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Heritage college fighting leaf Videos

Their Heritage IS HATE 1


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hate speech. you are taking a sam[le of a very minute peice of time. It seems revenge is being taught from the pulpit these days. having said that, Glen Beck aint right either. peace be with you, Ghostman Blue out
glen beck seems like he is a racist. and from what i know the mormons are racist. i know you gotta be in the club to go into the sanctuary. I read the history, that stuff is preposterous. I dont know how anyone could follow that fable. Just remember not all of us are the same. Its all about heart. But we all have a space to fill, a destiny. I know that my name may be on a few list for speaking my heart, but there is only one list im worried about. personally my brother im just waiting on my ride.  I hope for the world repentance, but with the hate spreading around, and the way ive been seeing people act towards each other, i dont have much hope.God speed my friend. I wish Gods blessing and truth be upon you, and we can all meet up and jam out in Heaven. ONe thing i will say is there is no doubt in my mind that Black folk especially many i knew growing up are a spiritual race, and it saddens me to see them be exploited and manipulated. Money is evil, thats what corrupted my folks. We came here three generations ago fleeing hitler, not jewish, but not down with hitler. Its been a hard road, and i dont see it getting easier for any of us till we come together. Jesus is Lord
+tristan slaughter You are correct about my logic. May I invite you to look at my videos entitled "it's not Hate; It's Heritage'. You will see that all of those who you say we should beat the hell out... THE BIBLE SAYS... WE WILL!! And I am making a special request to buy you!! Do me a favor and check out the videos and fight with me in those comments. Oh Yeah, one more favor... share this video with all of your friends that think exactly like you. I want to chat with them also.
+Baptized A Scribe nah you perpesctive is bullshit . if we went by your logic, every white person should be beating Italian ass right for the Romans. Using your logic again you should be beating west Africans ass for selling you. Most whites don't even descend from people who have done shit to you. Like I said your perspective is bullshit. I fucking date you to try revenge bro I really fucking do. The police don't fucking target your bastard people. Your people commit crime every fucking day!
+James Morris Listen my gentle Caucasian friend. It has been over 400 years of the same genocide towards blacks. Question... when did these actions change? Do we not see blacks being targeted by authorities on a daily basis? I can talk about Reconstruction period if you want. Or the Jim Crow period. What about the Civil Rights period. All of them were deadly for my people by the hands of your people. I am not mad at you bud... just look at things from another perspective and perception other than your own. Deal??

Heritage Minutes: Nat Taylor

An enterprising Canadian cinema operator invents the modern multi-screen movie theatre (1972).

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It's interesting to see what influence Canada has had on the world in such subtle ways we don't even realize.

Lawless: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law

In "Lawless", George Mason University law professor David E. Bernstein offers a scholarly and unsettling account of how the Obama Administration has ...

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Reagan gave immigrants amnesty with an executive order, is that not an overreach of power to you? Of course not, you are such idiots!
+EnemyOfReligion2012 Even though he actually didn't, the answer is yes, it would've been.
stop quote mining and actually do research, it's not that hard.
+EnemyOfReligion2012 There was a law passed by Congress. That is the way it has been done in the past. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986

The Heritage Initiative - USC Fundraising Campaign

SUBSCRIBE to support USC Athletics: //bit.ly/SjpuRl TrojanAthleticFund.com: //bit.ly/UJT2zp USCAthletics is your Trojans sports guide, bringing you ...
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