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Depressing memories quotes Videos

Memory Quotes -Gold

Memories define us, they make us who we are. Here are some golden quotes related to memories and lives. Watch in full screen.

Anne Elliot/Captain Wentworth '...Don't forget me, I beg.' {Persuasion}

User Comments

@Nacha255 That could possibly be the reason. I mean, she wrote it way before she got all tangled up in that whole Tom Lefroy business and before she ever had any romantic troubles. So yeah, you're right, I bet it's her own youth that shines through in her writing. You could say the same for her later work. For example, Persuasion is definitley the darkest and most angsty of her novels and she wrote that just before she died and was gravely ill. I think her writing reflected her life quite often.
@Nacha255 Oh my, I can't agree more! Northanger Abbey is actually probably my favourite Austen novel, just because it seems far more lighthearted than the others (Besides Emma, maybe) and Henry Tilney is actually my favourite Austen guy because, like you said, he's funny and friendly. I love the way he teases Catherine and how he's kind of like a teacher to her. He's also very youthful compared to others like Darcy/Wentworth/Colonel Brandon. But Wentworth is definitley my second favourite! :D
@AlwaysEnjoyTheMusic EXACTLY! I love how Henry always makes jokes and teases Catherine, and I love how he makes her a more mature person. I know Northanger Abbey was the first novel Austen wrote (even though it wasn't published until later), so I wonder if it has a more youthful hero and a more lighthearted feel because Austen herself was younger when she wrote it?
Excellent job. I have never considered Persuasion sad, really, because, as you say, there is (spoiler!) a happy ending. (How CUTE is the ending, BTW? "And nothing, you may be sure, will ever persuade me otherwise." PERFECT.) However, there is certainly a lot of angst! Great vid!
@AlwaysEnjoyTheMusic Haha, yes, Capt. Wentworth is definitely swoon-worthy! Though my favorite Austen hero is actually Henry Tilney (from Northanger Abbey, the book more than the movie). Mainly because he's funnier and friendlier than your average Austen guy, and less brooding.
@Nacha255 Thankyou! :) And yes, I agree. Best ending ever! 'I have loved none but you.' Seriously, Captain Wentworth...*swoon*. Darcy who?! aha :P

Wish it Would Break

User Comments

Wow ._. Really sad story...... you should write a fanfic or something, I'd love to read it.... Favorited!
@0o0wolfwhispers0o0 Thanks for the wonderful comment. And I'll think about the fanfic.
Wow such a sad video, I was close to tears when I saw the ending.
Thank you for the comment.
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