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Usf tampa information technology Videos

USF faculty and staff members sing a Christmas jingle!

Associate Professor of Mathematics Jason Douma, Professor of Biblical Studies John Hiigel, Director of Choral Activities Dave DeHoogh-Kliewer and Vice ...

Innovators in Information Technology (Full Video)

Florida's world-class assets in information technology become apparent in the stories below, which tell of innovations developed by a few of the state's experts in ...

User Comments

Your Video Is Very Useful Sharing Florida's world-class assets in information technology become apparent in the stories below, which tell of innovations developed by a few of the state's experts in this important industry.
Good, I like that you share this video, I wish success always Florida's world-class assets in information technology become apparent in the stories below, which tell of innovations developed
Nice Video Florida's world-class assets in information technology become apparent in the stories below, which tell of innovations developed That You Share , So Very Nice Thanks You
I Really Like The Video From Your Florida's world-class assets in information technology become apparent in the stories below, which tell of innovations developed

USF.edu Usability Testing

A Look at the USF FL Center for Instructional Technology

James Welsh, the Director of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at the USF College of Education, talks about the FCIT and how technology can be ...
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