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Blessing of the Fishing Fleet Procession 2013 Columbus Avenue San Francisco California

Maria S.S. Del Lume Blessing of the Fishing Fleet procession on Columbus Avenue in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco.

GTA 5 Peyote Location - Fort Zancudo

Thanks to snowwatch34 on GTAFORUMS.com for discovering this guy.

User Comments

What a waste of time
Not clear enough

Bear Opens Door.avi

Our Husky sneaking into the house after being put out in doggie room.

User Comments

@Texxy2009 Interesting that Bear looks like a wolf. He has since been put down, as he was 13 years old. If he was part wolf, he was a great dog indeed.
@blackleader77 too funny. Only a bungee cord and a motherboard wrapper; hence the box next to it. Thank you for thinking of it though.
um u shud hide that stuff on the desk, sum ppl may wonder "what it is for" wink wink

Stolen fish.

When i get back. Mike, Karen Landau.
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