Fender jaguar bass active Videos

Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar® Bass Special Sound Test

Hi there, here is my review about Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Special. This bass is crafted in Indonesia and it has awesome sunburst finish. I like the P ...

User Comments

Dude I got a kind of stupid beginner on active-bass question on this bass, on fender page it says it has an "Active bass boost" but I don't know if both of pick ups are active, I mean of they aren't, can you play the bass without the 9v battery? I imagine the battery is just for the boost or it is for the full working of the bass pickups? If you could answer me that man, please! They don't sell this bass in my country so I can't try it before buying it from amazon :/ thanks man!
Hi Vince, overall this bass is great from the action and the finish. The sound quality is also good for general use. You will notice the difference after you plug it for recording.
not so sure man, but this one is not the short scale one. You can check the official web page for clearer info
I'll buy you one, just give me the money man :D
is this bass good for a beginner like me
iya gan, kebetulan dapetnya di UK
how long is it from end to tail?
hahaha..test tin :D
hueee anyar eeeh
I want one..!

Fender Jaguar Bass Guitar - Rock Test

Just testing it to a rock feel type groove with the active humming those deep lows tones! (especially low G????) - uploaded via //www.mp32u.net/ Short slap ...

Squier Jaguar Active Bass

Got this bass under 200 bucks. Can't believe how sweet it sounds and how easy it plays. I am playing it through an epiphone guitar amp...and it still sounds tight.

User Comments

i saw your other vids u had a sky bass acoustic? is it a shortscale bass? can u tell me more about it?
That was beastly. I'm definitely getting that bass. Cute doggy btw :)
pre+jazz. Thanks man. Def a sweet bass. Unbelievable for the price.
That was sick, dude. Good find and great playin'.
hells yea just got a new bass maself
Thanks man. Miss yah bro.
He rocks! Thanks. :)
Crazy sick man! 
Thanks You! :)
cute dog

Fender Deluxe Active Okoume Jazz Bass Guitar Review

Built using Okoume, an African hardwood, the Fender Deluxe Active Okoume Jazz Bass is different in looks, but it's certainly a classic Fender model at heart.

User Comments

is there a "notch" on the pickup blend knob at 12 O'clock or the middle?
Where do you work to get enough money for all these instruments?
How does it stand up against other feneder jazz bass guitars? 
Thanks for the review, really nice bass
That's some really nice playing :)
looks like short scale

Fender Deluxe Active P Bass Special (Jaryn Janek)

Tento produkt zapůjčil hudební obchod Music City - //www.music-city.cz/deluxe-active-p-bass-special-rosewood-fingerboard-chrome-red-13671.html Více ...

User Comments

el sonido esta bello pero no pongan a un drogado a provar bajos -.-
+Thomas Adler jajaja pusieron a este drogadicto porqe tiene ''feeling'' XD
where i can buy one? how much?
+Daniel Toral I saw one at a Guitar Center near here for $700

Avalon U5 Class A Active Direct Box with Fender Jazz Bass

Find great deals on the Avalon U5 on Reverb.com Click Here https://reverb.com/marketplace?utm_source=shnobel&query=avalon+u5&_aid=shnobel Avalon ...

User Comments

Sounds just the way everybody wants his bass to sound to start building up the sound from there on.....great video. Thanks.

RUSH Clockwork Angels Fender Squier Active Jazz V bass cover

Hello Everyone ! A few years ago I was very excited when I took delivery of this new Fender Squier Jazz V. I was very curious as to how it would sound because ...

User Comments

i trying to stare at that bass that looks like geddy's in the background and you keep walking in front of it. AUUGGHHH!!! jk
And another goodie...//youtu.be/1byyWrmE1Zw
Here's a good look at it... thanks for the support.//www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaOzPujroRs
I came here looking for demos of that Squier Jazz V. What an excellent way to demo that bass along to the Holy Trinity. Excellent cover and that bass sounds so damn good. I'm taking it those are Rotosounds strings?
Also check out my Natural Science and Show Don't Tell vids, both recorded with the Fender Deluxe Active Jazz V.
Thanks HStrung44. This Bass kicks ass I love it. The price point is really good, most people can afford it. This one was $329 USD new. From Indonesia I think 2012. For RUSH songs I also use a multi pedal from Delta Labs with an amp emulator and compression/eq. Most of what you hear is the real sound of the bass, the effects help balance the "attack" providing more consistency as I use different right hand techniques. yes, RotoSound strings RS665LD in this case.
Very good job Dave and Bass sound also , you nailed it
Thanks TheSansAmp for checking it out. Lots of vids on your channel, I'll be spending some time there !
Hello Dave! Good to see you playng another great song. And thanks for sharing with us
+vtx1300dave New Jersey and USA Rocks!!We can hear a wonderful timbre and a execution of precision when you play this song. Particulary I like the Fender basses because it has a special and original sound, it seems like a humbucker sound, powerful and clean. It's a ear punch! 
Thanks Daniel ! I had fun with this one as I always do. Long overdue as I had posted a "preview" video I think 2 years ago now. Lot of family events and distractions have prevented frequent uploads but I do play every day and enjoy meeting other mucians and music lovers whenever the opportunity arises. Thanks for the words of encouragement ! Greetings from New Jersey, USA ! Rock ON !

Fender Rumble 500 V3 Reseña por Carlos Villafuentes (w/english subs)

https://facebook.com/Pryamo https://twitter.com/_pryamo https://pryamo.net https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/pryamo/id886269225 La reseña del amplificador ...

User Comments

el rumble 500 v3, funcionada solo con cabezal??
Hola +Frank Vegas soy Carlos, el bajista que aparece en el videoPara el audio del video se uso la salida directa del ampli conectada a una interfaseLos gabinetes los use para escucharme mientras grababa el video
Que gabinetes son? los rumble o los neo?
+george Lopez De Ampeg solo he usado el combo B100R que es un poco parecido en construcción a la serie Portaflex, en lo personal me gustaba mucho, pero el sonido era mas vintage (el combo estaba hecho para sonar asi) En cuanto a los Rumble creo que si dan un sonido mas moderno, y ademas son muy fáciles de mover por sus dimensiones y peso Seria cuestión de ver cual combina mas con tu rig actual
+RABALAK Si lo teniamos planeado pero lo cortamos para que no durara tanto el video jaja Que bueno que te gusto la review!
+PRYAMO has usado ampeg? estoy tratando expandir mi rig y me cuesta decidir si comprar un ampeg portaflex 4x10 o un fender rumble 4x10...me gusta mucho el portaflex pero lo veo un poco caro.....recomendaciones?
Gracias!! Hubieran comentado también sobre ellos para que estuviera mas completa la review. Aún así buen trabajo lml
Hola +RABALAK son de la serie Rumble Son el 410 y el 115
abarcaron muchas de las tesituras posibles y eso muy útil, ni las reseñas gringas están tan completas, gracias!!
So true...
Que bueno que te gusto el review +Joel Quintero La verdad es un amplicador bastante versátil
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