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Unemployment insurance holidays Videos

Unemployment Benefits End Before Holidays

KCCI-TV's Cynthia Fodor reports.

Unemployment Delays Update: Woman Receives Benefits In Time For Holidays

After waiting for months to get answers about unemployment benefits, dozens of people say they have renewed hope.

Labor Talk: Holiday Work while Claiming Unemployment

Sen. Franken Argues Against Tax Cuts For Millionaires

U.S. Sen. Al Franken (DFL-MN.) says extending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans while failing to continue the unemployment insurance program is ...

User Comments

@GrizzlyGroundswell I assume your business is doing well? Cause you act like charity and goodwill are fantasies. As an American, you need to dig up a clue and realize that not everyone is as fortunate as you (with your high and mighty metal detecting lazy ass) You are the problem with the United States, a lazy fat bastard who does nothing to contribute to human innovation and rests and the shoulders of great men. Get a clue asshole, do something for someone else other than yourself for a change.
GOP is nothing more than a group of terrorist thugs who work on behalf of the top one-tenth of 1% of our population, perhaps the global population, when u consider the biggest corporations/banks in our country today must be global to compete. The elite have no loyalty to America..they invest wherever they can get the largest return..even if it happens to be one of our enemies. Therefore its TREASON to extend these tax cuts, which will cost TRILLIONS in the long run, at the expense of America.
@DustinJolley Uh,no I'm not. Im a Social Democrat, BIG difference. You obviously know nothing about the political systems in Scandanavian countries where life expectancies are longer, infant/maternal mortality are lower, social mobility aka the American Dream is more attainable (we are 9th in the world) their people are more educated, the population is more fit while we are insanely obese and heart disease and cancer rates lower than us. And Yes, I would like to move there if I could get a visa.
@13R1CK4 your indignity over the fact that "you don't know me" might mean something if, in the previous post, you hadn't made assumptions about my friend. you know what he does when he isn't studying spanish, taking computer courses, or applying for jobs. he helps take care of his parents who are in their 80s, one of whom needs significant assistance. unemployment is insurance. even if it wasn't, how does it benefit the country for them to have no money to spend, to possibly lose their house.
I'm smart enough...I'm good enough...This is what happens when America is subjected to having the jesters in office to lead us. Liberals hate the "Bush Tax Cuts", showing graphs that clearly demonstrate how it destroys America's economy, while completely ignoring the job-creation and economic encouragement that was proven, even during the housing bubble, an attack by Muslim terrorists on 9/11 and two wars. Look at Detroit, Michigan as a model. Liberalism and Socialism does not work in the US.
@bigtwo1952 Now there is an intelligent comment. Hmm, a commie I have to wonder just how one comes up with such a ridiculous statement. Perhaps they've listened to right-wing talk radio and are brainwashed. In that case, they get a pass because obviously they can't think for themselves. Another possibility they are just plain angry. One can only feel sorry for this bitter, unhappy malcontent who without even knowing someone can come up with these negative, downright mean, and ugly comments.
@13R1CK4 you can think people with families want to live on 300. you can also think megan fox will be in your bed tomorrow morning. i know a guy who has been out of work for over a year. has busted his ass, taken computer classes, taken spanish, applied for multiple jobs. nothing. there are a few million like that. if you don't understand that, you are truly beyond help. "can't see how tax cut costs anything". tells us everything we need to know about you. leave the thinkin' to the big boys.
@atessoni That is called marketing! "selling crap products at overpriced costs." I wish I could believe that, but there is something about a man sabotaging someone's life work, after this person took all the risk and only offered this "man" employment. Than to have that "man" think it an honorable way to live life, then feed into class envy. To me, this is all envy and greed, not by the business man who is trying to keep food on everyone's table, but the idiot who thinks its noble to steal
@mercerjohn Pointing out that you are delusional, brain-washed, misguided, ignorant, self-righteous and silly because you embraced mormonism is not bigoted. It's just me calling you silly and stupid, just like I'd call a 5 year old girl that believes in santa claus silly and stupid. She can't help it, she's only 5, all 5 year olds are stupid and silly compared to educated and experienced adults. You are are approaching your late 20s, time to stop being silly and stupid and drop mormonism.
@STPhotography So, working 14 hour days to try to make my business break even, let alone make a profit is being lazy ass to you. You have no videos, you contribute nothing to the YouTube community but flippant comments on what you know not. I guess that would make you a Franken & IWW supporter then. More than likely paid hack. Socialism is not charity my dullard friend. Innovation never ventured into the likes of a Socialist ever. The 60 million who died at the hands of Stalin Know That!
@DustinJolley Uh, John Kerry, Bachelor of Arts, Yale University 1966. Al Franken, Bachelor of Arts, Harvard 1973 (cum laude). Michael Moore, two semesters of college (I agree, not impressive). Rush Limbaugh, didn't complete his first semester of college. Sean Hannity, 0 college credits. Glenn Beck, 0 college credits. Percent of Americans with a college degree: 29%. Conclusion? uneducated red-neck country that needs to tax billionaires to help educate the workers that make them billions.
@Rothsstepchild ... top one-tenth of one percent?? You mean people like Maria Cantwell, John Corzine, the Kennedy's, the Rockefellers, George Soros, John F Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, Al Gore, Noam Chomsky ... I could go on forever ... all huge Liberal Democrats, all uber rich. New York City, Lower Manhattan, ie: Wall St, Goldmann Sachs is a huge progressive district, a huge money changer district, not ruled by the GOP. You really have no idea what you're talking about., easily refuted.
@busherbee Like I said the White House and the Democrats are just as bad . While Obama was trying to pass the financial reform bill he was in NY on Wall Street raising money at a $30,000 a plate dinner with all the investment banking firms etc . Furthermore , look at how many ex Goldman Sachs employees are in the Administration. And dig into the backroom deals Pelosi and Reid made with the insurance companies to pass the healthcare debacle It's cronyism at it's worst ( Chicago style)
@KennBurch Do you really believe that the Union's have done anything of merit? They are the one's that have raised labor cost so high that any CEO is liable if they are not looking for ways to provide a cheaper and more proficient labor product elsewhere. Ever heard of Sabotage? That lovely dirty little secret that is so high and mighty among so called "good men". Labor has simply found out that in the marketplace you can't provide a crap product, at top dollar and expect to sell it.
@Relugus ... there is no such thing as "Corporate Welfare" .. only Government Welfare. Corporations actually make something besides paperwork and red tape like the Government does. Corporations pay the sponges at the Government who make bad policy and waste our money. Where do you get this notion of so-called "Corporate Welfare"?? Where do you think Governments get money from in the first place?? Shouldn't you be more mad at the leeches who run Local, State, and Federal Governments?
What pisses me off about the quote of this video is basically the left is saying "hey lets give tax payer dollars to people who can't afford to buy their kid that $100 toy for Christmas, while we do nothing to get the country as a whole moving again and helping businesses grow faster." I am sick of the lefts narcissistic bullshit and self righteous charade's. How is helping someone for one day going to fix the economy? By the way, the rich have gotten even more rich under Obama.
Ever wonder about Obama's jobs created claims... seriously though. go back thru every month since he's been if office and look at the numbers. We always have 2, 3 and over 4 times the amount of people filing for unemployment than we do the number of so-called jobs created. That doesn't seem a little odd to you? I mean no matter which way you slice it, 2 + 2 = 4, right. Wake up fuck face, you've been scamed, big time. Taxing the rich won't even come close to solving the problem!
The US Government spends hundreds of billions on corporate welfare every year. Its high time we cut loose welfare spongers like Lockheed and Grumman, maybe they might actually compete in the free market if we stopped giving handouts to them, and I suggest we stop funding those "boy parties" in Afghanistan our pedophile mercenaries love so much. The US can't afford to help the needy, but can afford to fight wars and meddle in other nations (thats the real "Big Government").
@13R1CK4 well, aren't you a tough guy? if you think people, many with families, want to live on 300 dollars a week, there is something seriously wrong with you. we have NEVER cut off payments when unemployment was this high. for third time i ask, who benefits when millions of people can't spend and may lose their house. what do you think that does to the value of YOUR house? meanwhile, the repubs pass a tax cut that costs the economoy 14 TIMES the unemployment extension.
@DustinJolley Yes, they should. However, we live in a country that has many great benefits. These need to be paid for. The "average" middle income consumer can barely afford to feed and insure their families, thanks to the folks that have turned the US into a consumer economy. Do you think the wealthy care how much health insuance costs? A gallon of milk or gas? I'm all for a 10% flat tax for everyone making over $35,000 a year. No loopholes, no deductions.
@GrizzlyGroundswell You blame the Unions... Unions are the result of unfair and dangerous business practices by the Free market. Is it unfair for employees to want the most benefit from their efforts? is it too much to ask for safe workplaces and practices? Without unions, these never would happen. If companies would do "the right thing" there would be no reason for unions. Please... they still sell crap products at overpriced costs.
Hey - middle class America - there are 90% of us that run the US economy! This tax cut will NOT benifit us whatsoever! 90%!!! That is a huge majority. We....the people...90% strong should not let these tax cuts pass again! They did not and will not work...period. Where is the revolt?!?! I am waiting for one of the backers of this extension to shout out "Let them eat cake". We do not need to stand for this!!! Again, 90% strong!!!!!!!!
@13R1CK4 close call between your level of ignorance and your lack of human decency. he has more self-respect and pride than you will have in 100 lifetimes. unemployment is insurance that he paid into. i believe i knew that in 5th grade. i'm sure you've shown an equal amount of indignity at the billions of taxpayer money that goes to corporations. thankfully, people with your stunted degree of humanity are still a minority.
@DustinJolley My party? I'm assuming you think I am a Democrat, which I am not. And George W. Bush? Anyone that paid attention to the conseqences of his 8 years in office and doesn't conclude that he is an idiot is beyond the reach of reason. The fact that we were bleeding 800,000 jobs a month during the last 3 months he was in office is enough...but of course the list of disasters caused by his idiocy can go on and on.
@GrizzlyGroundswell "Do you really believe that the Union's [sic] have done anything of merit?" Yes. Absolutely yes. Labor unions are one of the most beneficial institutions in modern history. While the unions were growing, our standard of living went up. Once Republican policies began choking the life out of organized labor in the 1970s, our GDP kept right on growing, but working people's income began to stagnate.
@busherbee ... You're missing my point. The point in my response is that Democrats are as deep, or deeper in Wall St. and Big Corporations. All those names listed are Progressive Democrats who raked in money on Wall St or through a Corporation. I'm just fine with people making lots of money, but feel Progressive Democrats are utter hypocrites regarding their involvement in Corporations, big oil, etc.

Could unemployment call center get even busier after holidays?

Thousands of laid-off Floridians are slated to lose their federal unemployment benefits on Dec. 28, and they're encouraged to call the already taxed help line at ...
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