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Heritage college bomb threats Videos

RMR: Pipe Bomb Scare in Edmonton

New regulations to take effect.

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Bomb hoax in Gujarat High Court triggers panic, Ahmedabad - Tv9 Gujarati

Ahmedabad : Hoax bomb threat rattled Ahmedabad police on Monday, after letter threatening blasts at Gujarat High Court recovered. Soon after receiving the ...

SS Montgomery - Ticking Thames Bomb

Short Documentary on the infamous wreckage of the WW2 Liberty Ship 'SS Richard Montgomery' which rests one mile off the coast of Sheerness, Kent in the ...

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You are well out of date, as I gave two presentations at the Blue Town Heritage Centre and the Avenue Theatre Sittingbourne in their Swale Film Festival a weeks ago. I thought you may have seen me to ask questions you may be concerned about! But there are some, like you, who are not prepared to consider the facts and are more interested in hearsay from people who are not experts, like you! The commentator here has got his facts wrong about the weight of bombs claiming they were phosphorus bombs that comprise only 18 tonnes leaving 3, 480 tonnes of conventional unfused bombs left with a suspicion all the fragmentation bombs may not have been cleared as the Stevedores from Rochester stated they were. But these have been declared safe now by MOD scientists, as the fuses were not watertight and the small amount of lead azide was washed away, soon after it sank in 1944, But these fuses were not armed and the firing pins would be rusted solid.
+Thomas Cleary Also, I don't find it very fair to come along to here and give contact details for yourself because apparently this is wrong in your mind. By all means do your own thing on it but it's not fair, in my view, to use this as a platform to promote yourself after publicly claiming that the information in my film is wrong 
+Mike Barker No, but he's a well respected local historian though which is what we were focusing on - the actual story of the vessel. Like I say, I stand by the information in the film. I could have said to you that YOUR information is all wrong but you're welcome to stand by your facts as we are with the film
+Thomas Cleary Peter west is not an exlosives expert and just thinks the Montgomery should be left to threaten the 14,000 lives on Sheerness alone.He must have a death wish!The Montgomery is not as unstable as claimed but it is not safe to leave to a possible large collision or terrorist attack.I have offered to lead the way in a small submarine to enter the wreck first, as it is too unsafe for free swimming divers because of the fine London Clay silt that would be like quicksand and swallow them up. My offer was refused by the DfT who have never employed a single explosives expert and just relying on experts now dead because they cannot find a live one to support their case against me.
Sorry, Mr Barker, but I'd never heard of you. And you have to remember that I'm not the one stating the facts here, this is information I've been given on it. Never once have I implied that I'm an expert on it. I find it fascinating, yes, so part of the idea behind the film was so I could find out more for myself.Trying to find people with the information was surprisingly difficult, considering the area, but Peter West at the Blue Town Heritage Centre was very willing to help out and share his knowledge. The main thing is the film's finished now and we got a good mark for it. I'm standing by the information I was given here, thank you
Tom you have many of your facts wrong. The remaining cargo was estimated as 50%.This equates to 10,353 bombs weighing 3,500 tonnes with 1,300 tonnes of TNT based explosives and 100 tonnes only of white phosphorus and other incendiary mixes. All the bombs have always been safe to remove with minimal risk and certainly far safe than any terrorist IED that are routinely made safe but kill operators occasionally. The DfT have never employed an explosive expert, so they wrongly assume the bombs are too dangerous to disturb that is not true. 95% of the bombs have no fuses attached and only the remainder of fragmentation bombs had fuses, have been claimed to have been removed by the Stevedores from Rochester. They were not divers so when the vessel got flooded, they had to abandon the salvage. But explosives are the most dangerous of all hazards and every Government since it sank have broken UK and International Criminal laws in not protecting the republic by defining a safe zone and tasking the police to move people outside until the risk is removed. Even today they cannot tell anyone how far way to be safe, if it did explode. See this link to my comments on the Kent on Line for more details;- //www.kentonline.co.uk/sheerness/news/the-ss-richard-montgomery-remembered-22193/ 
Well do please feel free to visit Sheerness and explain this to the local history researcher of Blue Town

Tolerance under threat, is this what India wants to be: Sophia's principal on church attacks

On The Buck Stops Here, Dr (Sr) Ananda Amritmahal, principal of Sophia College in Mumbai speaks on "the sense of helplessness" she feels after recent ...

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India is a secular country and should not make a particular religious minority feel unloved. Its not fair that a peaceful, forgiving minority should be driven to feel insecure in their own country. As much as India is yours it is theirs to. And no we are not 'Perfect' but most of us try to mean well and we will still love our country despite being oppressed because we are a minority. All we are asking is don't burn down our churches, don't rape our religious or any of us and give us sense of mutual respect and security and it is the governments responsibility to provide us with the same. 
+Sachin Sharma Yes in the PAST. Why can't Hindus stop screaming about shit that happened 100s of years ago. You think all Indian Christians support Hindus being massacred??? Dickhead.
+Biplab Ganguly Learn English and then comment you dick. Plus if you're trying to justify killing non-Hindus, give me a reference from the Gita or the Mahabharata.
cidel blue, India has always been most secular country in the world.The minority that you referred to in your comments killed millions in the past just because people refused to believe in their god. When Jews were persecuted, it was India where they found solace. So please stop preaching Hindus who have been most encompassing community of all.
God bless u my child, i'll hope u become a better human being. dats all i'll have to say.
+cidel blue Oe blue film wale, India is sick-ular not by-for the minority B U T for-by the majority Hindu who suffer a territorial loss! Mind it till u go to kabre(or Hell who knows? yada aawaj utha ne ki jajurat nehi! JO samrakhan kar sakta hai be dhanmsa vi kar sakta hai!! Reni Xitian teri nani ke raj me kay hua Andhra me? yad dilau suor? India is Faith independent due to communal hindu. The more Hindu becomes communal the more india becomes Sick(ular). Look at nagaland and mizoram. In Sick(ular) India Fucking garbage Church decides who is going to win. Shut ur moth Sick(ulla are gong to take care of u like nam rape in west Bengal, Muchuran r trying tomalaign Hindu by rapping Xiatian communal!).
Haha . both principle and burkha are idiot logics
+Biplab Ganguly bro ganguly.do you live in bangal.if yes, do BJP has scope in civic poll.my mean any rise of BJP?
+Ladi Singh Professor ki sakle and aakhe and gesture dekha. Ek number ki Saytani. Ramkrishna Paramhamsa Dev kayhetethe, ki e sab jo religion dekh raheho, e sab aayenge or jayenge ( aalaag aalag samshkar ki logo kelie. mano pichele pichele janm me koi kashi that lekin honest that to use Muchurman ki gharme IndiA ME PAYDA HONA, KOI MAKKAR KI GHARME SARAB BECHTA THA LEKIN IMANDARI ME BECHTATHA, TO INDIA ME xITIAN HOKE JANMEGA. e KUTTI BAE SAHI HAI. kINTU CHALEGA NEHI BAS GAME SE PAHLE NET PRACTICE KAR RAHA HAI HARNE KELIA.)
Grow up NDTV and stop fooling people. 
+Anil Kumar Kay YAR Anil Kumar? Dusroke PET ME Kiun LATH marraheho? Arvind Kachdawala HO Kaya. Bechara Burkha Xistian KE PAISASA SE chala rahi HAI CHANNEL. Wayese BE karte rahe OR TUM Wayese hi LIKHTE RAHO. Isi me hogaega. Believe me. Hamare gharme 1983 me jab Engg College me 2nd year tha Bijli aaya. Harike jalna, jalwana etc janta hun. Pata hai ki . Bujh ne se pahle ekdam Super Nova ho jata hai. Eisahi inki.harkaten!
Principal? This piece of junk is unfit to wash a loo. It really concerns about the educational standards and discourse that goes out in her fiefdom. What kind of vermin live in the belly of our country?
+pmvura01 She is an extraordinary woman. But you, on the other hand, commenting things like she is unfit to wash a loo, you will never be half the person she is.
Brakha's agenda is clear. Defend those who try to offend the majority of India i.e. Hindus at any cost. Mohandas Pai, who has never be pro BJP or RSS in the past, made some very legitimate points but Barkha could not agree with him for the whole debate. This is height of double standards. When was the last time she called a Hindu representative who wrote against the Muslims because of attack of temples in the past? NDTV is pro communist, pro Church channel funded from the west to carry an agenda to defame India at any cost, especially the Hindus.
+de karma De karma, You need to distinguish between church organizations and westerners who want to live in a free world and don't give a fuck about Christianity or really any Religion.Look at liberal countries like France or Holland, that's what India needs to be like. Where you can practice any religion, worship any God, laugh at any God, marry who you want regardless of sex. The secular and libertarian values of these countries are by far more rational and logical and scientific than that of the current interpretations of Hindu Dharma. Because in Secular western morality, people are treated as fully human, not as robots built to be please some idiot who no one knows.On the topic of rationality, Hinduism and Hindu culture are not under threat in India. There is 950 million plus of Hindus who are still practising their culture today. Hindu temples have been attacked occasionally in India by terrorist attacks, usually by Islamists. But the Hindu population is still growing and there are many temples under construction.Why the hell would you want Hinduism to become an organized religion like Christianity or Islam? The beauty of Hinduism is that it is NOT an organized religion where you have to follow principles which you may not agree with. It gives you personal choice to worship the God of your choice. I know that India is westernising cause of globalisation and the internet and media but you can't just prevent westernized Indians from celebrating Christmas or watching Hollywood movies or listening to Pitbull or Flo Rida. India is not Saudi Arabia or Iran. And if Indians want to convert to Christianity, it is their choice, Doesn't say anywhere in any Hindu text to kill or persecute Christians.If you don't believe India should be a free society like France or Germany or Holland, give valid reasons. If you don't think Indians should be able to choose their faith with complete freedom, give valid reasons.The reason why Hindu fanatics have not yet committed a Charlie Hebdo-like Massacre is because Indian publishers and media groups have not yet dared to launch a satirical magazine with satirical, blasphemous and comical portrayals of Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Durga, or Lakshmi etc. The fact is that Charlie Hebdo-like magazine would never launch in India whilst the VHP, Shiv Shena and other Hindu extremists are getting so fuckin' offended and going fuckin' crazy by mockeries of their deities.I promise you, if Charlie Hebdo launched in India and had an satirical image of Lakshmi half-naked in their published magazine, the Modi government would immediately arrest the publishers or worse maybe some Hindu extremists might ransack the production office and attack the publishers with violence.So De Karma, if you support banning media which mocks Hindu Gods. You are no different to those Muslims globally who are praising the Charlie Hebdo killers.How is laughing at someone's God the same as such with one's Mum. Your Mum is someone who you know from the second you were born and who gave you life. God is a philosophical concept that someone has indoctrinated into you. So I don't understand. De Karma you need to learn to live in the 21st century.Finally the Yazidis are being persecuted because they are living under The ISIS regime who's objective is to commit genocide against infidels such as Christians. If they lived in the UK where freedom of religion is guaranteed, they would probably have no problem.I personally believe that Indians and Hindus should have the same rights and freedoms of that of Westerns of non-Hindus. And since Hindus worship goddesses like Saraswati, Durga and Lakshmi, there is no reason why Hindu women should not have the same rights as women in advanced European countries like Germany.
+peacegod101 First of all, nobody can be denied the right to appeal in Courts against anything he/she finds insensitive or offending to himself. Was PK banned?? Did RSS ask for the same?? Did RSS kill anybody when Hussain drew nude paintings or when PK could not be banned? It's incorrect of you to compare RSS with Islamic terrorist organizations. How do you justify your previous equation, RSS=ISIS=TALIBAN???" artwork with a light-hearted imagery of a Hindu God."  : Do you call MF Hussain's drawing nude paintings of Hindu Gods light hearted work? Imagine the situation of those who are emotionally attached to these Gods, just like a child is attached to it's mother. I can very well imagine it, even when I don't worship images. How would an atheist respond if nude paintings of his mother are drawn in the name of freedom by others??I very well understand the vastness of Hinduism, but principles like Universal Brotherhood and other idealistic ideas of Hinduism are not anymore practical to be implemented in the world today, when there are forces, which work as organized religions, wanting to denigrate and destroy the culture of Sanatana Dharma at any cost. Such scenario requires an organized Hinduism, rather than isolated fractions practicing their own Dharma and caring the least for those who also subscribe to the same philosophy. This non-unity of Hindus, has already costed us badly by getting invaded by Mughals in the past, and has resulted in the destruction of innumerable cultural heritage sites and temples and universities.The situation of the present world is such that if one tries to be a saint. the evil hawk like forces are waiting outside to annihilate the saint. Therefore organized voice of every culture becomes inevitable for its protection or else it faces the same fate as Yazidis are facing in Syria, a community which will become extinct in few years(or months) from now. I don't know if you are aware of the years long projects and institutionalized agendas being carried out by the west to destroy Hinduism, while at the same time cleverly appropriating those ideas which suit Christianity(Christian Yoga is one such example, google it if you want), without even acknowledging it's roots to Hinduism. Who is at the receiving end as a result?? The Hindus essentially and India eventually.Give a read to Rajiv Malhotra's Breaking India, which is a book based on 25 years of research by a man, who has worked as a Corporate and has seen the system very closely in the west. It exposes the agenda of the west, which is to initially prey upon and finally destroy the Dharmic traditions completely, just like the destruction of native American cultures which were not organized thinking that the world outside was a saint(just as people likeyou do), until Britishers took over them and limited their cultures to only museums. 
The reason why Hindus are expected to be liberal and open minded is for a couple of reasonsThere is no concept of blasphemy, heresy or apostasy in Hinduism. Instead the Hindu faith gives its followers absolute freedom to worship any God and says that all paths to God are sincere.Given that Hindus worship so many different Gods and Goddesses. It's mad and completely incomprehensible how any Hindu would even get offended, let alone protest for a nationwide ban on a Movie or product or artwork with a light-hearted imagery of a Hindu God.Hindus need to understand that what is sacred to them or sacred to any person's religion may not be sacred to an atheist or someone of a different religion.If certain Hindus have a massive issue with PK or MF Hussein. Don't watch it or look at it!!!!I believe that if you're going to be follower or a member of ANY religion. You need to be able to take criticism and insults and you need to able to not go crazy when your God or your religious leader is being mocked or laughed at or being shown in a light-heated way.
+peacegod101 The fact is that you have yourself not cited any source whatsoever to back up your allegations but expect them from others. Sorry, but this is called Hypocrisy.
+peacegod101 "Also every year why does the RSS. Sena and Bajrang Dal deny westernized Indians the right to celebrate Valentines' Day????": RSS never deny or strip anyone of their rights. If it had done so, it would already have been banned by the courts. Fringe elements of Bajrang Dal and VHP do the same, I agree, and which is absolutely wrong and appalling, but still not at the gun point. They don't "kill" people like Islamic organizations do."Why do they get angry when they're is an image of a Hindu God on a T-shirt or in a movie or a music video. Have they heard of freedom of speech??? "" Cite an exact example or event when RSS protested against such things with force or violence or like any other ISLAMIC ORGANIZATION.. Obviously, everyone has a right to get angry and so do they. They can file complaints in courts against anything they dislike or they are free to even condemn it, just like you are free to criticize or be cynical of them.RSS speaks up for the Hindus and when people like MF Hussain draw nude paintings of Hindu's gods, why would they not be allowed to protest, unless they are killing or harming somebody? Could a nude Prophet be drawn or allowed to wear on T shirts, even in India(forget Arab or Pak), even by the most liberal Muslims??. Why is it that only Hindus are expected to be liberal and open minded?
+peacegod101 "why are they conducting Ghar Whapsi then???"RSS never started it but VHP did. Why are Christians missionaries involved in proselytizing for 100's of years?? Why did Muslims invade and killed and converted millions of Hindus?  "Why are they calling converts away from Hinduism traitors and enemies of the Indian State???" :Give me the proof. I hear RSS' Mohan Bhagwat, show me that  he said this if you can. "Why are they saying that Muslims and Christians are not to be welcomed and not to be treated as Indian citizens???": Again, back it up with proof. They never say that minorities are not be be treated as Indians but they say that we all have same cultural(not religious) roots, which are Hindu or Bharatiya. Even Bharat is a Hindu term. If you don't want to accept it, they aren't forcing you at the point of gun!! But unfortunately for you, even scientifically backed studies show that all Indians have the same DNA and Sanatana Dharma is the cultural backbone of this land. We might follow different religions, which is absolutely fine, but do we all not belong to the same culture, "Why did their friends, the Shiv Sena imply that Muslims should be stripped of democratic voting rights??":    Did RSS endorse it or said anything like that? Friends can say anything. Friends of "secular" Congress and AAP , such as Communists and parties like MIM spread venom all the time. Does that mean that the Congress or AAP too endorse their views. Followers of Islam kill people all the time, does that mean that their fellow Muslim friends also subscribe to the same?? Talk some sense please..
+de karma You say that Hindus need a strong leader?. Cause they do! They need one which represents the interests of ALL Hindus and one which respects the cultural diversity within Hinduism and the freedom of Hindus to practice their faith or convert to another faith.If The RSS have no problem with non-Hindus or converts from Hinduism Then why are they conducting Ghar Whapsi then??? Why are they calling converts away from Hinduism traitors and enemies of the Indian State???Why are they saying that Muslims and Christians are not to be welcomed and not to be treated as Indian citizens???Why did their friends, the Shiv Sena imply that Muslims should be stripped of democratic voting rights???Also every year why does the RSS. Sena and Bajrang Dal deny westernized Indians the right to celebrate Valentines' Day????Why do they get angry when they're is an image of a Hindu God on a T-shirt or in a movie or a music video. Have they heard of freedom of speech??? How does a guy in London wearing a T-Shirt with the Goddess Lakshmi have an effect on a Hindu who lives in Delhi or Mumbai???If you think that they're should be a cultural apartheid like their is in Iran or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, fine. But you have to justify or back up your reasoning with facts and evidence.
+peacegod101 Hinduism is not a religion that it could be followed, first of all. Hinduism is a culture. If RSS had not been there, India would have already been an Islamic country by now. And btw, it is too stupid of you to compare RSS with ISIS and Boko Haram. RSS does not use guns, they don't ask Hindus to blow Muslims in the name of God. They don't kill innocents in bus, they don't abduct girls and rape them, they don't bomb people just because somebody belongs to other religion. If somebody speaks up for Hindus, there is absolutely nothing wrong in that, for in the present situation, every community requires to have a strong representative body to further it's interests or it would diminish from the face of earth, just like the Yazidis in Syria, a community which has almost been demolished by the ISIS. There is no word that could describe the audacity with which Islamic terrorists kill people. And you are comparing RSS with ISIS? Tell me when was the last time you saw RSS converting people at the point of gun, or killing or raping women? RSS men are the first ones to devote themselves to help the Indians in times of any natural calamities or during wars. What a pathetic comment of yours which compares RSS with Islamic organizations!!
+de karma RSS are NOT Hindu. They are just like Boko Haram and ISIS other than the fact that they claim to be Hindus, not Muslims. They think they're following Hinduism but really, they don't know a thing.
+de karma Exactly w8 i was trying to say. Bibi Burkh Dutt is confudesed born Hindu, Fucked Muchurman, and paid ny NDTV xistian. Bechary jae to jae kanha. Bataiun? Grand Road
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