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Edinburgh university education Videos

Education UK web case study: Edinburgh Napier University

We add to the videos we have made for Loughborough University and Glasgow Caledonian University a further example of the lousy service offered by the ...

Edinburgh Students protest against cuts to education

University of Edinburgh students speak up against cuts to education and tell us why they will be marching in London as part of the National Student Demo on ...

User Comments

Good for you but it will make no affect as the satanic freemasons that are in the majority of our government have one thing on their mind and that is to establish their New World Order. They need our taxes for more illegal immoral wars and corruption. They do not serve us they serve themselves and their own evil desires.
Everywhere the same shit! uniting globally for free emancipatory education for all !!! ~ one world - one struggle ~
why do you give a shit?....education is free in Scotland...

Prof. Siân Bayne - The Trouble with Digital Education

Professor Siân Bayne, Personal Chair of Digital Education, delivers her inaugural lecture entitled, The Trouble with Digital Education. Digital technologies in ...

Duncan Pritchard: Extended Knowledge and Education

Professor Duncan Pritchard (University of Edinburgh) Extended Knowledge Project​ ​Impact Event, 28th January 2016.

View my Higher Education Achievement Report (0:43)

The video is view only and does not include any audio narration. Guidance is provided in text. To receive the information within the videos in an alternative ...

6.1. INTROPHIL - The Aim of Science Saving the Phenomena vs Truth

Week six of the University of Edinburgh's "Introduction to Philosophy" (INTROPHIL) open online course. Dr Michela Massimi School of Philosophy, Psychology ...
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