Reclaim the Tea Party for 9/11 Truth and Ron Paul!
Sarah Palin did NOT start the "Tea Party", she is NOT the leader of the Tea Party! Sarah Palin is the leader of a counter-tea party (a pseudo gang) meant to ...
@Thetan1974 IDKthats why i support re opening ive herd/saw interview with
ppl that were in the building saying there were explosions inside the
towers not related to the planes. as far as getting them in well ive read
that a few weeks before there was painting and construction going on inside
the buildings maybe that wasa guise maintenance entrances IDK how but i
dont think that a inefficient gov that cant deliver thedamn mail could
orchestrate a huge attack maybe step back when it was happening
@2010Clicker your right it wasn't a inside job, mossad made norad stand
down, put explosives in three very secured buildings, took out the
pentagon, the most secured air space in the world, made Bush go to war god
there good should i go on, mmmm wounder who financed israel oooooooooo
Rothschild that right well im happy i got to talk to a genius, thanks now
that i now 911 wasn't an inside job i could go back to sleep like you,
guess you dont know anything about Bush and his nazi ties ect ect,ect
the part on LIO and frank kitson was informative I will now read that book.
I dont think 911 an inside job, not because i believe the 911 report, but
because there isnt enough information for me to be sure. I do support re
investigating 911 and do think that there was info left out and that planes
werent the only means of the collapse. but that doesnt prove the US gov did
it maybe terrorist got explosives into the building IDK but i think it is
worth re-opening by an independent organization.
@hypnofan35 It seems like something else could be happening other than pure
greed with massive hierarchal lying. Apparently if you are in power all you
have to do is be on board with a huge deception. The larger the deception,
the more likely you are to get rich and hold status within the "lying
bastard organization". The big secret for us is that we could chuck, "heat
chucking tech" and do much better as a civilization. Right now we are
little more than fuel burning dumbass slave material.
I called Ron Paul's office and after I got passed around to the department
that could speak on the subject, I asked, "Do you know about controlled
demolition on 9/11?". Answer: "Yes". Are you going to talk about it", I
asked. "No", they replied. "So, I guess we're out here on our own then."
[Long pause] "Jesus loves you", he said and then he hung up on me. Ron Paul
could come out now, like the rest of us, but he won't because he has put
Rand's political career in front of national security.
@WarCrime911 The so-called tea party movement had nothing to do with the
9/11 truth movement. The original movement was opposed against taxes. Ron
Paul talks big, but refuses to leave the Republican Party. Now, why is
that? And as I as far as I know, he was not in favor of the the bill which
would have helped the 9/11 first responders. Ron Paul is simply another
free market shill, stuck in the 20th century matrix. Yes, I support his
view regarding our stupid wars, but not his economic plan
Something that is kept from common knowledge is that the Earth has an inner
surface similar to the outer surface in gravity and atmosphere. We know
better! couldn't be true! We also believe that internal combustion is the
only viable engine technology even though it would better be described as
"super heat chucking tech engine", and steam engines are actually much
better but extricated from "common knowledge" Hence we are forced to waste
by chucking the heat. Are we aware at all?
@chevs911truth FAIL! Ron Paul's position on 9/11 is available on YouTube.
He's not a 9/11 Denier. He's not at the forefront of the Truth Movement
because his roll is at the forefront of taking down the master mind's of
9/11 mass murder and those attempting to establish a system of global
tyranny. Often in criminal investigations there's a saying, "Follow the
money." That's what Ron Paul is doing for Truth. It can't be that hard to
figure out at this stage of the game.
@umhalil hey dumb shit, what the fuck do i care if you're "not impressed"
by my achnnel, should I be? do you think you're that important? what the
fuck are you even doing on here in the first place if you dont know how the
system works? wow, you made a joke out of the word television, you think
that makes you some kind of genius? well sorry, it doesnt, so unless you
have something REAL to say just fuck off back to crazy town and stay
offline you kook
@chevs911truth, He's the only candidate that said he would re-open the 9/11
Investigation. Sarah Palin is definitely controlled Opposition. I don't
think Ron Paul is though... Even though I did notice that the 9/11 Truth
Tea Party got turned into the Ron Paul Tea Party before it was hijacked by
Palin and Glenn Beck. Kinda makes you wonder. The point is that the Tea
Party needs to go back to it's roots. Which is the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Well, even that you don't like the "911 was an inside job" chanting - if
this is the monthly "the 11th Rally" in NY that has grown this big, I find
it beautiful that this little flock of persistent 9/11 truthers make this
historic founding for REAL Tea Partying. Really, check out the interesting
words from Linda Ellerbee @2:08! (And those just before that from Nancy
Pelosi aren't bad either - even though they're coming from HER mouth!)
@antichrist1909589 Ehm, and why would the gov cover up that the terrorists
got explosives into the buildings? And how on EARTH did they do that
without being noticed? You do know that "debunkers" - hardcore defenders of
the OCT - laughs and ridicule 9/11 truthers for saying that the
gov/insiders could get the explosives into the towers without being
noticed, right? Then how the HELL would al-Qaeda plant it without being
Heroin Pill Pushed By Feds
'Heroin in a capsule'? Lawmakers Step Up Fight Against FDA-approved Painkiller Zohydro Florida Bill to Allow Law Licenses for Non-citizens Passes From ...
yeah right I've been on this shit for so long what makes this one better?
like they don't have enough people on drugs? We're the Zombie's that when
the SHTF we will be left with nothing and there will be millions going
through THE WORST WITHDRAWALS known to man and to the general public what
do you think will happen with Millions Tens of Millions of people on
prescription medication and Anti Depressants not only suffering the first
withdrawals and people shootings at us because you that think we're
contagious or whatever they believe but its just a very sick group of
normal people that need help and are worth helping I know, I know a lot of
us. So if you can spare a water or a blanket or just a hug and some
reassurance that would be great. We don't need a bullet because we look
like zombies there is no such thing its just what we look like after a
massive crisis or explosion or building collapse or the most horrific are
the two Atom Bombs look at the survivors they all look the same "Zombie
like" I don't think so it's called dazed and confused so please don't just
shoot any one you think is a zombie. And I also think that we are going to
be huge burdens on our family's and the people we choose to be around so
prepare them for whats to come not only the first withdrawals but your
original aliments and how your going to coup . IF they CHOOSE to help in
this UNFOLDING CRISIS great because we'll need all the help we can get. I
say Unfolding Crisis because it's already begun and most of us will be
screwed and it won't be any one's fault, we just will be. I'll start with
a few ideals I think might help. First ask your doctor if there are any
natural cures that a person can take instead of your current prescription
drugs. Maybe Alex has something? More like of course Alex has something!!
lol . 2. Ask for help getting off any prescription drugs completely
without the help of alternatives(cold turkey) 3. not rec-amended because of
shortages would be to, try and start building up a supply now so you will
have enough at least to get yourself settled in your safe spot with family
and friends. Than after the first wave of prescription zombie people and
all the other lost soles wondering around sick with withdrawals looking for
help or medication or both they finally get over their addictions and are
starting to see clearer. And there will be lots killed because of being
sick and trying to ask for help so please at least try and help these
people me included ill be there too, sick as shit like the rest of us and
i'll be just as screwed when they stop prescription medication like
everyone else.SO NO Zombie Shooting for the first 7 days by that time all
those that were suffering from withdrawals should have gone through the
worst and should at least be able to talk and act and communicate normally
so after that go ahead and kill all the Zombies you want. So was that a
good enough answer David?
that's what they call oxycodone and the other derivatives in that family
"Hill Billy Heroin"
they have it already, it's just a ploy to get more heroin in the U.S.
legally now that they were caught. Now they go ahead and do it right in
front of the whole world and nobody can or is doing SHIT about it! And to
all those people that keep calling me sheep or sheep-ell because I'am not
doing enough well there should be enough of all you guy's to make a solid
move like going to get the key to the Fed so to stop the printing press
from printing any more Bullshit currency and let the system fail. And than
the people will follow (hence sheep-ell) that's all this truth movement
needs is a strong grass roots leader and than just stand back and watch the
people come!
Great.. heroin on a pill? This is truly the age of continuing surprises. It
is sick! They want to kill and disable them, I see no other reason. And
make a profit of course... just like Ritalin and Concerta.... NOT great!
thank god some one cares about people in pain pot won't help every one with
chronic pain,only some one suffering for a long time can understand what
kind of hell it is
it is not heroin it is codeine with no acetaminophen which causes liver
damage in 65% in all who take it ! this is a good drug
LED Light Therapy
LED Light Therapy is conducted at Relax Body & Mind Spa is located in Laguna Niguel, California. Visit us at // . Natural ...
Published on Jul 14, 2012 by tatoott1009 THIS IS MY BLOG // Proof: UN Plans To Ban American Guns & Obama Signs Executive Order To ...
Entitlement Nation - Food Stamp Fraud $753 Million
Ron Paul Veterans March to the White House ∞ Paul's the Choice of 75% of Troops & Military 2/12/12
Veterans and active duty military chant "end the fed", "President Paul" and "End this war". Ron Paul has the support of 75% of the Troops ! Paul Wins 4 more ...
@siti1ca Was thinking the same,but than OBOMBA was the "MAN of CHANGE".
It's been said that since Kennedy each admin DEM/ CON has taken the FORMER
ADmins CRIMES AGAINST the CONSTITUTION a lil Further STEP.David Icke calls
it "The TOTALATARIAN TIP TOE'.Dazzle with BrillanceBaffle with BS as OBOMBA
has Shown MORE CLEARLY that He IS WORST Than BUSH.His JOB is to TIP TOE for
@siti1ca Because Bush didn't promise to bring the troops home immediately.
He openly bragged of being a war monger. Obama did promise to, and instead
he doubled the troops in Afghanistan and waited 4 years to bring them home
in Iraq, and will now just ship off to Iran to die. A lot of these troops
voted for Obama. and were betrayed. that was the point of the salute and
why only a moment of silence for those killed under Obama? what about those
killed under Bush? Even when you think you will get the truth people still
try and misrepresent things
☑ First they ignore you (Pre-2007). ☑ Then they laugh at you (2007-2008). ☑
Then they fight you (2008-2011). ☐ Then you win... (2012-2016) with YOUR
@cyclops9100 Bush's 2000 platform was strictly against "naition building"
He was also the one that got us in there. let's not forget that. spread
blame equally
// Me and Morpheus swim through the political lies and bullsh%t. :) UPDATE June 10th 2010 We've been saying that it's section E, ...
You could go on forever? I would like to read all that list. Ask any
African American if they would like to go back and live in the USA prior to
1960. Why do you site a botched Government search where no one knows who or
what started the fires? Who in America was persecuted for a religion?
Botched raid? You think somehow we are going to have a perfect government
run by perfect people? As long as there are people there are going to be
mistakes made. But that doesn't mean no gov. is a good gov.LOL
1. Napolitano doesn't support the bill or it would have been enacted long
ago. 2. The cops have to have probable cause to believe you're illegal. 3.
Federal income taxes provide nearly all the information you mentioned,
except when you're illegal and don't file thereby avoiding deportation. 4.
The illegals aren't going home - ask border patrol. 5. Your information
always was on a database. 6. The bill is NOT real ID, dipshit, stop
parroting Alex Jones. 7. Cops already notify feds of fed crimes.
@Gooberlicious54 Oh well I might b superstitious, but how does that affect
u in ur life? look at how stupid u look calling me names, what? u r not
superstitious? then what r u an atheist? no,I know what u r! u r nothing
but a hater! but hey! what can I do? u chose to live ur life like that
bitter & miserable, & giving crap to people for nothing makes u feel
better, go kiss ur wife where she likes it best bud! and play with the
ducks too! also while u r at it try to get a happy life ! PITTY 4 U!
@RP4409 Guys. This bill was drafted under Napolitano, not Brewer. Brewer
inherited it from janet when she got her appointment to dhs. Brewer then
sat on it for 18 months until she finally had her staff conduct a straw
poll so she could figure out what to do. Had the poll come back negative
there would be no bill. Either way, brewer is merely riding the wave. Your
video gives something to think about, however, if it were true, the Obama
machine would not be applying the national full court press
finally, you're a moron if you think people will stand for being fucked
with and ask for a chip instead. People will rise up against the gov't if
it gets out of hand. I support the law, but i'll be damned if it's abused,
I'll support repeal. The reason the German people supported Hitler is that
he solved so many problems, not because they were sheep - Hitler reversed
the binding treaties holding Germany back, he solved unemployment, grew the
military, reclaimed German land, etc. all in 1 year.
You have a problem, you make the point that evil intentions are the driving
force in a illegal immigration facade. The proof is for you to show where
and how this is happening, not just to say it is happening with out
presenting substantial evidence. The government already has your DMV
records SS number, where you live, your phone numbers, the gov. already
knows more about you than you do. What good does that do for the gov. do
you think anyone in the gov. cares about you and what you do?
2:26 - BS police have & need the right to investigate activity they
personally identify as suspicious. Sure there are illegal & corrupt LE.
That said I might agree with your video 100%. This idea, your opinion is
new to me - i need to watch it 5 more Xs & let it sink in. I am initially
skeptical though as you are making extreme leaps of faith - just as I see
theists do all day. If the government cared to know everything about you,
they already do - especially you. This law aint needed????
@Gooberlicious54 Look dude! like I said the truth is the truth and I'm not
gonna try to give u any misleading answer or just lie to u! if I tell u a
name I will b lying to u cause I truly don't know his real name yet,that if
he has one, So I will tel u just the title we made for him whchs is as I
said GOD, the prime creator spirit, who's existence and persona is
undeniable and yet misteriously concealed from us, religions r man made and
I don't follow them but I know he lives & he's love
didn't you listen to this podcast, it makes sooo much logical sense for
someone as smart as you yet you don't get it. In the media they have the
Obama socialists threatning to squash the bill.... all the right wingers
are frothing mad and come out to defend this bill even though they all
against national ID, but parts of this bill are linked with Obama's
poeple.. so if the merits were JUST why not do this in a HONEST WAY, AN
HONOURABLE WAY instead of using deception unless you are EVIL.
Your right the illegals left because of the economy. As for giving blood to
DHS for DNA It only assures you are doing what you are suppose to be doing
to protect all of the USA. You have nothing to fear except fear itself. If
you aren't a sex criminal, a thief, or an illegal, than you have nothing to
be afraid of. Stop the government from taxing us to the point of crippling
economic growth or red taping us motionless when it comes to building and
manufacturing. That's a real problem
This is happening across countries. In India they've recently started off
with a variation of Real-ID. There is already enough horrors thanks to
Passports & Visas - but they're taking it one step (rather many steps)
further. I recollect reading about "Global Tax" on one of Obama's speeches
on some website few weeks back. They're going to go down this road of
Centralization so much that the Nazis gassing of Jews is going to sound
like Heaven when ____ hits the ceiling. My 2 cents.
@freethinker48 Wow! u sound very hateful urself bud! and let me remind u
that not all of them come here to kill African Americans, u r just pissed
because someone did something u didn't like and u take it out on all of
them! but by doing that u justify the hate of all those that had been hurt
by African Americans and that is no cool because not all African Americans
r bad people, u know what? keep ur hate to urself I don't wish to keep a
discussion with u after this last comment.
Breaking: UN Dumping Thousands of Potential Syrian Terrorists Into USA
NOTE: ... and no matter what any libtard says about "the children", please keep in mind that Border Patrol whistleblowers have already disclosed that many ...