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Wedding gift acceptable amount Videos

MALAY WEDDING : Ezuwan & Airina // Reception by NEXT ART

Love is the only gift that's acceptable to give away as soon as you get it.” - Jarod Kintz Cinematography by //www.facebook.com/nextartstudio ...

What he did was NOT Acceptable! - November 02, 2014 - itsJudysLife Daily Vlog

Mommy Channel!!! //www.youtube.com/itsMommysLife Yesterday's Vlog ...

User Comments

Is auntie mel benji's sister? 
Yes :)
What did who do and why is it "not acceptable"?
Little bit of a melodramatic title don't you think? lol
Benji didn't use soap to wash the baby's butt
Why do people care if us 'haters' say something negative? Do these people pay your bills? Car payments? College tuitions? Do they buy you gifts? NO NO NO. They dont care about you or anybody else who watches these videos, they want the $$$ (hence the misleading titles, product placements & brand deals). They're not going to stop comments or block people because WE bring in the money, they are extremely selfish/money driven 'people' who exploit there children but dont take care of their children. And before everyone says 'IF YOU DONT LIKE DONT WATCH', dont worry i wont watch & i am unsubscribed :) good day. 
That does not mean that you should destroy people and make them unhappy when all they're trying to do is make a living. Nobody likes reading negative stuff and YouTube is wonderful cause if you don't like channels, there's o need to watch and then destroy them in the comments...
Nah, views and comments does not generate money. Subscription numbers does. Watch Lilly Singh's or "iisuperwomanii" video about YouTube.
It's hard to take you seriously when you can't differentiate 'their' from 'there'.
Great, unsubscribe to everyone else you're subscribed to as well. You have nothing better to do with your life except whine about all the youtubers that get paid for your views. Bitter idiot
You're saying they make money even when people leave negative comments....that's exactly what you're doing and you are ALSO saying that all they care about is money when you're basically their main source in making money (hence leaving negative comments) LOL. & if you "hate" them so much why take the energy to leave comments on their videos? I mean like do something productive with your life. you're basically not even a hater. Just an undercover fan
+hailey sullivan If your 12 year says, "bye Felicia"...either she's copying off something she heard from another person or you're allowing her to watch inappropriate movies. "Bye Felicia"...is actually an ADULT insider...not something a 12 year old should be saying...although it is harmless. FYI..."Bye Felicia", comes from the 1995 Movie "Friday"...Craig (Ice Cube) tells the neighborhood crackhead "Felicia" bye, after she asks him for something yet again. We now say "Bye Felicia"  when someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random bitch that nobody is sad to see go. Their real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "felicia". (Urban Dictionary)
Thast true.
"Bye Felicia" is a saying from a movie. I'm sorry you allow your 12-year daughter to watch movies that are not appropriate for her age!
My... What big entitlement you have!
Nothing but young lil girls watch there vlog any way....no body but a young person would say bye Felicia ...my 12 year old daughter says this annoying immature bs!!!
+Katie K incredible life....indoors.  lol
what is wrong with money driven?? and how on earth do you get off saying they dont take care of their children, Judy and Benji are wonderful parents providing an incredible life for their daughters and other relatives. also, what is with everyone getting their panties in a bunch over misleading titles. i guess i just dont understand the need to judge the way other people live
DQ much?Bye Felicia,we won't miss you
Bye Felicia :)
Seriously!? This is the saddest thing I've read in a long time. Ask yourself the same question while you wait for an answer.
Why do you care if fans defend Judy and Benji? Let's turn that around and see what happens.

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