I'm not specifically glad about Larry being dead. The idea is to keep the
most characters in your group alive. No one should die, even if they're
being an ass.
+Kokoro Cala Since when is the idea to keep the most characters in your group alive? Besides, Larry dies no matter what you do, all your decision does is show whether you side with Kenny or Lilly, and influence how they treat you from that point. Larry and Lilly were both toxic influences to the group and needed to be removed from it one way or another.
When I played, I took the stuff from the car and Clementine got the hoodie.
If you don't take the stuff, like in this version, does Clementine never
have the Brooklyn hoodie in the next episodes?!
The St. Johns aren't retards. They will check them for supplies and weapons.
App Tour eps Apple Music
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