Rise & Grind - Workout Motivation by Road To Glory
Starte gemeinsam mit uns durch und du wirst eine kranke Transformation hinlegen, komm jetzt ins # TeamRTG und erhalte das Individuellste Coaching der ...
Jil ich weiß noch als ich dir vor 2 Monaten schrieb um zu wissen wie oft
ich Cardio in der Woche machen muss.. (Ja ich bin ein kompletter Neuling im
Bereich Fitness)
Am 01.06.15 begann ich mit 112,7Kg
und am 01.08.15 wog ich nun unglaubliche 89,3Kg !
Ich möchte mich bedanken dass du mir so viel Motivation gibst, du bist mein
großes Vorbild !
Jetzt erstmal ins Gym #backday
+Road To Glory Ich habe zur Zeit einen Defizit von 750-1000 ... Ja ich merke es, wie ich bei manchen Übungen nun weniger Reps schaffe oder gar mit den Gewichten runter muss, da mir einfach die Kraft fehlt.
+CK ComedyTv freut mich sehr zu lesen! Pas mir nur auf, dass du die Kilo´s nicht allzu schnell purzeln lässt! Behalte dein Defizit bei max 500 Kalorien täglich, sonst geht dir auch reichlich Muskelmasse flöten. Weiter so mein Lieber! Jil
+You Merling Bro Moinsen Buddy, unsere Cutter greifen auf ein Sortiment an gleichen Material zurück, letztendlich kann man nicht für jedes Motivationsvideo 5-6 neue HD Workouts produzieren! :)Sai
Macht weiter so Boysch !
Sagt mal ist von euch eigentlich ne eigene "Kollektion" bzw weitere
"accessoires" geplant abgesehen vom Shaker (den ich schon habe :P)
+MrUniverseGameplay Huhu, der Shaker war bis dato zum damaligen Zeitpunkt mit Rocky die einzige geplante Geschichte, derzeitig gibt es keinerlei fixe Umsetzungen, auch wenn Jil und ich an der ganzen Sache mit diversen Ideen sehr interessiert sind! :)Sai
+Ondarb1 grüß dich Buddy :) Jil hier :D Voriger Comment stammt von Sai, also hast unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit... Eine schöne und erfolgreiche neue Woche Boysch, Jil
With this video doing it twice a day I lost 25 pounds in 2 weeks years
ago... so I wanted to start it again after finding a VHS machine and can't
fin the video now. Thank you for posting this, I will start working out
+Pam Cakes I just ate cornflakes in the mornings, yogurt, sugar free jello, white rice, tuna, and avocado, salads, and veggies. **This is can tuna, I'm pretty picky and don't eat a lot of stuff. Maybe once or twice a week ate taco bell. I wasn't super strict, but the workout was what did it.Granted, I was in my 20's. Now I'm 44, it might be a different story.
Whaaaat 25 pounds in two weeks??? That's amazing! What did you eat!? Also you are welcome I always loved this video growing up and knew other people had to be looking for it like I was so I was happy to upload it! Enjoy! Your comment has me super motivated
Does anyone know what the song is called right at the beginning of the cool
down? I can't find it anywhere and I've found literally all the other songs
in the video
Psh, this was way before shaun T. Shaun T probably watched this as a kid, and was inspired by it. I used to do this every day. Great music too! This brings me back.
Didn't they also have a show on MTV daily or weekly with short dance
workouts? I remember Eric and a girl name Genevive (maybe? something like
that). Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
+ReecyPiecey Nevermind, I found it. It was called The Daily Burn and I was thinking of Michael Bergin and Tsianina Joelson. not sure where I came up with the other names. HA
+Prevan Roberson I am actually friends with him on facebook lol didnt realize for awhile but he posted a grind dancers reunion event on is page and I realized it was him in the videos. My mind was blown, he said shes shocked so many people watch this video back in the day lol
MTV Grind Workout Strenght & Fitness
MTV Grind Workout Strenght & Fitness: Eric Nies, Tina Landon & Team.
Awesome 90s Music..!
Anyone Know the names of the tracks? Ending credits didn't help much (240p)
2:31 'Could this be the Love' by ?
12:41 Only you can satistfy me...
17:40 Lift Me Up
32:45 It Doesn't Matter - Shay Jones Remix?
+VARUNCOUTINHO Full Play List. I have about ALL VHS vids, ha. You're Welcome :) It doesn't matter Shay Jones Happy Judy Albanese Delinquent Habits Tres Delinquentes I found It Daphne Could This be Love Erire 1,2,3,4 (Sumpin New) Coolio Keep on Jumpin Todd Terry presents Martha Wash & Jocelyn Brown Cha Cha Armand Van Helden Lift Me Up DJ Romain
if you have a real Player it Downloads Videos from YouTube, just cross over the Cursor over on Video and there is a Pop up that ask you to download the Video, it will be then in mp4. If not install YouTube downloader from dvdsoft. It is free.
Packed Gym Tries PumpChasers Pump N' Grind Pre-Workout for the First Time
Customers packed Terry Bryan's TigerFitness for a chance to try Chris Jones' PumpChasers Pump N' Grind Pre-Workout ...
+steve kemshed Chris is in great shape but not nearly "big" enough to warrant natty or not natty rumors. Compare him to Kai Greene. Chris also has been training for many years and works hard. His physique is attainable for you probably if you stopped hating and got to actually doing something positive
+TheTigerFitness I will. And if I thought that, I wouldn't be subscribed to your channel as I actually do thoroughly enjoy the majority of your content. :)
+TheTigerFitness With all due respect, if anyone of those people said "I don't really like the taste" or "it didn't really do more than any other pre-workout" I don't think it would have been included in this video. However I will keep an eye out for more conclusive reviews coming in the near future and I'm sure it's a great product.
+TaxemicFanatic Incorrect. This is at MY gym in Loveland, OH and everyone is aware that you say whatever the fuck you wanna say anytime. That's how we roll. These people do NOT work for Tigerfitness, we simply hold open training and chill sessions regularly. You're invited anytime! That "You're more than just a number" thing is the TRUTH!
+TheTigerFitness Because it's a product of Chris Jones and no one involved with TigerFitness is going to say anything bad about Pump Chasers on a TigerFitness YouTube video.