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Work out everyday for a month Videos

1 Month Challenge - 1Hour Cardio and Ab work EVERYDAY

I have decided to create a 1month challenge. Its basicly 1hour of cardio everyday for 30days. After the cardio session I will be hitting abs, shifting between heavy ...

User Comments

I'm stuck at 170 trying to make it too 150 by March I've been stuck for a few months now I need some help any tips?
+Djuro Vukotic okay sounds good
+DefrostJ You saying this means that you are going from what the retard of doctors say! I want you to post those numbers to me, with reference ranges. A doctor can say you have normal testosterone levels when they are in between 315-1100... Now 315 is the testosterone levels of dying 80 year old men, and this is not normal for a 18 year old person. Therefore I advice you to call your doctor or find them and post your intire profile of hormones, lipids, ect. You can send me your skype on my email [email protected] and we will take it from there
+Djuro Vukotic I've been tested for high estrogen and low testosterone and all my levels are normal and I would love for you to help me out over Skype!
+DefrostJ If that is the case i would want to measure your estrogen levels, testosterone, and thyroids! Ramp protein up high, carbohydrates to low-medium and healthy fats to medium-high. If your hormones and lipids are out of whack due to your prior overweight, the fat can and will most likely recover your hormone levels. Fat people often have a abundence of estrogen, since fat creates and aromatises testosterone into estrogen! Simply by decreasing estrogen, you could experience higher testosterone and thereby more weightloss! I would also have you start playing with tricks rather then a true clean weight loss.. Sometimes to body gets fed by losing weight, and ramps up hormones to stop you in the process... You see the world, want you to be fat, they play on a key word for the human "Survival" and if you been eating crap - shit your body might be stuffed with toxins from unhealthy eating.- 1. Go full vegetarian "this will be hard at first, but will detoxify you over time.- 2. Intermitt fasting " fast for 9hours aday" 1 big meal.- 3. Juice diet for 1week to detox and resensatice your body for food.When you do cardio i would not go above a heart rate of 135, 120 is actually perfect. This means that you are not taxing muscle sugar "glucogen stores a primary fuel" but rather fat. I would be more then happy to help you out for free over skype, if you are interrested.
+Djuro Vukotic I'm 5'8 18 years old I was 230 pounds 8 months ago and Im probably around 24 % body fat still got a belly and boobs but thanks for the tips
77kg isent that much, but i guess it depends on your age, height, and build. If you are keeping a stable weight of 77kg that means you are hitting your maintenance level of calories per day. I would count calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and basically cut away calories from your total. This should put you in a energy deficit, meaning you will slowly lose weight! Without being to complicated, you could hit the gym 3-4times a week, and on off days do 30-60minuts of cardio! Clean up your diet, by cutting out crap and adding vegetables. This should by time fix any humans weight problems.
+Djuro Vukotic my hormones are fine I've been to the doctor and yes 170 pounds not kg and I do need to drop fat
+DefrostJ if we are talking KGs. then defently check up apon your hormones "testosterone, estrogen, and most important thyroid" sometimes the body stagnates by adjusting hormones, then the ace in the sleeve tactics come to play such as different techniques as intermitt fasting, HIIT, over all fasting for reset, and so on. Have you readjusted your calories so they fit your current weight?- if you are lbs. then no need to lose weight :P
Definately trying this!
+Djuro Vukotic Thanks for the advice mate! Btw, great video and very inspirational!
+vReign___ if you are in school, uni, work and sitting alot of the day away... it will promote overall health and fitnessThese days people are to inactive in the way of moving around, gymrats be sitting, laying and swaying but are not doing anything for heart health... idd say 30mins a day concentratet if you are inaktive at work n such


30 Day Pushups & Pull-ups Challenge - Results!

FREE 5 Video Improve Your Surfing Course //surfcoaches.com/ Our 30 day results video after doing 200 pullups & 300 pushups daily for thirty days.

User Comments

Great work! You went from 0 pullups to Zero pullups. That is impressive!
Challenge excepted!
not sure if that's a typo or sarcasm
Any one thinking about doing this for muscle gain, don't do this! Doing 200 push-ups/pull-ups EVERY day is bad. They said that they still did it even when they were sore, witch is also very bad. You need time in between to let you'r muscle heal then you will see growth. As you can see, there wasn't that much of a difference in the before and afters.
+Emerson Wilbur Yes definitely!
So would u suggest doing it maybe 3 times a week?
i can do 40 pushups but only 5 pullups
You guys should have worked on form more than reps, 4.5 minutes into the video and you are doing awful reps...
+Bearded Trail Guide the father hasn't done a single actual pull up for his "22". You call it 22, i call it 0. Your chin has to go above the bar and your body be straight "bra"

MsDeville's Workout • 1 Month Later | Oct. 2009

This is 10 minutes into my workout. I'm up to an hour-long workout every day. I posted my first speed bag video on Sept. 9th, after 2 weeks of practice. Here I am ...

User Comments

Thanks! Your comment is greatly appreciated. I'm trying to build up stamina as well as accuracy. Hitting a bag this big (Everlast 4210) seems to be a good stress reliever. I plan to upgrade my swivel to hopefully improve my workout.
Thank you all for all the encouragement. I am finding that beating the bag is addictive. I'm curious about the smaller bag, but I think I'll stay with this bigger bag a while longer to build some more skill and stamina...
Good rhythm. I remember that huge bag too. :) You'll probably want to get a smaller bag eventually as well. Different bags/sizes can make quite a difference. Congratulations on your new hobby! MP76
Thanks, dp. It's quite an honor to have comments such as these from all you seasoned baggers. I've finally graduated to a smaller bag and will post a new video soon.
Thanks! Yes, I love my setup. My "trainer" did a good job of it. But, I must say, your setup is pretty sweet... It looks pretty sturdy attached to a brick wall!
Hard to believe you've only been bagging a month! It ain't easy to get that 4210 to move like that!! Cool platform also! Keep the vids coming!!
Very nice work,good bag control I have been off line for a while computer issues,I will put out a another video soon.love all your videos.
Nice job. Kudos for choosing the speed bag for a workout. You have shown definite improvement over the first video. Keep at it!!!
Thats what I do when I bag!!! Listen to something good and just GO!! lol I think its is so much fun!! Great video!
That pole keeps blocking the view. Good job Dee.
Great Job. Looks like your getting better fast!
Superb Dee! I want your drum! Lol

Menstruation Matters: Empowering women, every day of the month. | Sabrina Rubli | TEDxUW

We all know of the importance of breaking the menstrual taboo but in this talk, you'll find out why we need to do this and what one entrepreneur is doing to ...

User Comments

This is eye opening, even for me (a girl). I am aware of issues regarding female vulnerabilities in patriarchal societies, yet it still surprises me to learn the unimaginable struggles these girls in Africa and possibly other countries have to go throughout every month of their period. They actually have to work to buy pads! :( Also the stigma surrounding menstruation is a traditionally ridiculous thing. An example from what I knew while growing up, Muslim females are not allowed to step foot into mosques, let alone do sholat (pray) when they have menstruation because it is deemed dirty and impure!*
*) do correct me if I'm wrong, but this really happens in my country

Workout Challenge of the Month: Yoga Tree Pose

June's Workout Challenge is to hold a 1-Minute Yoga Tree Pose every day this month. Club One's Yoga Instructor, Terry Cranford, teaches you the proper yoga ...

User Comments

Love Terry Crawford! Love Vrksasana!

How to Hold a Proper Plank: Workout Challenge of the Month!

May's Workout Challenge of the Month: Hold a 1-Minute Plank Every Day this Month! Club One Personal Trainer, Christian Archer, shows you the proper plank ...

STRONGER Month 1 Strength Workout: IRON

Sign up for Stronger Today: //www.livestrong.com/stronger/faster/ IRON is STRONGER's Month 1 34-minute strength workout designed to build lean, strong ...

User Comments

Why doesn't he include weights in any of his workouts?
Because your body is enough of a weight to work out with.
Hi. Yesterday I did the first workout (the fire HIIT) and I love it. But can someone tell me which workouts is for which days and when to rest? I am doing this for 2 months as recommended :) I guess this is nr 2?
Here is the calendar, if you still need it.//www.livestrong.com/blog/printable-8-week-workout-calendar-10-free-workout-videos/
how much calories we burn whit these workout????
It's on their website. For this one it's about 287
This was a good workout! Hate to say this but actually had to go a little slower on some exercises to keep my form. I want to burn calories and shape my body so form is important to me. See to many people do sloppy workouts. 
This was awesome. I am not aiming to loose weight ..just gaining strength. This kicked my butt!
You pretty much kicked my butt. I am shaking! Love it.
Nice job! Your 2014 is off to a great start.

Actor John Krasinski reveals his four month workout plan

Actor John Krasinski is probably better known for his role in the hit comedy series, The Office as a nerdy, clean shaven character. However, in his latest role as a ...
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