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Arizona tea zero Videos

ma collection d arizona

mis en ligne le 01 /010/2016 dans cette vidéo je vous mais les nom des bouteille et ou je l aisser acheter 1 icead tea 2 green tea 3 white tea 4 green tea ...

User Comments

La deuxième c'est au thé vert
La 3eme c'est du cassis et de la poire
+Marine Marotte merci
Jai bien aimmer la video c juste que tu beug avant de presenter il fallait un peu se renseigner et tout car tu lisat a chaque fois mes bon ct juste un conseille
+Shym EnReal merci bcp
+Manon Bouveresse mer i
C'est thé vert
+Alys Godet ok merci
+Les trois sœur#challenge ##### oui tu as refait une autre video

Culturist Brooklyn Tea Party Challenges other Tea Parties

User Comments

There's no such thing as "foreign" money and your argument about "small government" with regards to the mosque betrays a fundamental dearth of knowledge about foreign exchange of currencies. Using "tea party" (which is ostensibly libertarian) you cover up the fact that you're merely peddling intellectualized racism with the justification of populism and a made-up word. The Brooklyn Tea Party is a crypto-fascist pseudo-political cult run by a self-aggrandizing egomaniac named John Press.
@CulturistJohn Defending the West from what? Do you really believe that there's any possibility whatsoever of the United States becoming an Islamic Theocracy? As if any more mosques built in the U.S. represents the coming of Sharia law to our shores. And besides, you might be right. Fascism just got a bad name from those NSDAP Germans and their anti-semitism, right? That is, after all, why Heidegger supported them (in defense of the West).
Defending the West is the opposite of fascism. Culturism is the only responsible defense of liberalism.

Walnut Canyon National Monument, Arizona RV Camping Picture Tour

Walnut Canyon National Monument features beautiful layers of Coconino Sandstone and Kaibab Limestone. This archaeological site also has several cliff ...

Alcohol stove- Arizona big can/short

Made with two big arizona tea cans. This was just for fun more or less. Double wall construction, and 1/16 holes drilled around. Just a little fuel was used, ...

User Comments

@pyroman675 Yeah guess it was. The arizona cans are pretty big so I would expect it to be a wider flame pattern. When the pot flled with water contacts the surface of the stove, it cools a little and the flame calms down. Thanks for watching. Glad you like it.
There are a bunch of videos on makeing them. Try to make a few your self, and eventually you will make one you like. Watch a lot of videos on double wall alcohol stoves. Sometimes just seeing them helps you build. Good luck.
wow that was a huge bloom at the start but it calmed down and turned into a nice steady bloom
i would love to know how to make a Double wall construction one.
Good Job. Keep up the experiments. Bill
Very Cool Stove!! Love it. Ed

Obama & Dem Lackeys Call Majority of Americans' Views "Extreme". But Just Really Who is Extreme?

Americans FED UP with Obama's, Democrats' extreme agenda, failure in office. keywords: barack obama ground zero mosque 9/11 911 september 11 new york ...

User Comments

They don't have a clue about WHAT AMERICANS WANT!!!!! They live in their ivory towers and don't have to deal with the the hardships of trying to make a living. Obama has never had to worry about paying his rent or not being able to buy clothes for his kids, he's clueless like all the other fat cats that think they have a right to run our lives and treat us like ignorant peasants.
If we do not stop these unfair no caring people at some point our whole country will have grafitti all over everything, we will be broke, and the women will be stoned in our own streets. it almost as if some people in america actually want these things then where will people go to have some kind of quality of life?????????????
liberals don't give a shit what americans want. all they care about power and getting elected. i wish somebody could prove me wrong. i wish somebody could tell the dems weren't bailing out all these unionized companies to buy millions of votes with taxpayer money. i really, really, HATE this socialist bastard.
This is another god advertisement. Now can we elect enough conservative Republicans to make a difference. We still have Republicans in name only, like McCain, Snow, and others who can side with liberal Democrats, as they often have in the past, who can still lead to defeat for the American people.
Great Video! Regarding Obama's support for the Mosque at Ground Zero, we should first be allowed build a Southern Baptist Church in Mecca!! Vote Conservative Republicans into office November2!!!
Vote them all out. If they have been in office for at least two terms, VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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