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Edinburgh university website Videos

RBS ESSA 2014 Bronze Finalist - University of Edinburgh Salsa Society

University of Edinburgh Salsa Society are competing in the RBS ESSA Bronze Final to win the top prize of £5000. In order to win they need to gain more views ...

User Comments

Salsa is more than just a dance, it is a way of communication, connects people, brings joy to us and is truly life changing :)
It's also a pretty fucking good condiment.

Edinburgh University Shorinji Kempo Branch: Demonstration for Innovative Learning Week

Official website: //www.edinburghuniversityshorinjikempobranch.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edinburghunishornjikempo.

Edinburgh University Korfball Club

Promo video for EUKC (shot in 2008). Check out our website for Freshers' Week events, or come see us at the Sports Fair!

Runners Guide to Edinburgh

Edinburgh University Shorinji Kempo Branch: Demonstration in Dundee

Demo in Dundee Comic-con Branch website: //www.edinburghuniversityshorinjikempobranch.com/ Facebook: ...

Edinburgh Varsity 2014

Watch the entire game again, as the Napier Knights hosted the Edinburgh Predators for the Edinburgh Varisty 2014 at Meggetland Stadium on the 2nd February!

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