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Depressing hate quotes Videos

Opie and Anthony - Jim Norton self hatred tirade

User Comments

I never really felt Jimmy before until this segment. I feel the exact same way, and worst of all is that no amount of support, validation, or reinforcement makes you feel any better. It's fucked; I used to fantasize about jumping off my roof, landing on my neck, but then I feared that I'd fuck that up too and become a paraplegic (which is fucked since I'd then be in the same spot of laying in bed reflecting on my own failure, but with the added bonus of not being able to make a second attempt).
hope you feel better man
This is some dark shit, and Jimmy makes gold out of it. He's a genius.
You're idiot.Mic drop
+rabid rabbitshuggers Thought I could let it go, but you're so much of an arrogant fuck that I have to make one last point.No shit people can use their deductive reasoning skills to grasp the concept of a situation. Nobody said that people can't do that; The Sapien-Neanderthal argument isn't even valid here. I said on a PERSONAL LEVEL they both didn't understand his pain, since they even said they didn't get why he felt like that. I said while people were laughing, he wasn't joking, since he was actually pissed off (when he knocked his coffee over, they said 'Ha! Look at his face!").Nobody said people can't grasp the concept, but not everyone has been depressed was my ONLY point. Now, with that said, I'm dropping this. Blocking you as well so I don't have to read another strawman argument.
I was...quoting you...Pro-tip: don't reply to comments that you initially disagree with, because you don't know how to argue your point.
Since you can't seem to keep your emotions under control, I'm not even going to bother engaging you.Also, your analogies were horrible and were nothing short of appeal to emotion. The only stupid person is you, since you're completely misinterpreting what I'm saying and attacking a strawman at this point.But yeah, I'm stupid and you're brilliant. So brilliant that you have to attack arguments nobody made.
NOBODY FUCKING SAID HE WASN'T DEAD SERIOUS YOU RETARD. YOU ARE AN IDIOT.When Richard Pryor talked about lighting himself on fire in his stand-up act, don't you think he was serious? I'm willing to bet you NOBODY IN THAT AUDIENCE HAD ALSO POURED A BOTTLE OF BOURBON OVER THEMSELVES AND LIT THEMSELVES ON FIRE. But guess what? They understood his pain, and they marveled at his ability to make the experience funny.Do you actually--ACTUALLY--think it matters that everyone has the same exact experience in order to have a connection? Is a doctor not allowed to treat a person with a broken leg unless the doctor has also experienced having a broken leg as well?It's not about what about what EVERYBODY else has experienced. If you're listening to Jimmy's amazing rant and all you can think is, "Golly gee, nobody else in dat room wuz also suicidal, so its nah funnie", you're shouldn't be listening to the radio. You shouldn't be using a computer. You shouldn't be allowed anywhere near electrical appliances, because you will inevitably shock and kill yourself by trying to bring your computer with you during bath time.Holy shit. It's almost refreshing to hear someone this stupid.
+rabid rabbitshuggers The fact that you have two people in the recording not getting what Jimmy is talking about on a personal level, not being able to relate to him whatsoever, but still laughing at his 'jokes' kind of aids my point over yours. Again, I know LOTS of people who laugh when I make jokes about how my mother was a POS, but they all had good fucking mothers and cannot relate to what I talk about.My whole point is that he isn't joking when he said everything he said. He's dead serious that he wants to kill himself, that he feels inadequate, that it drives him nuts. Literally all I said was "He isn't joking while telling those jokes", and that 'people don't get it'. Closing argument of mine: You were the one who said 'take things that everyone has experienced', so I threw that back in your face. I never experienced my Dad pissing on my bed to get back at me as a child because my parents split up, but I still laughed when my friend told me about it because it sounded fucked up. Did I understand his pain? Not even close.
Squeezes head in handsGod. DAMN IT.I wasn't saying "it's funny because everyone's drug addict." You don't have to be a fucking drug addict to know what that kind of pain and loneliness that he's talking about feels like. And the fact he takes that totally recognizable pain and makes it funny is what makes him a genius.I would like to conclude this exchange by pointing out the obvious: YOU don't get it. YOU don't understand why this is funny. And that's okay. But it doesn't, and never will change what people have said and written about comedians like Jim Norton, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin and the like: the ability to talk about immense pain and make it funny is what separates a good comedian from a great one.
+rabid rabbitshuggers I don't think everyone's experienced drug addiction, and being forced into rehab after slicing their own wrists (that's what Jimmy went through). Again, people don't understand what he's talking about, they just laugh because it sounds funny how he's saying it.People laugh when I joke around about my past all the time, but it doesn't mean they understand what I went through. In an atmosphere where nobody's joking, they cry or are astonished, they don't laugh.
I disagree with your last point -- I think people find it hilarious because they DO get it. Jimmy has the Richard Pryor ability to take things that everyone has experienced, go to a level that could be extremely depressing in the hands of a lesser comedian, and make it screamingly hilarious.
+rabid rabbitshuggers The worst thing is, he isn't joking throughout this video. I know exactly how he feels, and despite how much comedic timing he's using and how people are laughing, he's not actually having fun talking about this stuff, nor is he trying to make it comedic gold. It's only gold because the people listening don't get it.
Opie is such a little faggot pussy with his gay little banana and his milk 
+Jeremiah Mirkovitz *blueburries
+cody gregory dont forget the blueberries
I don't know why, but I can't fucking get any of kevyn999's videos to load. What the eff is the deal, YouTube or my ISP?!
+Trond Teigen you are my hero!
Changed it top 360p and it worked!
+kevyn999 Strange. But yeah, it's only some of your videos, not all of them, I was mistaken in saying that earlier. The only real option I'd suggest to fix them is to re-post the ones you posted through there, but there's an alternate source for a lot of the broken files, so I wouldn't really worry about it too much. Thanks just the same, I know I appreciate the effort made by you!
+ClibanariusJJ You're not the only person to say this, and I have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. Something to do with tunestotube.com, the site I use to upload these I guess.
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