In a small Yorkshire village archaeologists were digging on a site where a new housing estate was planned. Racing against time, before construction began, ...
This just goes to show that the planning rules take no account of
historical sites before they are developed. The same happened here at
Crossgates where a well documented Anglo Saxon village has been destroyed
and built over. Apart from that aspect, green countryside is disappearing
rapidly. I think that's sad.
+Derek Pitman On this occassion the find was sheer luck. As far as anybody was concerned the site was just another farmers field with no listed ancient monuments or previous significant finds on site or nearby. Other than a desk based survey no other archealogical conditions were requested by the statutory body during the planning application process, so no further investigation or test trenching of the site. Once the developers had "found something" they did the right thing, stopped their work and called in the archeaologists. Once the geophys was completed the results showed it was pretty obvious that this was a large burial ground. I agree with what you say about green countryside dissappearing rapidly.
+Terraformed Productions Cap's shield IS the prototype shield. He even states in TFA "that's a prototype" when Cap picks it up. They just painted it red white and blue.