 9 μας σκοτωσεις :P
Να το έβλεπα αυτό σε σκήνη Jacob-Bella και μετά τίποτε άλλο!!
hahahahah ree de ginetai aftoo :P :') pooooso gamatoo?? :P hahahahhaha xDD
xaxxaxaaaxaaaaaaaa theiko!!!! one of the best greek parodies ever!
δεν παιζεστε μιλαμε!απαιχτο παιδια!
Wraio!!Mu Arecei poly;D Katapliktikh duleia!Mpravo!:)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaxaxaaxaxaxaxaxaxa ti gelio 9ee mou!!
Νταξ έχω πέσει κάτω!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Χαχαχαχα!!!!!!! Απίστευτο!!!
Χαχαχαχα! Απλά Θεϊκό! :D
@natasha8263 wow .. :-) .. thank you !
aha xriste mou!! Ti GAMATO vid!!!!
απλα απιστευτο!!!!!
xaxaxaxaxaxa xD plaka exei! :P

Christian Serratos Talks 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn'

//Facebook.com/ClevverTV - Become a Fan! //Twitter.com/ClevverTV - Follow Us! Hey Twilight fans! You're back at the ClevverTV headquarters. I'm your ...

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@youLlermy I got you and actualy I love weres too their my 2nd favorite supernatural. By the way, if you haven`t seen it I recommend the 1989 tv series called 'Werewolf'.Very hard to find but I think you can download it(some 26 eps or so).It has some older school looking weres(the bipedal type but very monstrous looking) very cool show and the werewolves are amazing.No cgi only real costumes done by award winning Rick Baker.It involves black magic and curses and the weres are immortal here.Ciao.
@youLlermy you've got it backwards,one on one a wolf does not stand any chance against an experienced vampire.remember the cool black guy vampire(forgot his name). it took about nine or ten wolves to bring him down and kill him and he out up a good fight. he backhanded that 1st wolf like he was a fly, you forgot that and other details apparently.also they clearly said in the 3rd film that if a wolf gets caught in a vampire's embrace he's dead and done for because he would get crushed right away.
@youLlermy also you forgot Victoria. how exactly are wolves faster since they couldn't even catch her when they tried ,she played with them and they were so many. Liking wolves is one thing, twisting facts is another.Werewolves in this mythology are mortal while vampires are immortal as ever=NO CONTEST!!
i'd either be a wolf or a wolf-vampire-human. lol. but not a staight up vampire cuz i'd feel worse than rosalie lol. or just a human if jacob imprinted on me ;) that works too.
The person who gave us a link for The "real" breaking dawn trailer is not real :/ plus u have to take a quiz to watch it!
Now i'd rather be a wizard from Harry Potter, but i like Twilight tto, so If i had to chose, I'd wanna be a hybrid
I would wanna be the offspring of renesemae and jacob lol i would be part human, vampire, and werewolf.
i would like to play a werwolf girl, like amely and leah :) but i would Love to play Renesmee :D
I want to be renesme. have edward and bella to mom and dad and jacob to boyfriend :D
Definitely a VAMPIRE, but like the cullens, VEITARIANS!!!!! I ♥ EDWARD CULLEN!!!
action pact vampire or a CGI (think thats what its called) Wolf Hmm tuff choice
I wanna be a CULLEN!!!!wow,a member of the Cullen family-freaking amazing
be a hybrid just like renesmee... HALF HUMAN HALF VAMPIRE AWSOME!!
hard choice i wish i could be both but i would have to go with wolf
vampire all the wayy! dont think i could stand being that hairy.
it took me forever to realize who she Is :P she looks different
I'd totally want to be a vampire, one with a special power.
i'd like to be be a hybrid like the guy from underworld
Probably a Vampire!! Not a huge fan of Blood..
Forget Twilight, i cant wait for Harry Potter!
@GerardGedMurphy yeah same but so does wolf
probably a hybrid, so definitely Renesmee!!!
I would def like to be a vampire! Yeah baby

Kristen Stewart forgets all about Robert Pattinson by finding love with a woman and her mum is mad

The Twilight star's mum, Jules, said: "“I've met Kristen's new girlfriend, I like her. What's not to accept? She's a lovely girl” Twilight actress Kristen Stewart has ...
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