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Arizona tea ceo Videos

Arizona Illustrated - August 09, 2013

The Big Picture Rumble - Could Arizona get any crazier? P2

Erikka Knuti, Democratic Strategist & Brian Darling, Heritage Foundation & Judson Phillips, Founder-Tea Party Nation all join Thom Hartmann. According to a ...

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The truth is still the truth no matter how many disinformation videos you make.

Hardball: Blissfully ignorant Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips annihilated by Matthews

Hardball: Blissfully ignorant Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips annihilated by Matthews.

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Chris Matthews uses insinuation and innuendo to impugn people with whom he disagrees. He brings people on to use them as rhetorical punching bags. He has perfected the technique of rapidly firing off multiple questions and as the guest attempts to answer the first and second question, Matthews is dismissively demanding an answer to a fifth or sixth question while interrupting the guest. He has no interest in discussion.
+Gilbert Van Buskirk Thanks for the response. If that is the case, I am willing to concede Matthew's point that nobody is perfect.  Almost everybody has a mixed record. Matthews by contrast is very consistent. He claims that any disagreement with Obama's policies is driven by racism. If he spent any time discussing the actual policy I could cut him some slack. Best
+Brian Mcmahon I agree with your general sentiment on Chris Matthews railroading his guests. However, people and politicians who associate themselves with the Conservative movement and the Tea Party have a mixed record with respects to their philosophy on limited government. For example, Reagan was a pro-gun control Republican who banned open carry when it came to Black Panthers marching on the steps of the capital in 67 when he was governor of CA. So my belief is Matthews was trying to bore down on some hypocrisy.
+TboneLee Thanks for the response. I am not defending anybody who allows Chris Matthews to manhandle them. I am describing Matthews interview technique. His thesis seems to be that America is an inherently violent nation where assassination is commonplace and Phillips is unwilling or unable to rebut him. When he tries this approach on Ann Coulter she slaps him around like a tackling dummy.   Best
+Brian Mcmahon when did Mr. Phillips actually attempt a direct answer 2 a direct question? Chris Matthews can be selective in his choice of whom 2 grill aggressively, but i would think a person who knows what (s)he's talking about would have an answer 4 a simple 'yes or no' question. i wonder what emotional attachment drives intelligent people 2 defend this guy.
+mrkareem1975 Thanks for the response. I respect your position while being a second amendment supporter no matter what the climate. What people like Chris Matthews forget or choose to ignore is that the people of this country did elect the president. Rather than acknowledge that election, he chooses to attack the character of anyone who disagrees with the president. Chris Matthews is unable to argue with the Tea Party's philosophy of limited government. Even a bona fide lunatic such as Matthews cannot deny the overreach of the current government. What he does instead is attack the character of Tea Party Activists.   Best
+Brian Mcmahon this was after a deadly assassination attempt along w the post Obama political climate...ie angry racist all of sudden feeling a need to "take thier country back".....in THIS case it was logical question....tell everyone why you're call of duty ready at this city council meeting, voting rally, town hall meeting?.....post Obama victory all the rats came out strapped!
+mrkareem1975 Thanks for your response. I disagree with you completely but I respect your opinion. Chris Matthews is an advocate of totalitarianism. He is dedicated to disarming the American populace.
+Brian Mcmahon He also uses the pesky FACTS which usually disables Republican windbags to spout out illogical and made up bullshit!
With these fucking Conservatives do you ever get a straight answer.
First he said he hadn't seen that then said he felt safe at Arizona rally where they did. Usual doubletalk.
+Terrance Richardson He is an idiot.
Judson Phillips' logic: "I don't believe it to be true, therefore it isn't".
Well Said, Adrian.
How stupid is this Tea Bagger ? When you make a statement you need to know facts !
+Phalinex ha ha !
Teabaggers used stupidity as an excuse to be wrong.

Arizona Illustrated - December 07, 2012

Kelly Townsend and Chris Rossiter, Greater Phoenix Tea Party, Testify re IRS Abuses

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Great report, Kelly and Chris! Thank you. God bless you both. Thirty two months of stonewalling Greater Phoenix Tea Party! What did the president know and when did he know it? About everything...Barack Obama is not a king and America is not a dog to be commanded.

Politics on the Rocks Tea Party Event.wmv

Donald Trump Is Straight Forward Because He Is A F**king CEO! PC Bullshit Must Go

Donald Trump Is Straight Forward Because He Is A F**king CEO! PC Bullshit Must Go Please Go Like New Facebook Page ...

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My Captain in the US Navy (4 bars Nam cold war era) talked like Trump. We respected the man. We pulled into port one night under cover of darkness. I was there on the bridge. He asked the commanding officer are we in the right place? Commanding officer said yes. The Captain replied I think your full of shit then left the bridge with cigar smoke trailing behind him. I had all I could do to contain myself. Go Trump.
+orbits2 Find that Captain for me !
ET for VP and that would be a team that boots all of these 2 and 4 term has been failures to the curb in a hurry, as it should be!!
+Midnight Ryder sec of state
If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor. If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely. If you cross the Afghan border illegally you get shot. If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed. If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again. If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed. If you cross the Mexican border illegally you will jailed for two years. If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot. If you cross the United States border illegally you get: 1 - A job 2 - A driver's license 3 - A Social Security card 4 - Welfare 5 - Food stamps 6 - Credit cards 7 - Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house 8 - Free education 9 - Free health care 10 - A lobbyist in Washington 11 - Billions of dollars in public documents printed in your language 12 - Millions of servicemen and women who are willing to, and do in fact, die for your right to the ways and means of our Constitution 13 - The right to carry the flag of your country - the one you walked out on - while you call America racist and protest that you don't get enough respect
wow right.....
I was just going to ask if all the other countries were so hospitable? good to know :) I won't jump their fence now
Right on!
+Terry Sullivan i think ET held back on this one !
An excellent diagnosis Doc.
+Glenn Howden Rx
"Barack obama, your fired." The CEO has spoken.
+pixelatorNYC Should have been your fired back in the first failed term, the people have spoken!!
Illegal immigrants costing trillions of dollars. A wall won't help much. To solve the problem is not to give welfare to illegals
+silverbird58 No welfare for illegals will save trillions  
+PREDATOR11910Yes agreed this will Do  more than a wall
+Terry Sullivan They already sneak under tunnels. They have barbed wire on border. If Trump is for real he'll announce that illegals will no longer receive welfare that is costing tax payers trillions of dollars 
+Terry Sullivan a trail of depleated uranium & spent fuel rods ( we got plenty) will work well . fence both sides . you will only take so many steps near it and you will drop , due to excessive fluid leakage
+PREDATOR11910 extra taxes for companies that hire illegals ; to the point they will need to hire Americans
The wall is in part a message. And if you don't had a wall, how can you process, triage, and allow to enter who have the papers and qualifications? That is the message: you can come in if you follow the rules. The other message is that we are a sovereign nation and we can choose who joins us. If you wonder about that, just consider Germany and the rest of the EU.

Part 4 of 4: Arizona Entrepreneur, CEO Louis Basile

Arizona Republicans Quit After Giffords Shooting, Tea Party Criticizes

Arizona Republicans are resigning from their posts as a result of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, and we are confused by some claims that all elected officials ...

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@DarkstarNV He jacked up taxes under a guise to pay down the defict, then attempted to create more gov programs as if he could spend our money better then us. He had a small surplus much in part to the Republicans taking control of both the House & Senate fighting him on cuts. Tech industry revitalized our economy, no more spending billions on military if there was no threat. It was a good time to be prez. It was Clinton & A Republican Congress that repealed Glass Steagull creating the collapse!
@DarkstarNV The Defict Reduction Act was a sham by Clinton who then pushed Hillarycare that would have dwarfed the income created by those new taxes. Dems lost control in 94 because of their spending & entitlements. Clinton shut government down because he was UNWILLING to make cuts to reduce the defict with Republicans. Clinton had the tech boom, no 100 billion dollar burden militarily from cold war costs. Fiscal sanity is the only common theme in Tea Party, Clinton & Repubs started this mess!
Violence from Tea Party members?? WOW a Democrat gets shot by a druggy nutjob & this guy associates him with a grassroots movement by millions that has not one act of violence since the Bush bailouts when it began. Irresponsible commentary like this from David Pakman is a fine example of why America is as divided as when Bush was Prez.. Here is one better for you David if your going to spread lies blame the Tea Party for the twin towers attack this type of propaganda is much more dramatic.
@DarkstarNV Again the Tea Party is made up of INDIVIDUALS with NO leadership! Though Palin & Angle support & were supported by some Tea Party members all of their personal views or comments do not represent the Tea Party as a whole. The only common theme that unites all members is a government existing within a budget & paying down the deficit. Tea Party or mainstream America just vote the people out that are unwilling to be respectful of our tax dollars & the debt they are creating.
@MaudsPas You do know the shooter wasn't a member of the tea party, right? He was a pot-smoking anarchist stalker than burned American flags (not exactly a signature move of rightwingers). However, you do know who burns the American flag quite a bit? Leftists. Trying to blame the shooting on the right has about as much credit as blaming Jews for starting the Reichstag fire. Was IRS-hating Joseph A Stack or Ted Kaczynski rightwingers? No. They were the worst of leftists: Anarchists.
@BoredomCorner We all risk getting killed by a "terrorist" when we use an ATM, ride a train, go into a federal building, or get on an airplane. If politicians really think they're more at risk than any member of the public, the statistic would prove them wrong. How many non-congressmen and woman are murdered every year by some nut? You don't hear about that much, do you? But yes, to serve this republic is to risk your life in its defense. Our politicians are, sadly, mostly cowards.
@DarkstarNV Sara Palin does not represent the Tea Party. It is a grass roots movement made up of INDIVIDUALS with ONE common theme. A gov that exists within a budget & pay down the deficit! I find it amazing that a druggy lunatic is now being associated with the Tea PArty by someone like you. Please send me your proof or have the decency to know what your talking about before spewing more hatred towards a group you would rather condem then accept for what it truly is.
And yet the Founding Fathers were all willing to be hanged so that our Republic could be born. Seems what passes for political courage today is but a shadow of what it took over 200 years ago to give us the freedom we enjoy today. If our elected officials today were in power in 1776, there would have never been a revolution to break away from Great Britain.
The Republicans in Arizona quit because they were afraid of being shot by the crazy rightwingers. The crazy rightwingers were criticizing them as not being real Republicans and tried to get them out of office. Now, the crazy rightwingers are criticizing them for quitting. They can't win for losing. If I were them, I'd go into hiding for a year or two.
This has been a long time in the making. The AZ shooting was just the cherry on top of a bigoted steaming cake of tea party bullshit. Good for the politician not willing to sacrifice the paternal care of his children to fight from tea party policies like resegregation of our schools.
with Glenn Beck spreading conspiracy theories everyday on his show, who knows how many more Jared Laoughners are out there waiting to attack. google:timeline of 'patriot' movement +southern poverty law center
@BloodofPatriots So you think that people should risk getting shot by some homegrown terrorist, simply because said terrorist doesn't want to chip in for public health care?
These Republicans are reaping what they have sewn. When you invite deranged people to your party you can't be surprised when they act crazy.
The right and the left are against you all. There is only one party in DC. The corporation party. The corporations vs. the People.
@GypsyMofakka What is so unreasonable about a government existing within a budget & paying down the deficit??
Please update you video with an apology to Republicans for suggesting the shooting was their fault. Be a man.
@joe035 Except that where Palin, Angle, Beck etc. encourage the TP to go, they will follow every time.
The Tea Party is really nothing but the extreme right operating under a different name.
@joe035 Besides, I'd love to see you excuse the actions of Al Qaeda so casually.
@joe035 That's funny, she rallies the Tea Party all the time.
They helped make the bed, now they can lay in it.
you show such pure ignorance.
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